
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:(加)Pan Yun-chong 編  頁數(shù):244  


THE HISTORICAL I4-YEAR QUEST OF THE 7TH CENTURY CHINESE MONK, XUANZANG, TO OBTAIN BUDDHIST SUTRAS TRAVELLING THROUGH XINJIANG, AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN AND INDIA.    Yun-Chong Pans retelling of the story, originally crafted by the Ming Dynasty story-teller, Wu Chengen, will captivate children with its fantasy, and delight young and old with its layers of reality and satire grounded in Chinese, Indian, Greek, and Old Testament mythology.


編者:(加拿大)Pan Yun-chongY. C. PAN was born in Taiwan in 1935. Heemigrated to Toronto, Canada in 1962 andenrolled at the University of Toronto. Afterworking as an economist, Pan embarked on acareer with the government and the CanadianInternational Development Agency.The "Stone Monkey" fable is based on hisrecollections as a young parent telling storiesto his three growing children who were alwayshis wide-eyed audience.


PART 1  Chapter 1: The Birth of the Magic Monkey  Chapter 2: The Stone Monkey Becomes King  Chapter 3: Monkey King is Struck by the Notion of Mortality  Chapter 4: The Monkey King Seeks Immortality  .  Chapter 5: Sun Wukong Learns Immortality  Chapter 6: Sun Wukong Reestablishes his Kingdom  Chapter 7: Sun Wukong's Kingdom Thrives  Chapter 8: Sun Wukong Acquires the Weapon of his Choice  Chapter 9: Sun Wukong Raids the Underworld  Chapter 10: Sun Wukong Gets a Job in Heaven  Chapter 11" Sun Gets his Title of Heavenly Grand Fairy  Chapter 12" Sun Steals the Heavenly Peach and Longevity Pills  Chapter 13: Heavenly Army Attacks Sun  Chapter 14: The Buddha Vanquishes Sun Wukong  Chapter 15: The Buddha Wishes to Save the Souls of Mankind  Chapter 16; Kuanyin's Recruitment Tour  Chapter 17: Birth of the Holy Monk  Chapter 18: Chinese Emperor Tours the Underworld  Chapter 19: Monk Chen Volunteers to Go West  Chapter 20" Sanzang's (Monk Chen) Journey Starts  Chapter 21: Sun WukongJoins Sanzang  Chapter 22: Sanzang Collects More Disciples  Chapter 23: The Theft of the Robe and the Submission of theBlack Bear    Chapter 24: Zhu Bajie (Di Baggai)Joins……PART 2PART 3BPILOGUE


插圖:The Monkey King embarked on his voyage, and after a fewmonths, he hit the shore of a magic continent. He went intothe town, asking for the master who can teach him immortality,and eventually came to an ashram (hermitage). He asked to beaccepted as a disciple.He was admitted as a novice, and was given the name SunWukong. As a novice, he had to take on a servant's work, such ascooking, sweeping, woodcutting, washing, and serving the masterand the higher disciples. After a few years, he was able to learnsome of the teachings by listening to the lectures while sweepingoutside of the dassrooms.A few years later, he was slowly admitted to the lectures.When he heard the first lecture, and understood its profoundmeaning, he was overjoyed, and jumped with joy. Tne Masterchided him for frivolity, but Sun Wukong explained that he wasso happy to hear the truth that he could not contain himself. TneMaster then asked him what he wanted to learn. Sun Wukongsaid he wanted to learn the way to achieve immortality. The Master said,"How about'Shu' (craft).? Sun asked whatit does. The Master said it involves witchcraft and medicine. Sunasked if this would help with immortality and the Master said,"No:' Sun said,"Then I do not wish to learn it:'The Master said, "How about 'Liu' (scholarship). It wouldenlighten you on many schools of thought such as Confucian,Taoist, Sophist, Political Scientist, and so on:' Sun said hewondered if it would help gain immortality and the Master said,"No:' Sun said,"Then I do not wish to learn it"After a few more suggestions, the Master was fed up, and hehit Sun with his rod three times and left the classroom holdingthe rod behind his back.


《西游記故事(英文版)》:THIS IS THE AMAZING STORY OF SUN WUKONG, KNOWN IN THE WEST AS THE MONKEY KING. HE IS THE PRINCIPAL CHARACTER OF THIS CLASSIC CHINESE EPIC NOVEL IN WHICH HE ACCOMPANIES THE MONK SANZANG ON THE JOURNEY TO RETRIEVE BUDDHIST SUTRAS FROM INDIA, Wukong possesses immense strength, beingable to wield his 8,000 kg. magic weaponwith ease. He has superb speed, travelling54,000 kilometers in one somersault. Sunknows 72 transformations, which allow himto transform into various animals and objects.He is a skilled fighter, capable of holding hisown against the best generals of heaven. Eachof his hairs possesses magical properties, andis capable of transforming into a clone ofSun Wukong himself, or various weapons,animals, and other objects. He also knowsvarious spells in order to command wind,part water, conjure protective circles againstdemons, freeze humans, demons, and godsalike.In this journey with the monk Sanzang,Wukong is accompanied by Bajie and Sandy,lovable if flawed characters, both of whomoffered to accompany the monk to atone fortheir previous crimes.



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