
出版時間:2003-9  出版社:五洲傳播出版社  作者:李濤  頁數(shù):126  譯者:黎陽  


The Tibetan Plateau is surrounded by continuous stretches of snow-capped mountains. It is in this part of the world the Tibetans have lived and multiplied for generations. With the shared history, culture, nature, religion, and beliefs, they have built up a variety of folkways, rituals, recreations, art forms and festivals. We call these collectively the tibetan folklore, which has long been amazed and researched by people both at home and abroad, especially by the ethnologists, experts on folklores, sociologists, cultural anthropologists and Tibetologists.


IntroductionDwelling Customs  1.Tent:The Essential Proterty of the Heredrs  2.The Traditional Flat-roofed fort-style Houses  3.The Magnificent Monalsteries  4.The Other Kind of Houses  5.Dwelling EtiquetteDietary Customs  1.Parching the Highland Barley Grains and Milling the Tasmpa  2.Butter and Buttered Tea  3.Slaughtering and Meat Storing Season in Winter in Northern Tibet  4.Packer Caravans on the Time-honored Route  5.Tibetan Cuisine  6.Worship to the Oven DeityDressing Customs  1.Tibetan Dress Varies with Different Places  2.Aesthetic Points of Tibetan DressMarriage Customs  1.The Marriage Customs of the Kamba People in Tsang-region  2.Wedding Songs  3.The Decision Power of the Brede's Maternal Uncle in the Moinba Ehtnic Group  4.Wedding Procedures of the Lhoba People:Killing Chicken Ceremony  5.Polygyny and Polyandry  6.The Combination of the Traditional and the Modery Ways-The Marriage of the LhasansFestal Customs  1.New Year's Festival  2.The Linka Festival,Bathing Festival,Ongkor Festival and Horse Racing Festival  ……Worshipping CustomsRecreational CustomsBurial Customs




The Tibetan Plateau is surrounded by continuous stretches of snow-capped mountains. It is in this part of the world the Tibetans have lived and multiplied for generations. With the shared history, culture, nature, religion, and beliefs, they have built up a variety of folkways, rituals, recreations, art forms and festivals. We call these collectively the tibetan folklore, which has long been amazed and researched by people both at home and abroad, especially by the ethnologists, experts on folklores, sociologists, cultural anthropologists and Tibetologists.  本書為英文版。



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