
出版時間:2011-4  出版社:水利水電出版社  作者:楊金鑫,梁俊茂 主編  頁數(shù):300  




unit 01 "in" life-style
1 the low-carbon living
2 capsule apartment
3 ant tribe
4 neet
5 the affluent second generation
6 house slaves
7 the credit card slave
8 witkey
9 the microb log
10 the blog
11 online shopping
12 plastic surgery
13 beauty sleep
14 transsexuals
15 the terminal care
16 mobile billboard
17 gold miss
18 the grass roots
19 dink family
20 football in the world
21 valentine's day
unit 02 focus on today life
22 pet care
23 the daily necessities
24 the supermarket
25 social security
26 medical insurance
27 the single-parent
28 domestic violence
29 the aging society
30 the public welfare
31 the hope project
32 the world-class philanthropist
33 the world population
34 the environmental issue
35 the earthquake
36 the websites
37 the electronic commerce
38 mobile culture
39 economic crisis
40 the ways to survive from the recession
41 the intangible assets
42 the celebrities
43 lesbian
44 hong kong, macao and taiwan
45 western region
unit 03 colorful amusements
46 fine food in the world
47 the local cuisine
48 local snacks
49 spring fashion
50 winter fashion
51 fashion designer
52 luxury
53 the relaxation
54 travelling
55 island travel
56 scenery
57 shopping
58 yoga and health
59 music
60 hypnosis
61 blood type and character
62 fruits and character
63 constellation and character
64 constellation and character
65 constellation and character
66 constellation
67 color and personality traits
68 color and personality traits
unit 04 tips for easy life
69 the popular science
70 how to keep fit
71 mental health
72 maintaining a balanced diet
73 facial food
74 facial mask
75 skin care
76 hairstyle
77 how to pick a perfect mate
78 dating bible
79 gift giving etiquette between lovers
80 tips for planning wedding
81 how to ace your next exam
82 how to living your fullest potential
83 staying in bed that extra hour is beneficial to
84 career seeking
85 attributes of a successful leader
86 the art of living
unit 05 world culture & custom
87 marriage customs of different cultures
88 western culture
89 western culture
90 african culture
91 korean culture
92 indian culture
93 japanese culture
94 cooking culture
95 chinese traditional festivals culture
96 the ethnic minorities' customs
97 the four treasures of a scholar's book room
98 taiji
99 the birthday
100 colorful festivals


  Special groups including senior citizens,children,workers in enterprises with difficulties,and migrant workers have always fallen through the cracks in the medical insurance system.However, now the medical insurance is to cover these special groups.College students will all be covered in the urban residents。medical insurance system starting this year.Children and elderly people without income will be covered by the urban residents' medical insurance system or the new countryside cooperative medical scheme.  A pilot project is getting underway in China to introduce basic medical insurance for urban residents.The target group includes children,school students plus the unemployed in 79 different cities.A major part of their medical fees will be paid by local governments if they exceed a certain amount.For those under financial difficulties,the governments promise extra subsidies.The experimental project will be launched in seventy-nine cities in September.


  左手速讀,加倍提升你的“英文思考力”。社會經(jīng)濟(jì),150熱點(diǎn),全球大小事,英文隨時讀。時尚文化,150熱點(diǎn),世界新潮流,快餐式閱讀。右手誦讀,有效鍛煉你的“英文組織力”。日常生活,100主題,身邊銳點(diǎn),溝通無障礙。職場商務(wù),100主題,實踐英語,職場無死角?! ∮⑽牟簧喜幌伦寮寄芴赜?xùn),給力100%。  英語好,待遇好,工作機(jī)會就多。  ·500個熱點(diǎn)主題,職場、商務(wù)、時尚、文化、社會、經(jīng)濟(jì)、日常、生活全包括?!  ?000多段原汁原味實用英語,同事講不出的英語、主管搞不懂的英語,一天讀幾小段,讓你英語輕松達(dá)A+。  ·英語能力升級,薪水職位加級,面對職場競爭,除了專業(yè)能力外,  你還需要“英語”給力。  備考+升職+加薪  六大必備工具,本套叢書傾情給力:  給力1:收錄500個主題,上千段職場、商務(wù)、時尚、文化、社會、經(jīng)濟(jì)、日常、生活等方向的實用英語素材。分類清晰縝密,輕松閱讀易上手?! 〗o力2:記下每個實用段落只需1分鐘,無論是同朋友、同事聊天,還是工作上的正式話題,都能應(yīng)付自如,即學(xué)即用。  給力3:豐富的英語素材,多元的英文表達(dá),可依臨場情況靈活運(yùn)用。  給力4:英文原汁原味,讓你和老外侃出地道英語,讓你在不同場合下用對英語。  給力5:速讀與誦讀合理區(qū)分,引導(dǎo)讀者合理分配閱讀時間,讓閱讀更有效率?! 〗o力6:在誦讀分冊中,搭配專家評點(diǎn)和延伸閱讀,學(xué)習(xí)效果加倍。



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  •   很厚的一本書,內(nèi)容非常全面,很好~
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