
出版時間:2008-7  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:趙啟正,邵煜棟 著,林樂蓀,張慶年 譯  頁數(shù):186  


Thirty years ago, China took to the road of reform and opening up to the outside world under the guidance of its chief architect Deng Xiaoping. The development and opening of Pudong in Shanghai is one of the outstanding achievements of Deng's theory on building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Former President Jiang Zemin once described it as "the symbol of China's reform and opening up." Those who are engaged in the study of Chinese economy in general and China's reform and opening up program in particular may well use it for case study and as a window for observation.     This book reviews the progress of Pudong's development. At the same time, it reveals the key concepts and basic views formed by the leaders of Shanghai and participants in Pudong's development in the course of their exploration.


 Preface / Xu KuangdiAcknowledgements / Zhao Qizheng1 History in the Making With a Global Mindset  China Comes up with a Trump Card  The Belated Historic Leap  A Bright Lamp in the "Asian Economic Corridor"2 Liaising with the World Tackling the Challenges of Globalization  Unavoidable Challenge to Present-day City Construction  The Globalization Factor Which Invigorates Pudong's Development  Mixed Feelings with Which the West Views Pudong's Achievements  Collapse of a Plan and Realization of a Dream3 Mapping Out Pudong's Development Drawing on Wisdom of Humankind  An Olympics in Architectural Designing  Aiming at World Standards  Upgrading the City's Functions with the Future in Mind4 Financial Sector First Breakthrough Point for Pudong's Development  The Key to Success  Spill-over Effects of Financial Markets  Shanghai as a Financial Center5 Attracting Investment Using International Language to Promote Pudong  Picking and Choosing Customers        Finding out Where Investors' Real Interests Lie  It Is the Big Birds on the Ground That Attract Those up in the Sky  Chinese Investors Setting Their Eyes on Pudong    6 Prioritizing Science and Technology Innovation Drawing on Human Resources Worldwide  Seizing the Opportunity for Innovation  The Strategy of Drawing on Human Resources Worldwide  Where Science/Technology and Talents Coalesce7 Efficient and Clean Government Important Soft Environment for Investment  Freeing Itself from Being a Cumbersome Bureaucracy      Paying Great Attention to Protection of Intellectual Property Rights  Standardized and Transparent Policies  Clean Government--An Important Aspect of Investment Environment  Protecting the Rights and Interests of Farmers Who Lost Their Land and of the Migrant Workers8 Humanistic Pudong Aiming at All-round Social Progress  Simultaneous Development of Cultural Environment and Economy  In Pursuit of a Clearer Sky, Greener Land and Purer Water   Better City, Better Life--In Anticipation of the World ExpoConclusion   Toward New Heights   Exploring Comprehensive Reforms



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