
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:于明  頁(yè)數(shù):145  譯者:肖穎  


China has long been a "country of jade" that shines in world civilization history. The Chinese nation has respected, honored, revered, loved andcherished jade for a history of over 8,000 years. Chinese jade art, veiled in mystery and carrying spiritual sustenance for people, has been deeply rootec in traditional Chinese culture and played a role in every aspect of Chinese social life like no other artwork.


Preface  Unveiling the Mystery of Jade: Overview    Essence of Heaven and Earth--Jade    Carrier of Civilization--JadeWares    Fruit of the Chinese Civilization--Chinese Jade Culture  Footprint in the World of Sacred Gods: The Time of Jade for the Gods    Jade Ware of Xinglongwa Culture    Jade Ware of Hongshan Culture    Jade Ware of Lingjiatan Culture    Jade Ware of Liangzhu Culture    Jade Ware of Longshan Culture  Imperial Companions: The Time of Jade for Kings    Jade Ware in the Shang Dynasty    Jade Ware in the Western Zhou Dyansty    Jade Ware in the Spring and Autumn Period    Jade Ware in the Warring States Period    Jade Ware in the Han Dynasty    Jade Ware in the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties  Enter Civil Society: The Time of Jade for the People    Jade Ware in the Tang Dynasty    Jade Ware in the Song Dynasty    Jade Ware in the Liao Dynasty    Jade Ware in the Jin Dynasty    Jade Ware in the Yuan Dynasty    Jade Ware in the Ming Dynasty    Jade Ware in the Qing Dynasty  A Colorful World: Jade Ware in Modern Times  Appendix: Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties


  Yu Ming Graduated from Beijing Normal University with masters degree, Yu Ming is now deputy director of Beijing Jade Culture Research Center, director of Jade Collection Committee of the China Collectors Association. For many years, Yu has been dedicated to the research of jade ware and the dissemination of jade culture. Yu has published many books including One of the Origins of Chinas Civilization--Hongshan Culture, A Complete Collection of Unearthed Jade Ware in China and won the awards for best books on cultural relics. Yu also published a dozen of essays and participated in the planning for the seven-episode documentary  Chinas Ancient Jade Culture of the CCTV. For many times, Yu presided over seminars on Chinas jade ware.





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