
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:劉軍茹 編著,(美)王 著  頁數(shù):151  


When it comes to food, the Chinese have a commonsaying,“The masses regard food as their heaven,”which means that food is people's primal want. Itshould clearly justify the importance that eating holds in Chinesepeople's lives. Eating is not just meant to fill the stomach; havingfood at one's disposal, being able to consume a good amount offood, and knowing what and how to eat are all viewed as a good fortune.Those who promote food culture often use the words ofChinese philosopher Confucius,diet and love-making, all primalneeds of every human being,finding an aspiring and positivethought basis for such an epicurean lifestyle. There's probably notanother place in this world that has as great a variety of delicious.


  When it comes to food, the Chinese have a common saying, “The massesregard food as their heaven,” which means that food is peoples primalwant. It should clearly justify the importance that“eating” holds in Chinesepeoples lives. Eating is not just meant to fill the stomach; having foodat ones disposal, being able to consume a good amount of food, andknowing what and how to eat are all viewed as a good “fortune.” Thosewho promote food culture often use the words of Chinese philosopherConfucius,“diet and love-making, all primal needs of every human being,”finding an aspiring and positive thought basis for such an epicureanlifestyle. Today, in this world where even the farthest corners can seem asclose as ones back yard, Chinese food can be enjoyed in each and everymetropolitan throughout the world.


作者:劉軍茹 (美國)王(William W.Wang)Liu Junru associate professor of Beijing Language and Culture University, boasts a wealth of experience in Chinese language teaching for international students and the international promotion of Chinese culture.


Preface The Origins of Food and Drink Culture  Tracing the Origins of Foods   Foods from Outside China   Fine Ware for Eating Food and Drink Traditions The Good Cheer of Eating Together  The Taste of Home Cooking  Seasonal Delicacies   Interesting Food Customs  The Rituals of the Table   Balancing the Five Flavours   Secrets of Delicacies   Food and Health   Food Taboos  A Gastronomic Tour of China lO3The True Pleasure of Drinking One's Fill  The Art of Tea  Wine, the Beverage of Romance  New Dining Trends Appendix: Chronological Table of the ChineseDynasties


插圖:Humans evolved from the primitives, who pluckedthe hairs and feathers from animals and drankblood, into intelligent and skillful beings that canmake today's gourmet foods. Gone were the days ofseizing food with bare hands, people now dine withchopsticks, knives, forks and spoons. Apparently,changes in the ways of eating and dining utensils canreflect the path of human evolution, from a primitivestate to modern men. The cooking and dining utensilsof the Chinese have an inseparable connection withtheir culinary techniques and dietary habits. Today,people can learn about history through artifacts and awritten language that were passed down through thegenerations. Chinese dining ware has gone throughchanges in material, from stone and pottery to bronze,iron and other metals. The one form of made in China product that is well known throughout theworld is porcelain, or fine china. As productivitylevels heightened, dining utensils not only underwentchanges in material and craftsmanship, but also atypical change from large to small, rough to delicate,and thick to thin.The earliest cooking utensils included earthenwareding, li, huo, zeng, yah and more. Later came moreelegant and larger successors to these utensils with the same names, but made from bronze and iron. Some of these cooking utensils doubled as vessels for food, such as the ding that was used to both cook and hold meat. Usually large in size, the ding is usually round in shape and has three pedestals for support; certain ones are square with four pedestals.





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  •   哈哈,用外國人的眼光看中國美食。
  •   寫論文時可以參考,從各個時代敘述了中國飲食的發(fā)展史
  •   中國人對飲食比較講究,尤其是廣東東莞人,會吃。本書包括食品和飲料文化的起源,精細(xì)潔具,食物及衛(wèi)生,飲食禁忌,都比較詳細(xì)。

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