
出版時間:2004-11  出版社:第1版 (2004年11月1日)  作者:彭光謙  頁數(shù):173  字數(shù):60000  譯者:陳茹  


A country is not secure without stronq national defense.China has a vast territory.China has a long border line and shore line .In order to safequard ter-ritorial security and peacefull life of the people ,strong national defense must be buillt.The world today is far from being peaceful.Power politics stiss exists and terrorism still runs wild.Safeqarding national sovereignty and dignity .We must have moderniaed armed forces.    The book provides introductory information on China's national defense .Based on fatual accounts ,the book gives authoritative answers to the following questions one by one ;Features about china's security environment;china's defense mis-sione and policices;The road of defense building that China has taken and its current status;Orqaniza-tional system,scale and moderziation buiding of chinaj's military forces;Development of Chia's de-fense power;Influence on world peace and regional stability,etc.


I. China's National Defense:Rights and Responsibiities  1.A profound understanding based on the knowledge of history  2.Security pressures from both land and sea  3.The instability and uncertainty of security environment  4.Security issues relative to neighboring countries  5.Grave challenges to the seccurity of China's national survival and developmentII. China's Defense Policy Featuring Independence,Self-de-fense and Defensive Operations  1.Continuation of strategic culture tradition  2.The inner determinants of present-day politics  3.Manifestations of the road of intensive development  4.Strategic principle of active defenseIII. New Security Concept:Ideological Basis of China's Na-tional Defense policy  1.From the five principles of peaceful coexistence to the new security concept  2.Core contents of the new security concept and its present-day values  3.Practice of the new security concept in contemporary ChinaIV.China's"Three-in-One"Armed ForcesV.An Independent System of Science,Technology and IndustryVI.Defense Expenditures That Meet Minimal Requirements of National securityVII.External Military Exchanges and Cooperation in the New PeriodIX.Taiwan issue in China's national security



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