
出版時間:2008-6  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:金帛  頁數(shù):260  


Many people regard China as a distant,ancient and mysterious country simply because the history and culture of their own countries are so different from that of China.Chian may be far away from some countries in terms of distance,but this does not mean China is mysterious and difficult to get to.With an over 5,000-year-old civilization,China has developed a unique culture which has greatly enriched world civilization.This makes China a country worthy of being understood.Chian is one of the countries experiencing the fastest economic growth and wocial change.The development of Chian,with the largest population in world,provides oppotrunities for other countries to develop;and this in turn brings Chian increasingly closer to the outside world.China's deveopment calls for a peaceful international environment,and the world's prosperity needs China's development.In this environment it is necesaary that Chian be understood.


由于歷史、文化和社會背景的差異,那些遠(yuǎn)離中國的異域國家的人們,常視中國為一個古老、神秘而又遠(yuǎn)不可及的國家。 中國古老,但并不陳舊;中國深邃,但并不神秘;中國遙遠(yuǎn),但并非不可及。認(rèn)識和了解中國,是一件十分愉快而有趣的事情。中國如同浩翰無際的大海,令人浮想連翩;中國如同連綿不絕的高山,埋有無窮寶藏;中國如同陳封多年的美酒,香醇無比。 當(dāng)代中國正在發(fā)生廣泛而深刻的變革。隨著中國改革開放的深入和進(jìn)一步加入經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化進(jìn)程,中國與世界的關(guān)系日趨緊密,認(rèn)識中國日漸成為世人的一種時尚。希望本書能為那些急于了解中國的讀者打開一扇閱讀中國的窗口。 本書為英文版。


Ⅰ. Geography and Civilization of China  (Ⅰ) The Geography and Climate Features  (Ⅱ) Geographical Environment and Inward Movement  (Ⅲ) Source and Connotation of "China"  (Ⅳ) Different Parts of China  (Ⅴ) Origin of the Chinese  (Ⅵ) Primitive Chinese CivilizationⅡ. Unification of China in History  (Ⅰ) Continuity of Chinese History  (Ⅱ) The Formation of the Ancient Country  (Ⅲ) The First Unification and Separation of China  (Ⅳ) The Chinese Empire Reunified and Split Again  (Ⅴ) The Third Reunification of the Chinese Nation  (Ⅵ) A Multi-Ethnic CountryⅢ. The Traditional Ideology, Culture and Society  (Ⅰ)  Confucianism and the Orthodox  (Ⅱ) Taoist Thought and Taoism  (Ⅲ) Introduction of Buddhism  (Ⅳ) Traditional Thought and Culture  (Ⅴ) Society against the Background of Traditional Thoughts and Culture  (Ⅵ) National Character Shaped by Traditional Thoughts and Culture  (Ⅶ) Exchanges between Ancient Chinese and Foreign CulturesⅣ. Developed Country of the Agricultural Civilization Era  (Ⅰ)  Progress in Agriculture and Development of the Handicraft Industry  (Ⅱ) Top-Ranking Technologies  (Ⅲ) Complete Political, Legal and Official-Selecting System  (Ⅳ) Language and Character  (Ⅴ) Incomparable Achievements in Literature  (Ⅵ) Unique Artistic Style  (Ⅶ) Colorful Social LifeⅤ. End of Feudal Power and Establishment of a Modem Country  (Ⅰ)  Closed Doors and the Decline of the Qing Court  (Ⅱ) Endless Disasters Brought by Opium  (Ⅲ) From Opening Eyes to See the World to Seeking for Self-Improvement  (Ⅳ) Establishment of a Modern Country System  (Ⅴ) New Cultural Enlightenment Movement  (Ⅵ) Ups and Downs of National Revolutionary Movements  (Ⅶ) Founding of New China under the Leadership of the Communist Party of ChinaⅥ. Endeavors of New China and Reform and Opening-up  (Ⅰ)  The "Poor and Blank" Foundation of New China  (Ⅱ) The Setbacks and Mistakes in Exploration  (Ⅲ) Reform Injecting Vigor and Vitality into the Development of China  (Ⅳ) China Opens Wider to the Outside World  (Ⅴ) Create a New Miracle in Economic and Social Development  (Ⅴ) Make Efforts to Build a Harmonious SocietyⅧ. China and the World in the Era of Economic Globalization  (Ⅰ)  Join the Process of Economic Globalization  (Ⅱ) Bring New Opportunities for Development to the World  (Ⅲ) A Responsible Developing Country  (Ⅳ) Promote the Building of a Harmonious World  (Ⅴ) Inheritance and Development of Tradition





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用戶評論 (總計7條)


  •   中國的歷史社會文化都是已經(jīng)比較熟悉的內(nèi)容,這樣閱讀時更能集中精力體會英漢語言的差異,這也是一種學(xué)習(xí)外語的方法。
  •   看歷史
  •   書很不錯,性價比較高。
  •   還沒有仔細(xì)的看。買來是打算給孩子一些關(guān)于中國的英文資料,主要是拿來學(xué)習(xí)英文的。希望不會辜負(fù)我的期望。
  •   書不錯,但有破損,有的地方還很臟
  •   這是一本適合 官方 送給外國人的書,政治用途
  •   給朋友買的書,收到反應(yīng)不錯,就是價格太貴了,可能因?yàn)槭怯⑽陌姘桑?/li>

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