
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:謝小龍  頁數(shù):152  


This handy guide gives you all the information you need to choose and buy tea in China with confidencce.One in a series Of four titles.it explains clearly and simply what to look for, where and how to shop in China,and questions you should ask.Great tips,price guides and cautionary advice ensure that you get the best value for your money.


Why Chinese Tea? Turn a Leaf In the Beginning —— The Holy Farmer Costly Medicine A Scholarly Beverage Drink of the Gods Tea Culture Comes of Age Tea Olympics Invasion and Adaptation —— Tea Institutionalized Tea Comes West The Teahouse Coffee or Tea? A Cure for Life Old is New Again Tea-Mind-Body ConnectionCategories of Tea Green Is Gold Black Power Nothing Wrong with Wulong White Makes Right Table Talk Tea Cultivation Tea Producing Areas One Plant, Sixty-Two Leaves, Ten Thousand Days' PleasureSharp Eyes Green Teas Black Teas Wulong White Teas Red Teas A Word on Un-Teas Cupping, or How to Sound Like an AuthorityTea Ceremony & Teasets Tea Ceremony Old Tea Ceremony The Chinese Wedding Tea Ceremony Choosing Tea and Water Basics The Tea Set Seven Habits of Highly Successful Tea Ceremonies Food PairingShopping Spots Shopping for Tea, Stopping for Tea Making the Most of It: A Visit to Maliandao A Modern Tea Market A Royal Tea Garden Tea Pictures A Lady's Business Eleven Trustworthy Teashops The Next Big Market The Granddaddy of Them All If Time Is an IssueIndex: China Tea Markets and TeahousesAppendix A Little Mandarin Never Hurt Anyone Watch Your Tone At the Teahouse At the Tea Market 20 Essential Tea Words and Phrases



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用戶評論 (總計2條)


  •   從圖片上沒看出來,這本書比一般的圖書要小,是那種口袋型的圖書。印刷排版內容都還不錯,只是里面有些信息不準確,比如說各種茶的價格范圍,龍井比碧螺春便宜,太平猴魁最貴才700多一斤,這樣很容易給外國人誤導。另外,里面示范泡茶的茶藝師形象欠佳,影響茶藝的欣賞。
  •   當當網(wǎng)的客服都是人渣。我另外買了兩本書,當時怕收件時人不在家,想讓快遞送到大堂,就提前支付了。我是3月31日下的單面,當當是4月1日出貨。沒想到到今天快半個月了,快遞顯示一直是:4月2日發(fā)往廣州的途中。打了幾次電話給客服,我想退款,只是說要等快遞到了才退款,他們會攔截快遞,攔了半個月還是沒有回音。每次都是費話。有幾次我明確中午十二點打電話給我,他們卻偏偏在我工作時打(我工作時是不能接電話)。請各位朋友,千萬不要選擇提前支付貨款,付了他們就不理你的訂單,真是騙財?shù)囊环N手段啊。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
