出版時(shí)間:2008-10 出版社:五洲傳播出版社 作者:賈英華 頁(yè)數(shù):314 譯者:孫海晨
China’S 1ast eunuch Sun Yaoting died in December 1996 at age 94.He took with him intimate stories of the last vestiges of Imperial China and was himself the 1ast in the line of eunuchs who had served the royal family for more than 2,000 years.His personal iourney from poor farmboy to revered servant to PU Yi and Wanrong.China’S last emperor and empress,iS an amazing iourney which also chronicles nearly one century of turbulence and upheavalin Chinese history and culture. This engrossing biography by Chinese historian Jia Yinghua fcatures first.hand accounts by Sun Yaoting of his adventures in the Forbidden City.his reunion with Pu Yi in Japanese—held Manchukuo in the 1 930s.his return to“normal”1ifc as a community organizer in the Buddhist temple where he 1ivcd out the rest of his lifc. Beginning in the early 1 900s.Sun’S story follows events in China such as Pu Yi’S abdication of lmperial rule.the Japanese occupation 0f China which ended with the conclusion of World War 1 J.China’S civil war and the eventual victory of the Communist Party in 1 949.the Cultural Revolution f 1 966—1 976),and the subsequent "opening up"policy from which China has emerged as a leading economic and political power worldwide. The Last Eunuch of China:The Life ol’Sun Yaoting iS a unique glimpse into China’S storied past from the perspective of a man who faithfully served China’s Imperial FamilY in the Forbidden City but was later forced to maneuver himsel f among thc tremendous and often turbulent events that became the history of 20th century China.AS Sun Yaoting recalls his experiences, he also recounts the lire of the dwindling eunuch community in China.
Jia Yinghua jS a member of the Chinese Writers Association and vice-president of the Society of Chinese Biographers.He iS WidefY acknowledged as the Ieading SOUrce of historical materials on late—Qing Dynasty figures such as Pu Yi,the Iast emperor of China and Sun Yaoting,the Last
eunuch.HiS book,”Second Half Or the Last Emperor of China”was critically acclaimed by more than 100 Chinese and overseas media.It was a follow—up to the book。”From Emperor to Citizen,”which was written by pu Yi in the 1960s.It won the Golden Key Prize for Books in China.
HiS other books include”The Heir of the Last Emperor” which sold more than 100,000 copies,”Decoding the Last Marriage of the Last Emperor Pu Yi,”and”Pu Jie-The Biography of the Younger Brother of the Last Emperor.“All received numerous reviews by hundreds of domestic and overseas media.Jia Yinghua has collected more than ten ons Chinese words and thousands of photographs of the Last Emperor and the other members of the last Imperia J FamllY.In addition,two documentaries produced by Jia,“The Last Eunuch Revisits the Forbidden City”and“The Last Eunuch Recalls His Life”were both shown in the Forbidden City for years.
He alsO wrote the tombstone inscriptions for the Last Emperor Pu Yi,as welI as the inscriptions for Sun Yaoting, the JaSt eunuch.In addition,hiS caIIigraPhies were selected as works for”The First Exhibition of the Famous Works bv Famous People in China”and”The Calligraphy and Paintings Exhibition of Contemporary Notables.”
Prologue 1.Castration 1.The ChiefEunuch Comes Home 2.A ChildIlood Dream 3.The Castration 4.Private SchoolPrince Zai Tao’S Mansion 1.Arriving in the Capital 2.The Imperial Uncle 3.Loss ofthe Pigtail 4.The Restoration 5.Leaving Zai TaoThe Forbidden Citv 1.Entry into the Palace 2.ChiefEunuch Ren 3.High Consort Duankang 4.The Theatrical Troupe 5.Death ofEmperor's MotherIn the Red Walls 1.Head Eunuch Mu 2.The Accounting Office 3.Constant Learning 4.palace ofGreat Benevolence 5.Stories and Anecdotes 6.The Emperor's Wedding 7.Dispersal ofEunuchsServing the Imperial Couple 1.The Empress 2.Palace ofGathering Elegance 3.Languishing in Seclusion 4.The Capricious Emperor 5.nle Emperor's SecretsSunset in the Forbidden City 1.The Empress’s Birthday 2.The Expulsion 3.The Northern Mansion 4.Back at Home Temple of Prosperity 1.Eunuch Sanctuary 2.Myriad Fates ofEunuchs 3.White—CloudTemple 4.Tales about CixiHouse Servant 1.Xiaode Zhang 2.Yao Mengshan 3.Prodigal SonsManchukuo 1.“New Capital” 2.Team ofOrderlies 3.Puppet Emperor 4.Visitors to the Palace 5.A Brutal Beating 6.Back at HomeSome Turbulent Years 1.An Amicable Japanese 2.Zha Qi'er 3.Silver Fish and Purple Crabs 4.Death ofChert ZechuanCommunist‘lhkeover 1.Temple ofGreat Bounty 2.L0rd Guall's Temple 3.People’s LiberationArmy 4.”Big Landlord”After Liberation 1.An Investigation and a Lawsuit 2.The Fate ofXiaode Zhang 3.Back in the Temple ofProsperity. 4.Quarrels and FightsLife in the New Society 1.Narrow Escape 2.A Forum ofEunuchs 3.TheGreatTurbulence 4.Homecoming in DisgraceThe Final Years 1.The Last Eunuch ofChina 2.Revisiting the Forbidden City 3.Peaceful Old Age 4.Secrets to LongevityGravestone in Silence