
出版時(shí)間:2010-1  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:林茨  頁(yè)數(shù):181  


  Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese Civilizations. Onthe fertile lands along this mother River, tribes settled,clans formed, civilization developed and art emerged.Chinese painting can be dated back to prehistoric times and theearliest paintings of art were found on pottery pieces unearthedfrom several early civilizations in the Yellow River Valley. Forexample, Yangshao Civilization around 5000-3000 BC was a greatand influencial society with its geographic area reaching todaysHubei Province to the south and Mongolia to the north and was acivilization in a transition period from matriarchal to patriarchalsociety. Cultivation and agriculture were already extensively usedby this civilization. Fine pottery pieces unearthed demonstrated aunique characteristic of their own. The colorful pottery of MajiayaoCivilization of early Neolithic time in the upper region of theRiver around 3000-2000 BC was considered to be the finest in thatperiod and had achieved unprecedented level of sophistication.


Traditional Chinese painting was fundamentally an abstract art form.Although there were no absolute abstract Chinese paintings in its original meaning, objects in a painting were not a direct copy of the nature world following the principle of perspective. It was rather a combination or harmony between the nature world and human emotion, a product of "heaven (nature) and human". The effect Chinese painters would like to illustrate in their paintings was not a visual effect of colors and patterns as their Western counterparts would like to achieve. The description of objects in their paintings was no means accurate and few concerned about such factors as colors, principle of perspective, anatomy, surface feel, and relative size. What they would like to achieve was a world in their mind of non materials. The nature world was not an object for them to make a true copy and it was rather elements for them to build their own world.


  Lin Ci (1958——2009), original name ZhangQian, graduated from the Zhejiang Academyof Art and China Art Research Institute, wherehe earned an M.A. degree. He was a researchfellow with China Art Research Institute,specializing in art history and visual arts.His major books include Accordion PleatedSkirts, Gospel Valley, and Mango Trees. Hismonograph Photography will soon be publishedby SDX Joint Publishing Company.


PrefaceFrom Gu Kaizhi to Wu Daozi  Tomb Chamber Paintings  The Most Romantic Painting  Communicatin of the Soul  Spring Outing  Emperors of Great Prosperity  Another Figure Painting  The Painting Saga  Famous Paintings Record of Past DynastiesDesert Treasures  Buddhism Going East  Dunhuang Mogao CavesLucid Mountains and Remote Streams  Northenr Painters and Southen Painters  Song Huizong and his period  Along the River During the Qingming Festival(Qingming Shanghe Tu)  Panorama Shanshui  Su Shi andMi FuScholar Paintings  Zhao Mengfu and "Four Masters of the Yuan Dynasty"  Plum Blossom, Orchid, Bamboo and Stone  "The Southern and Northern Sects"  "Four Monks" and "Four Wangs"  The End of Scholar Paintings and Famous Chinese Painters of Modern TimesModern Chinese Paintings  Painters Studying Abroad  Revolutionary Realism  "Modern" and "Post-Modern"Appendix: Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynastie


  The Northern Song Dynasty unified the country, endingthe turmoil caused by feudal states that tore the nation apartand ushering in a period of social stability. As commerce andthe handicraft industry underwent rapid development, urbancivilization flourished. Zhao Ji, the eighth emperor of the NorthernSong Dynasty otherwise known as Huizong, went down in historyfor his political incompetence and obsession with art. When theNorthern Song was overthrown by the Jin Dynasty of the northernnomads in 1127, emperor Huizong and his son Zhao Heng, oremperor Qinzong, were captured and jailed by the invaders anddied miserably years later. After the fall of the Northern SongDynasty, the imperial court retreated to the south where theyestablished the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) with Linanas the capital city. Immigrants from the north exploited theresourceful south and together with the locals created a period ofsustained economic and cultural developments. Bianliang (Kaifeng,Henan province) and Linan (Hangzhou, Zhejiang province),respective capitals of the Northern Song Dynasty and theSouthern Song Dynasty, were both prosperous commercial cities.



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