出版時間:2011-2 出版社:水利水電出版社 作者:楊金鑫,梁俊茂 主編 頁數(shù):300
chapter 01 vogue field
001 bohemian fashion
002 lady gaga
003 emo fashion
004 pop revolution--the beatles
005 gothic lolita fashion
006 vintage clothing
007 secrets of constellations 1
008 secrets of constellations 2
009 barbie doll 1
010 barbie doll 2
011 fashion dolls
012 fashionista
013 style consultant
014 take a hottest
015 fashion week
016 trunk show
017 organic clothing
018 flowers in home
chapter 02 today's trend
019 facebook generation
020 pancake people
021 reality tv 1
022 reality tv 2
023 multimedia
024 tv pilot
025 eco-fashion
026 pass the bacteria, please!
027 film block booking
028 twitter
chapter 03 cultural insights
029 previous and present life of chinatown
030 chinese learning overseas
031 development of chinese medicine
032 schooling or education
033 emmy awards
034 film noir
035 the history of piano
036 nobel alley
037 frenchwomen today
038 the men in italy
039 the new undergraduates in the uk
040 legend of cleopatra
041 stephen chow's "makes no sense"
042 cultural intelligence
043 falling in love with books
044 attractiveness and ability
045 university town in the west
046 the bible
chapter 04 world folk feature
047 folklore and festivals in sweden
048 the american concept of love
049 the sacred ceremony
050 spotlight on copenhagen
051 a danish country wedding
052 dreamworks
053 bollywood
054 elections in america
o55 bmw
056 all-star cast 1
057 all-star cast 2
058 qipao
059 saree
060 the land of music
061 for tulip madness
chapter 05 free time
062 relax is a quality of heart
063 active play or passive entertainment
064 more and more americans becoming fond of
065 cheap romantic getaways
066 skiing in new zealand
067 hawaii surfing
068 boracay
069 america playground--nevada
070 belly dancing
071 glam rock 1
072 glare rock 2
073 love suv or hate it?
074 how to plan a ski trip?
075 how to plan a ski trip?
chapter 06 the world's cuisine
076 drinking cultures in scandinavia
077 pub culture in the uk
078 pub etiquette in britain
079 dieting can seem to last a lifetime
080 learn martini making from 007
081 the chinese tea culture
082 green tea
083 savor the foods of greek
084 fast food culture
085 takeout food
086 cuisine culture in america
087 food influences how you think and feel
088 how does food affect mood and mind?
chapter 07 fantastic festivals
089 white day
090 valentine' s day
091 the calgary stampede
092 the interesting of april fools' day
093 easter eggs
094 carnival
095 mother's day
096 halloween
097 thanksgiving day
098 happy christmas
099 spring festival
100 the new year
101 festival of whale in alaska
102 buddha's birthday
103 ending of ramadan festival
104 the three hierarchs festival
105 epiphany
chapter 08 various lovely accessories
106 friendship rings
107 right hand rings
108 tennis bracelets
109 lariat necklace
110 black hills gold jewelry
111 hip hop jewelry
112 corsage
113 earrings
114 chocolate diamond
115 windsor knot
116 silk stole
117 scarves
118 fur stole
119 cufflinks
120 buy a watch
chapter 09 fashion boutique
121 gaucho pants
122 semi formal attire
123 white tie
124 cocktail attire
125 puff sleeve
126 godet
127 cashmere
128 shoes
129 jungle boots
130 boat shoes
131 jazz shoes
132 running shoes
133 clean out your closet
chapter 10 all-around view
134 learn about different cultures
135 getting rid of your tv?
136 how did advertisements came out?
137 lovethejob
138 teenagers who hold jobs?
139 read facial expressions
140 meet people with similar interests
141 watching out for such kind of friends
142 "packaging" a person
143 long for happiness
144 7 ways to better recall your dreams
145 are modem cities for people or cars?
146 the illusion of confidence
147 yearn for the past
148 life rules of thumb 1
149 life rules of thumb 2
150 the unique way of life in iceland
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