新概念英語 2 拓展閱讀步步為贏

出版時間:2009-11  出版社:水利水電出版社  作者:王燁 等編  頁數(shù):325  


  《新概念英語》是一套經久不衰的經典英語教材,受到全國各地英語學習者的青睞和推崇。我校推出的這套新概念輔導叢書《新概念精講課堂》,是為了幫助學生能夠更好地掌握課本的基礎語法和詞匯,從而達到靈活運用?! ”緯饕ê诵恼Z法、詞匯精講、課文詳解、趣味英語、趁熱打鐵五個部分。核心語法部分針對每課重點語法進行詳細分析舉例說明;詞匯精講部分對課文重點詞匯一一講解舉例;課文詳解部分對課文中出現(xiàn)的重點短語、句型進行詳盡地分析,從而幫助學習者充分理解教材內容;趣味英語部分補充課外有趣讀物;趁熱打鐵部分為同步練習題并配有答案,練習形式靈活多樣,注重基礎知識在日常生活中的實際應用。練習題目突出該課重點詞匯和實用句型的練習?! ”咎讌矔鴱恼Z法、詞匯、閱讀和聽力等方面對學生同步進行輔導,幫助學習者獲得扎實的基本功、提高聽、讀、寫、譯等方面的能力,使用這套叢書不但可以幫助學員鞏固課堂所學語法知識、查漏補缺,還可以加深學員對于詞匯和句型的理解,使學員能夠運用所學知識,最大程度地提高英語水平,達到事半功倍的效果。


本書與《新概念英語》(第2冊)同步,對課文進行了精講,同時為了彌補教材閱讀資料不足、強化學生對課程知識的理解、拓展學生的知識面,又配有同步閱讀練習題,并且對試題進行準確歸納和精確剖析,引導學生熟悉解題要領,逐漸掌握解題技巧,從而提高學生的解題能力和答題速度。書中還精選了題材廣泛的小短篇,內容編排完全與原教材的結構設計同步,非常適合學生背誦。通過學習本書,希望能使讀者在今后英語考試中正確的運用到所學的知識,從而真正的從中受益。    本書適用于學習《新概念英語》(第2冊)的讀者。


前言PrefaceLesson 1 A private conversation私人談話Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?早餐還是午餐?Lesson 3 Please send me a card請給我寄一張明信片Lesson 4 An exciting trip激動人心的旅行Lesson 5 No wrong numbers無錯號之虞Lesson 6 Percy Buttons珀西•巴頓斯Lesson 7 Too late為時太晚Lesson 8 The best and the worst最好的和最差的Lesson 9 A cold welcome冷遇Lesson 10 Not for jazz不適于演奏爵士樂Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another禮尚往來Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck再見,一路順風Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys綠林少年Lesson 14 Do you speak English?你會講英語嗎?Lesson 15  Good news佳音Lesson 16 A polite request彬彬有禮的要求Lesson 17 Always youn9青春常駐Lesson 18 He often does this!他經常干這種事!Lesson 19 Sold out票已售完Lesson 20 One man in a boat獨坐孤舟Lesson 21 Mad or not?是不是瘋了?Lesson 22 A glass envelope玻璃信封Lesson 23 A new house新居Lesson 24 It could be worse不幸中之萬幸Lesson 25 Do the English speak English?英國人講的是英語嗎?Lesson 26 The best art critics最佳藝術評論家Lesson 27 A wet night雨夜Lesson 28 No parkin9禁止停車Lesson 29 Taxi!出租汽車!Lesson 30 Football or polo?足球還是水球?Lesson 31 Success story成功者的故事Lesson 32 Shopping made easy購物變得很方便Lesson 33 0ut of the darkness沖出黑暗Lesson 34 Quick work破案“神速”  Lesson 35 Stop thief!捉賊!  Lesson 36 Across the Channel橫渡海峽Lesson 37 The Olympic Games奧林匹克運動會Lesson 38 Everything except the weather唯獨沒有考慮到天氣Lesson 39 Am I all right?我是否痊愈?  Lesson 40 Food and talk進餐與交談Lesson 41 Do you call that a hat?你把那個叫帽子嗎?Lesson 42 Not very musical并非很懂音樂Lesson 43 0ver the South Pole飛越南極Lesson 44 Through the forest穿過森林Lesson 45 A clear conscience問心無愧Lesson 46  Expensive and uncomfortable既昂貴又受罪Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost嗜酒的鬼魂Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something?你想對我說什么嗎?  Lesson 49 The end of a dream美夢告終Lesson 50 Taken for a ride乘車兜風……


  There are many charity shops in England. They are owned and run by Oxfam and other charities. Sometimes all their money goes to help cure a particular disease such as cancer. Some other charities use their profits to help young homeless people.  A charity shop sells many things. For example, you find clothes, board games, china and books there. These second hand items are given to the shops by people who dont need them any more. A family might give old clothes that they wear no more or books that they no longer read to a charity shop. The charity shop doesnt pay for these items.  The charity shop then sells these goods at a very low price. People often go to these shops to find a bargain. Of course most things in shops are not very interesting, but books and clothes in these shops can be very cheap and very good.  The money gained from selling these things is then used by the charity to help people in need. For example, Oxfam uses its money to help poor people all over the world, especially in Africa. It provides life-saving medical care and food. It also uses its money to make people know the suffering of the poor around the world so that they can receive more donations to help more people.



    新概念英語 2 拓展閱讀步步為贏 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計11條)


  •   非常好。 作為讀完課本后同步練習用。強力推薦。
  •   難度不大適合初學的小學生。
  •   有前面幾次購書的經驗, 對于當當?shù)臅馁|量不會擔心??晌锪靼?, 給力點吧!10號下的單, 11號已經到東莞,可是配送員仍沒送到我手里, 今天14號了。。。
  •   書不錯,跟圖書大廈買的一樣!
  •   發(fā)貨很及時,包裝也不錯,內容過幾天看。
  •   精典中的精典
  •   挺好用的實在。
  •   很滿意,孩子非常喜歡
  •   五年級的女兒學完新概念第一和第二冊了,正好老師要求他們買一本閱讀來做,買五年級的閱讀肯定太淺了,浪費時間,于是就買了這本,還真不錯。
  •   總的來講不錯,練習有些單一,答案離得太近。
  •   能幫孩子順利完成家庭作業(yè)

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