出版時(shí)間:2010-1 出版社:五洲傳播出版社 作者:李廉鳳 頁數(shù):132
Classical poems are an integral part ofChinese culture. The poems have beenmemorized, savoured and handed downfrom one generation to the next. Famouslines are quoted frequently in both daily lifeconversations and official speeches. Shi and Ci, though both classical Chinesepoems, are different in many ways. Thinvolnmo fon Ci. Some of the mostwel-known Ci poems, mostly from the SongDynasty (960-1279), are psented in thisbook. The unique bilingual format captures thecadence and the spirit of each poem. Thehanyu pinyin to all Chinese charactersmakes it possible for people who cannotread Chinese language can also appreciatethe poems. The author explains the poemsin such a way that you will find readingclassical Chinese poems can be easy andfun. Enjoy the book!
Li Lienfung was born and raised inShanghai, and educated in the USA?。∕ills College and Cornell University). Her professional life was spent as a chemist inThailand, and it was only when sheretired in Singapore that shereverted to her first love - Chinese literature. Completely fluent inEnglish and Chinese, her bilingualcolumns ran for decades in various newspapers in Singapore.
1. The Rules for Composing Ci2. Say it with the Correct Tone3. The Poet King Li Yu and His Ether4. Li Yu: Poems by a Prisoner5. Liu Yong the Favourite of Courtesans6. Su Dongpo : The Man Himself7. "In Memoriam"8. "Escaping from Here"9. Poems to His Brother from Su Dongpo 10. The Personality of Su Dongpo 11. Li Qingzhao : Her Life12. "The Wind has Stopped"13. "The Evening Breeze"14. Lu You : "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!"15. A Love Poem16. Poems by Chairman Mao
wine house to another, some of their tunes becamevery popular and were repeated. The singers oftenrequested new lyrics to be written for an old songso they could sing them without having to learn anew tune. As time passed, poets were invited towrite the lyrics, and the ci created became a poeticform that could be sung to definite tunes. But later,ci moved further and further away from courtesansand wine-shop entertainment. It gradually becamea mainstream form of poetry, written by scholars toexpress their own emotions. But as tradition wouldhave it, it retained its original diao. In other words,a ci must be written as if it was to be sung to acertain tune of diao. Eventually the tunes becameless important, and they are now lost to us. Only thediao remains. Diao has become a song withoutmusic.