
出版時間:2012-5  出版社:水利水電出版社  作者:姜乖妮 等主編  頁數:186  字數:413000  




Unit 1 The Evolution of Cities
Part Ⅰ Text WhatIsa City?
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A The Urban Revolution
Reading Paragraph B Urbanism as a Way of Life
Unit 2 Urban Planning History and Visio
Part Ⅰ Text Urban PlanningHistoryand Visio
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A The groadacre City
Reading Paragraph B Garden City
Unit 3 Urban Planning Theory
Part Ⅰ Text Advocacy and Pluralism in Planning
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A The Nature of Planning--Conflict and Disputes
Reading Paragraph B Planning Sustainable and Livable Cities
Unit 4 Hierarchy of Pla
Part Ⅰ Text Hierarchy of Lawrence Pla
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A Creating Better Places to Live--A Guide to
the Planning System in England
Reading Paragraph B Compreheive Plan, Precise Plan and Zoning
Unit 5 Urban. Planning Practice
Part Ⅰ Text Providence 2020 Plan,Providence, Rhode Island
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A The Growth Pattern of Taizhou City Based on
Ecological Infrastructure, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
Reading Paragraph B Zoning of New York
Unit 6 Urban Space
Part Ⅰ Text The Growth of City
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A Urban Public Space
Reading Paragraph B The Neighborhood, the District and the Corridor
Unit 7 Urban Design
Part Ⅰ Text An Integrative Theory of Urban Design
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A Urban Design within the Greater Kunming
Reading Paragraph B The City Image and Its Elements
Unit 8 PUblic Interest and Participation
Part Ⅰ Text A Ladder of Citizen Participation
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A The Enduring Question of the Public
Reading Paragraph B The Significance of Participation in
SUstainable Community
Unit 9 Introduction to Architecture;
Part Ⅰ Text Architecture
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A Chinese Architecture
Reading Paragraph B Modern Architecture.
Unit 10 The Context of Architecture
Part Ⅰ Text The Need for Aged Buildings
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A Melting of Cultures in the New Architecture
Reading Paragraph B High-Tech Kitchen
Unit 11 Design Process
Part Ⅰ Text An Introduction to Design Process
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A How Do We Design
Reading Paragraph B Architecture Contracts
Unit 12 Architectural Form
Part Ⅰ Text Housing
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A Pavilio of Expo 2010 Shanghai China
Reading Paragraph B Factory Design
Unit 13 Building Structure and Materials
Part Ⅰ Text Building Structure
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A Building Materials
Reading Paragraph B Roof
Unit 14 Economy and Management of Architecture
Part Ⅰ Text Major Types of Cotruction
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A Unit Cost Method of Estimation
Reading Paragraph B Some Shifts in Building Design and Their
Implicatio for Design Practices and Management
Unit 15 Great Architects and Their Masterpieces
Part Ⅰ Text Walter Gropius
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A Mr. I M Pei and His Design
Reading Paragraph B An Introduction to Foster's Projects
Unit 16 Trends in Modern Architecture
Part Ⅰ Text Modern Architecture Coervation
Part Ⅱ Reading Paragraphs
Reading Paragraph A Globalization Veus
Localization--Contemporary Architecture and the Arad City
Reading Paragraph B Combining Functional High-tech Aesthetic



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