出版時(shí)間:2008-10 出版社:五洲傳播出版社 作者:趙啟鄭 頁數(shù):178 譯者:彭捍城
I first visited China in the summer of 1988, less than a decade afterDeng Xiaoping's economic reforms and policy of openness had launchedthe beginnings of what would become a Chinese industrial revolution.Near the end of a two-month long summer trip from Beijing to Chongqing,Nanjing and Hangzhou, I arrived in crowded, steaming Shanghai, wherea palpable energy could be felt among the optimistic, industrious andentrepreneurial citizens, and stayed at the brand-new Shanghai Hiltonhotel. Three years later I returned to China to translate for Canadian busi-ness management faculty who were becoming popular lecturers in packeduniversity halls at Chinese schools of economics. We were invited by theVice Mayor of Shanghai to visit the site of a new city under construction4across the Huangpu River opposite the Bund. We were driven across thenewly erected Nanpu Bridge to the largest building site I had ever seen inmy life. The Director of the Management Committee of Shanghai PudongNew Area proudly showed us a model of towers and wide avenues thatseemed like something taken from the cover of a science-fiction novel.Work was to be completed in ten years, he declared. I don't think anyonein our group believed it was possible.
Zhao Qizheng graduated in nuclear physics from the China University of Science and Technology in 1963. He worked for the next twenty years in nuclear research, design and production, then as a professor, senior engineer, deputy plant director, and other re-lated positions. In 1984 he joined the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, where he was appointed Minister of the Organization Department, Vice Mayor of Shanghai and Director of the Shanghai Pudong New Area Administration. In 1998 Zhao Qizheng became Director of the State Council Information Office. Since March of 2008 he hasserved as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC National Committee.He is also Dean of the China Peoples University School of Journalism, and serves as Ph.D. supervisor at the China Peoples University and Nankai University. While Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Zhao, Qizheng was respon-sible for foreign affairs and foreign trade. As Director ot the State Council Information Office, he was responsible for explaining Chi-nese national policy and social development to the media tinct through international cultural exchange. He has traveled to several dozen countries and met with numerous leaders in foreign politics busi-ness and media, and established extensive contacts in the Chinese and overseas press. Zhao Qizhengs publications have become best-selling books, including: Explaining China to the World." Lectures and Discussions by Zhao Qizheng Explaining China to the World: Zhao Qizhengs Art of Communication, America and Americans in the Eyes of the Chinese, Riverside Talks." A Friendly Dialogue between an Atheist and a Christian (co-authored), Pudong Logic: Development in Pudong and Economic Globalization, etc.
作者:趙啟鄭 譯者:(加拿大)彭捍城Zhao Qizheng graduated in nuclear physics from the ChinaUniversity of Science and Technology in 1963. He worked for thenext twenty years in nuclear research, design and production, thenas a professor, senior engineer, deputy plant director, and other re-lated positions. In 1984 he joined the Shanghai Municipal PartyCommittee, where he was appointed Minister of the OrganizationDepartment, Vice Mayor of Shanghai and Director of the ShanghaiPudong New Area Administration.In 1998 Zhao Qizheng became Director of the State CouncilInformation Office. Since March of 2008 he has served as Chairmanof the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC National Committee.He is also Dean of the China People's University School ofJournalism, and serves as Ph.D. supervisor at the China People'sUniversity and Nankai University.While Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Zhao Qizheng was respon-sible for foreign affairs and foreign trade. As Director of the StateCouncil Information Office, he was responsible for explaining Chi-nese national policy and social development to the media and throughinternational cultural exchange. He has traveIed to several dozencountries and met with numerous leaders in foreign politics, busi-ness and media, and established extensive contacts in the Chineseand overseas press. Zhao Qizheng's publications have become best-selling books,including: Explaining China to the World: Lectures and Discussionsby Zhao Qizheng, Explaining China to the World: Zhao Qizheng'sArt of Communication, America and Americans in the Eyes of theChinese, Riverside Talks: A Friendly Dialogue between an Atheistand a Christian (co-authored), Pudong Logic: Development inPudong and Economic Globalization, etc.
