
出版時間:2005  出版社:China Intercontinental Press  作者:鄧賢主編  頁數:312  字數:150000  


  本書記述了日軍偷襲珍珠港,太平洋戰(zhàn)爭的爆發(fā)、美、英、中各國相繼對日宣戰(zhàn)。羅斯福提議組建中國戰(zhàn)區(qū)范圍包括中國、印度、緬甸、泰國、和越南。因此又稱中、印、緬戰(zhàn)區(qū),由將介石任統(tǒng)帥……將介石致電羅斯福,因英軍取消在仰光進行兩棲登陸作戰(zhàn),中國軍隊也將取消1943年春渡過怒江反攻的行動……這是一本了不起的書,一部極其感人的政治偵控作品,娓娓道來,引人入勝。一部真正的驚險讀物,幾乎是新聞史上的極品。迷人而又刺激……最了不起的偵破作品之一。令人興奮的報告文學,直言不諱,讓人應接不暇……  1943年,有成千上萬的愛國學生投筆從戎,從中國西南大后方的重慶參軍,通過著名的“駝峰航線”被空運到印度北部,加入到中國駐印軍的行列中,這就是中國抗戰(zhàn)歷史上著名的“十萬學生十萬軍”的愛國學生大從軍運動。這種戰(zhàn)爭中特殊的文化交流增加了中美雙方的軍人對于彼此的了解和合作關系,也是中美友好交流的源頭之一。本書以這支部隊中老兵口述實錄的形式,再現當年的這段交流歷史。


Army Life in India   The First Man to Join the Army in Chongqing - by Deng Shuyi  Army Life in India - by Liu Dingxun   Communication Battalion Chronicte - by Wu Mingji  Anecdote in the Army - by Gao Zhenyong   Army men - by Chen Yongyi   Expedition Diary - by Hu Dongsheng   Years of Extraordinary Adventures - by Wu Yuzhang   Military Life in a Foreign Land - by Zhong Guangjun   My American Friends - by Liu Shuying   Unforgettable Ramgarh - by Liu Zhuogong Training  Fighting at Al[ Costs for My Country - by Qiu Feng   Sidelights on Burma Battle Field - by Deng Dixun   Army Jottings - Zhou Mingdao   A/vkititary Doctor in India-Burma Batttefietd - by Xue Qing[i  Wenxing (Literary Star), Wuxing (AAi[itary Star), and a Patriotic Heart  -by Zhou Wenxing   My Expeditionary Journey - by Tang Zhenwen   Days in Ramgarh - by Huang Shuze Combat in India and Burma   Sneaking Across the Namkawng River - by Meng Huaxin  Fierce Fightin~ in Nampa Ga - by Pan Keqin   Battle in Su Ga Htawng - by Liu Shaodong   ~Expedition to Northern Burma - by Zhang Zuji   Contact Battle in Northern Burma - by Chang Kezhong  A Soui-Stirrin~ Myitkyina - by Wang Hanzhong   I Led the 148th Regiment to Fight the Japanese - by Wang Dazhong  Persona[ Experience - by Shi Linxian Friendship of Allies t6t  India-Burma War Zone Chronicles - by Li Zuoda   Ledo, Myitkyina, Shingbwiyang - by Li Yongcai   Special Friends from an Unforgettable Time - by Kong XiangU  War Time - by Li Derun   Memories of Expeditions - by Li Antan   Joining the Army - by Ma Jiayi   What I Know about Stitwett - by Wang Chuying  At the 48th Hospitat - by Jia Yuqi   Chinese Soldiers, American Atties - by Lu Hanv  A Cuttura[ Bridge - by Tang Yiqiang   208Combat in India and Burma   Sneaking Across the Namkawng River - by Meng Huaxin  Fierce Fightin~ in Nampa Ga - by Pan Keqin   Battle in Su Ga Htawng - by Liu Shaodong   ~Expedition to Northern Burma - by Zhang Zuji   Contact Battle in Northern Burma - by Chang Kezhong  A Soui-Stirrin~ Myitkyina - by Wang Hanzhong 138  I Led the 148th Regiment to Fight the Japanese - by Wang Dazhong  Persona[ Experience - by Shi Linxian   Friendship of Allies t6t  India-Burma War Zone Chronicles - by Li Zuoda   Ledo, Myitkyina, Shingbwiyang - by Li Yongcai   Special Friends from an Unforgettable Time - by Kong XiangU  War Time - by Li Derun 180  Memories of Expeditions - by Li Antan   Joining the Army - by Ma Jiayi   What I Know about Stitwett - by Wang Chuying  At the 48th Hospitat - by Jia Yuqi   Chinese Soldiers, American Atties - by Lu Hanv   A Cuttura[ Bridge - by Tang Yiqiang 213Notes on the Battle Ground   I was 19 that Year - by Huang Yuezhong   My Experience in the Enginee Troops - by Wang Bohui  ……Timeline for China-lndia-Burma Theater during WWII




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