
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:中國水利水電  作者:黃劍  頁數(shù):250  


  Increasing frequency of international cooperation and rapid development of new technology have produced a growing demand for effective written communication.Compared with oral communication ability,written com-munication competence is less benefited by more and more favorable language environment.Relying on established format,fight language and sound logic,wriRen com- munication requires more conscious learning under professional instruction.  Business report,as a way of written communication in business operation,is often used to convey information, record history for future reference,and offer recom- mendations,thus playing a crucial role not only in personal career development but also in effective running of organizations.


本書詳細(xì)介紹了三種最為常見的報告形式:備忘錄報告、信件報告和規(guī)范形式報告,并對每一種形式的構(gòu)成要素做出了詳盡的說明。讀者可以將其作為報告寫作時的模板,按照每一要素的具體要求模仿寫作,即可以保證報告在形式上的專業(yè)性。    本書適合于涉外企業(yè)文秘人員;大專院校商務(wù)、經(jīng)貿(mào)英語專業(yè)學(xué)生;大專院校英語專業(yè)高年級學(xué)生;欲畢業(yè)后從事涉外商務(wù)工作的在校學(xué)生;其他需要商業(yè)類寫作培訓(xùn)的團(tuán)體和個人。


PrefaceChapter 1 Orientation to Business Report  1.1 When do You Write a Report?  1.2 What do You Write a Report to Do?  1.3 For Whom is a Report Written for?  1.4 What is a Business Report?Chapter 2 Classification and Structure of Business Report  2.1 Classification of Business Report    2.1.1 Why Classify?    2.1.2 Different Classification System  2.2 Structure and Elements of Formats of Business Report    2.2.1 Report in the Form of Memo    2.2.2 Report in the Form of Letter    2.2.3 Formally Structured Report  2.3 Frequently-Required Business Report    2.3.1 Minutes    2.3.2 News Release    2.3.3 Progress Report    2.3.4 Proposal    2.3.5 Justification Report    2.3.6 Job Description    2.3.7 Feasibility Report    2.3.8 Policies and Procedures    2.3.9 Instructions    2.3.10 Annual and Quarterly Report    2.3.11 Market Investigation Report  2.4 ExercisesChapter 3 Writing Procedures and Developing Strategies for Business Report  3.1 Three Steps to Complete Business Report    3.1.1 Planning    3.1.2 Writing    3.1.3 Editing and Revision  3.2 Developing Strategies of Business Report    3.2.1 Definition    3.2.2 Process    3.2.3 Classification    3.2.4 Comparison and Contrast    3.2.5 Cause and Effect    3.2.6 Tables and Graphs  3.3 ExercisesChapter 4 Style and Language of Business Report  4.1 Style of Business Report    4.1.1 Qualities of an Effective Business Report    4.1.2 Stylistic Features of an Effective Business Report  4.2 Linguistic Features of Business Report    4.2.1 Linguistic Feature on Lexical Level    4.2.2 Linguistic Feature on Syntactic Level    4.2.3 Linguistic Features on Paragraphic Level  4.3 Punctuation  4.4 Exercises習(xí)題答案


  Answer 4:1 write a report when I need inform my subordinate of the expansion plan in the near future.  See! Written reports Can do a lot of things for you no matter whether you are a top executive in a large company or a repairman in all auto-shop.In fact.few fields exist in which the need to prepare a report,whether written or oral,is not required.Corporate managers,stockbrokers, doctors,bankers,engineers,scientists,government and military leaders,educators,and international secret agents,all use reports to transmit or receive information. Even the local auto mechanic may be obliged to prepare a written diagnostic report before repairing a customer’s car.  In some instances,reports are prepared on a regular basis,as in the case of salespeople who must produce daily or weekly sales and field trip reports,accountants who compile yearly audit reports,and large corporations that issue anntlal reports to their stockholders.




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