Translator's PrefacePrefaceAuthor's Preface1/ "It's a Foreigner You Are Meeting"2/ On Getting Along with Others3/ The Citizen's Duty as a Diplomat4/ A Smile - The Language That Needs No Translation5/ "Don't All Chinese Know Kung Fu?"6/ It's an Expression of Feeling, Not a Philosophical Standpoint7/ Patience Is Another Form of Respect8/ No Need for a "Double Standard"9/ It Is Impolite Not to Return Thanks for Help Received10/ "lnfosphere" and "Media Diplomacy"11/ An Apple Tastes Better Than Vitamin C12/ What Is a Dragon's Head?13/ The Servant with Two Masters14/ When You Speak to a Reporter, You Are Speaking to the Public15/ As Seen in a Funhouse Mirror: The Media16/ A Chinese Romeo and Juliet17/ Marseille vs. Lyon18/ Growth and Modesty19/ Friendship First and Competition Second20/ Enjoy Victory with Delight; Accept Defeat without Rancor21/ "Getting Revenge" and "Wiping out the Troops"22/ Confront Foreign Politicians Who "Speak without Scruples"23/ From Eyeglasses to Nuclear Bombs24/ "Rightfully and Forcefully" vs. "Rightfully and Peacefully"25/ "Green Mountain" and "White Iron" Remain26/ Happy to Give Directions27/ Unforgettable Tour Guides28/ Quick in Action, Prompt in Speech29/ "Punctuality Is a Kingly Virtue"30/ Taxi Drivers - Spokespeople for a City31/ "Wow, This Is Exactly What I Need!"32/ Can One Ever Be Too Courteous?33/ "No Entry to Unauthorized Persons" etc.34/ "Come On, the Foreign Guests Are Here!"35/ "Mind Your Own Business"36/ "Why Doesn't He Look at Me?"37/ Sorry: Not an Easy Word38/ The Intangible "Relationship"39/ Cheers, but Why Must I Drink?40/ Yao Ming's Pledge41/ Scary "Boiling Fish with Head Alive"42/ I Don't Eat "Fried Scorpion"43/ "Cannot Eat It Up? Then Take It Home."44/ Lost in Luxury?45/ Courtesy or Credibility46/ You Thought They Would Not Hear You47/ "Asians Are Loud When They Call?"48/ The Art of Cheering49/ CCTV or "Xi Xi Ti Wei"
When we talk to'people from other countries, we frequently use metaphors that arefamiliar to the Chinese people, yet our overseas friends might not fully understand whatwe are talking about. In the early 1990s, we often said, "Pudong will serve as the dragonhead of development in the Yangtze River area," when introducing the Pudong NewArea to overseas visitors.The dragon is a legendary animal from our ancient myths. In Chinese, "dragon'shead" refers to things that play a leading role. Yet foreigners know little of Chinesedragons, let alone the implications of a "dragon's head." Does it mean the drivingforce, the brain, or the pioneer? Therefore, we now commonly use the word "en-gine" (or "locomotive", "cutting edge") to describe Pudong's role in leading itssurrounding area or even the nation as a whole toward rapid economic growth.We sometimes also describe the role of Pudong in the following way, "In the courseof development, China interacts with other countries. In political exchange, nationalcapitals must play the leading role. In economic exchange, the responsibility falls tomajor economic centers. While China does not yet have an international powerhouselike New York, London, Paris, Frankfurt or Tokyo, yet at present, among other cities inChina, Shanghai is most likely to become that powerhouse. Therefore, the Pudong areais crucial to achieving our goal of accelerating growth in Shanghai. Pudong covers an area similar to Singapore's, and is similar in economic significance. We should givePudong the capabilities to fulfill the functions of an advanced modem city."We might also say: "Pudong is ready to take off, we're still waiting on the runway; are you on board yet?" These all explain the importance of growth in the Pudong New Area, and the opportunities which will open to investors around the world.
A fresh writing style, witty language, and a reasonable voice make this book a delight for the generalreader to understand, remember and apply. The author succinctly describes how a citizen of the globalvillage can interact with the world and deal harmoniously with others.——Liu Binjie, Director, General Administration of Press and Publication of the PRC No matter what field of work or cumstance you find yourself in, you will encounter foreigners of different color, language and cultural background. How does one act in a unified world? How does one reach "agreement while preserving differences?" This book will give you vivid answers and meaningful insights.—— Yang Xiong, Vice-Mayor of Shanghaiand Vice Chairman of the Shanghai 2010 World Expo Executive Committee I believe every reader will appreciate the author's wisdom, humor and humility, while partaking in his valuable experience and knowledge gained from the small things, now so common and so often overlooked,that happen whenever we meet foreigners, and will draw deep inspiration from them.——Zhou Mingwei, Standing Deputy Director, China International Publishing GroupThis book is an easy-to-read summary of the author's many years of experience. Each story you read will add to your knowledge of foreign exchange and help you better interact with foreigners, increase your wisdom and elevate your sense of accomplishment.—— Wu Jianmin, Dean, China Foreign Pffairs University