
出版時間:2010-3  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:潘國平,馬利民 著,暢國杰 譯  頁數(shù):173  譯者:暢國杰  


The Chinese Government and its people have been going ahead toshape up their own judicial system and build Chinese nation intoa powerful and united society based on the rule of law. Over 3o yearsof efforts, the Chinese legal system has improved graduallvand itsconcept and practice have become mature. The Chinese governmentand people began cherishing such hard-won achievements. We trulyunderstand the significance and role of Chinese law only throughproper understanding of the Chinese social background, based onwhich the Chinese legal system has formed. With consciousness on ruleof law, democratic theories growing, China has made unprecedentedachievements in practicing the rule of law as a basic strategy to governState affairs. The achievements reflected in two ways: (1) Gradualimprovement of the legal system including constitutional amendment,administrative law, criminal law, civil & commercial law, economic law,and social law. (2) Another is the significant progress in judicial reforms,cultivation of legal awareness and rule of law, public interest law, andlaw research.


PrefaceCourse of Legal System & NomocracyConstructionLegislation, Jurisdiction & Law EnforcementConstitution-based SystemAdministration By lawBuilding Service-oriented GovernmentCriminal Law & Related LegislationCivil & Commercial Legislation& Economic LegislationSocial LawsThe Udertakings of Legal Supervision& Legal ServicesTraining of Legal Education & Legal ConceptIntegration of China's Domestic Law withInternational Law



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