
出版時間:2005-6  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:彭訓(xùn)厚  頁數(shù):173  字數(shù):100000  譯者:李國慶  


  《世界反法西斯戰(zhàn)爭中的中國》一書重點介紹了中國的抗日戰(zhàn)爭始終是亞太地區(qū)抗擊法西斯的主戰(zhàn)場,中國人民通過流血犧牲,在反法西斯戰(zhàn)爭中形成世界四大國之一的歷史地位。在二戰(zhàn)中,中國人民雖然飽受了巨大的戰(zhàn)爭苦難,可仍然用自己有限的力量,援助了一大批外國人。《猶太人在中國》、《猶太人在天津》等,圍繞這個主題再現(xiàn)了歷史真實事件。與此同時,中國的抗戰(zhàn)也得到了世界許多國家的支持和援助,《歷史的記憶》、《陳納德與飛虎隊》、《駝峰空運》和《營救杜利特爾轟炸機隊》分別記錄了著名的“飛虎隊”、“駝峰”、“杜利特爾”等重大事件。這些書出版后先后在美國國會大廈、美國空軍博物館和德州布什總統(tǒng)圖書館展出和收藏,在美國政界、軍界和參加過中國抗戰(zhàn)的美國老兵中引起了極大反響。   本書為英文版。


PrefaceChapterI By Opening the First Large Battlefield against Fascism, China Raised the Curtain on the International AntifascistChapterII China′s sustained war against Japan disrupted Germany, Japan and Italy′s strategic plan, while providing support and copperation to the European and Asian-Pacific war against Fascism. Chia became the East′s major battleground in the fight against Japanese Fascism.ChapterIII China′s Anti'Japanese Battlefront Was a Significant Strategic Support, a Rear Base and Military Intelligence Base for the Allied Forces in the Asia-Pacific Region, Directly Assisting and Cooperating with the Allied Forces in the Anti'fascist Struggle.ChapterIV The Whole Range of Unique Military Theory and Experience of Defeating a Stronger Enemy Gained from China's Anti-Japanese World Anti-Fascist War.ChapterV China Made Great Contributions to the Establishment of the World's Anti- Fascist United Front, and Established Itself as a Major country.



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