
出版時(shí)間:2010-3  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:國(guó)務(wù)院發(fā)展研究中心信息中心 編  頁(yè)數(shù):171  


2009 was the most difficult year for China's development since the start of the new century. However, it hasmainly been the Chinese economy thathas taken the lead in breaking through theglobal financial crisis, thereby providing aglimmer of hope for the global economicrecovery. Faced with the serious effectsof the global financial crisis, the Chinesegovernment and people are united,collectively moving forward andovercoming the challenges at hand. China,in an attempt to move towards stableeconomic development, has achievedgratifying results and gained the world'sattention.   In 2009 the CPC Central Committee andthe State Council persisted in regardingthe maintenance of smooth, relatively fasteconomic development as their chief task,maintaining a proactive fiscal policy anda moderately loose monetary policy, fullyimplementing a comprehensive stimulusplan in response to the serious effects ofthe financial crisis, effectively restraininga lag in economic growth trend, therebysuccessfully achieving the goal of "an8% GDP growth." In 2009 the mainthemes in the economy are highlightedby the following points: maintainingeconomic growth, structural adjustment,expanding domestic demand, benefiting


  The Development Research Center of the State Council(DRC) is a policy research and consulting institutiondirectly under the State Council of the Peoples Republicof China. Its main function is to undertake researchon the overall, comprehensive, strategic and long-term issues related to the national economy, socialdevelopment, reform and opening-up and providepolicy suggestions and consulting advice to the CPCCentral Committee and the State Council. The mainfunctions of the Information Center include: editing andpublishing DRCs internal study results and distributingexternal publications including Economic Reference,among which China Development Review (in Chineseand English) is an academic and research journal forinternational exchanges; collecting information anddata required in DRCs research work; conducting therelevant research projects, and providing informationand consulting services.


China Successfully Achieves the Target of an % GDP Growth
Economic Restructuring
Expaion of Domestic Demand
Go All Out to Guarantee Employment
Anticipation for Inflation
Adjustment of Resource Price
Income Distribution Reform
Improvement of Salary Statistical System
Proactive Fiscal Policy
Tax Revenue Fit Dropped and Then Rebounded in
Structural Tax Relief
Issue of Local Government Bonds
"Province Governing County" Fiscal Reform
Moderately Loose Monetary Policy
Tremendous Credits
RMB Exchange Rate Remai Stable throughout the Year
Macro-prudential Regulation of Financial Sector
Classified Regulation of Iurance Sector
Cross'Border Trade Settlement in RMB on a Trial Basis
Banks Allowed to Invest in Iurance Companies
New Policy Promulgated for SME Financing
A Share Market to Be Bullish in the Chinese Year of the Ox
GEM Makes a Successful Debut
Resumption of IPO China Ping An Acquires Shenzhen Development
ICBC, CCB and BOC Rank Top Three in the World for Market
Grain Output Increase in Great Drought
Planning of Grain Production Capacity
Reform of Collective Forest Right System
Reform of Rural Finance System
Cotruction of Rural Circulation System
New Rural Social Endowment Iurance
Employment of Migrant Rural Worke
Increase of Subsidies for Purchase of Agricultural Machinery and
Household Electrical Appliances, Automobiles and Motorcycles
Going to the Countryside
Revitalization Planning for Ten Major Industries
Revitalization Planning for Cultural Industry
Cotruction of Infrastructure for Communicatio and Traport
Sharp Rise in both Price and Quantity on Commodity House Market
Automobile Production and Sales Jumping to No of the World
Self-reliance Innovation
Development of Bioindustry
Official Issuance of G Licee
New Energy Automobiles
Internet of Things
Excess Production Capacity and Control and TreAtment
Regulation and Control of Land
Restructuring of Coal Enterprises in Shanxi
Oveeas Acquisition by Chinese Enterprises
Overall Balance in Power Supply and Demand
New Energy Industry: Development and Problems
Cotruction of Intelligent Power Grid
Gaming Between Coal and Power
Low Carbon Economy
Energy Coervation and Emission Reduction
Official Implementation of Reform in Pricing, Taxes and Fees of
Refined Petroleum Products
Copenhagen Climate Conference: the Solemn Promise by the Chinese


插圖:After that the two gaming sides madepeculiar tricks in order to get the rightto speak on contract price. The coalenterprises "limited output to maintainprice" by taking the opportunity whenthe government closed down smallcoal mines and enhanced safety controland treatment. The "limiting output tomaintain price" supported the coal pricein the first half of 2009 to a great extent.Although the coal supply was abundant,there was no major price drop in the firsthalf of the year. The power enterprises,unwilling to be on the weak position,started importing coal in large amountby taking the opportunity when theworld coal price and ocean freight werelow. The drop of ocean freight at thebeginning of the year also increased thecompeting power of the imported coal.The coal import by power enterprises wasthe direct cause to the price downturn ofdomestic coal in the first half of the year.   In June, after over five months ofdeadlock by the coal and power sides,the five major power groups collectivelyannounced that they had signed a majorpower coal supply contract with the coalenterprises in Shandong Province withagreement to increase the price by 4%; bySept.





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