
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:中國(guó)水利水電出版社  作者:王月 等 著  頁(yè)數(shù):160  




Unit 1 Opening Remarks 面試開場(chǎng)自Unit 2 Self-introduction and Unique Benefits 自我介紹和獨(dú)具的優(yōu)勢(shì)Unit 3 Major,Achievement and Grade 專業(yè),成績(jī)和學(xué)分Unit 4 Experience(Activities)at School and the Hobby 學(xué)校經(jīng)驗(yàn)和興趣愛(ài)好Unit 5 Personal Accomplishments 個(gè)人成績(jī)Unit 6 Language Ability 語(yǔ)言能力Unit 7 Impromptu Question and Answers 即興問(wèn)答Unit 8 Strengths and Weaknesses 優(yōu)勢(shì)與劣勢(shì)Unit 9 Why do You Want to Work Here? 你為什么想要在這兒工作呢?Unit 10 Case Interviews 案例面試Unit 11 Stress Interview 壓力式面試Unit 12 Situational Interviews 情景面試Unit 13 Meal Interview 在餐桌上進(jìn)行的面試Unit 14 Inquiring Information about the Company 溝通企業(yè)的基本情況Unit 15 Behavioral Interview 行為面試Unit 16 Interview Etiquette(1) 面試禮儀(一)Unit 17 Interview Etiquette(2) 面試禮儀(二)Unit 18 Fesco Interview 獵頭引薦Unit 19 Telephone Interview 電話面試Unit 20 Wage Negotiation 談?wù)撔劫Y待遇Unit 21 Closing an Interview 結(jié)束面試Unit 22 Follow—ups after Job Interviews 面試后續(xù)


  An interviewer or employer will discover a great deal about you in a relativelysmall amount of time by use of their experience in body language.It’S a bit like whenyou make new friends.Generally speaking,you know within a few moments of meetinga person for the very first time whether you will like them or not(despite knowing verylittle about their background).So your first few seconds are fairly vital when you walkinto that interview room or are greeted by your employer.Good body language startsWith a firm handshake(thatS firm-dont shake their hands off!)and being smartlydressed.Don’t bathe in perfume or aftershave as strong often give off an overpoweringfeeling and can be very off putting.It’S always best to be clean and neutral!Confirm with your prospective interviewer the interview arrangements by letter Once vou have been invited to attend the interview,which shows manners and initiative.It can just be brief confirming the time and place of the interview.It also gives you the opportunity to send in any documents that the interviewer may wish to see in advance or anything you may have omitted to send when you originally enclosed your CV and job application form.





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