
出版時(shí)間:2011-7  出版社:水利水電出版社  作者:黃芳 編  頁數(shù):146  




Unit One College Education
Section I Listening & Speaking
Section II Passage One
The Second Oldest College Graduate In the
Section II Passage Two
Photographic Memory Professor
Section III Grammar
Section IV Writing
Section V Enjoy yourselves
Unit Two Travel
Section I Listening & Speaking
Section II Passage One
Tourism in China
Section II Passage Two
Travel plans
Section III Grammar
Section IV Writing
Section V Enjoy yourselves
Unit Three Culture
Section I Listening & Speaking
Section II Passage One
American Society
Section II Passage Two
The Role of Culture in Development
Section III Grammar
Section IV Writing
Section V Enjoy yourselves
Unit Four Food
Section I Listening & Speaking
Section II Passage One
American Food Style
Section II Passage Two
Finding a Balance
Section III Grammar
Section IV Writing
Section V Enjoy yourselves
Unit Five Hobby
Section I Listening & Speaking
Section II Passage One
Collecting as a Serious Hobby
Section II Passage Two
How to Find a Hobby
Section III Grammar
Section IV Writing
Section V Enjoy yourselves
Unit Six Sports and Outdoor Activities
Section I Listening & Speaking
Section II Passage One
Allen Iverson to Retire from the NBA Again
Section II Passage Two
Enjoy the great outdoors!
Section III Grammar
Section IV Writing
Section V Enjoy yourselves
Unit Seven Internet
Section I Listening & Speaking
Section II Passage One
21st Century: Newspapers vs. Internet
Section II Passage Two
Internet Surfing
Section III Grammar
Section IV Writing
Section V Enjoy yourselves
Unit Eight News
Section I Listening & Speaking
Section II Passage One
Germany unveils new "psychic" octopus
and he's French
Section II Passage Two
Britain being "overrun" by street signs
Section III Grammar
Section IV Writing
Section V Enjoy yourselves
Words and Expressions
Phrases and Expressions



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