出版時間:2008-7 出版社:中國水利水電出版社 作者:王月,Rebecca Mcandrew 頁數:218
本書分為就業(yè)高招、行業(yè)話題、職場管理、禮儀規(guī)范、商務雜談、進修學習六個部分,共60個話題場景,內容涵蓋了白領商務活動的方方面面,能夠幫助白領解決日常商務活動中溝通的障礙、提高口語表達能力?! ”緯m合于希望提高英語水平的白領英語愛好者。
第一篇 就業(yè)高招1. 如何寫簡歷?2. 面試3. 新工作4. 第一天上班5. 描述工作職責6. 商業(yè)信函7. 商務合同8. 電子郵件9. 如何與老板相處10. 與同事聊天11. 人際關系——老板和員工關系12. 兼職工作13. 永無出頭之日的工作14. 如何拒絕老板或同事給你的額外工作15. 如何開你自己的公司第二篇 行業(yè)話題16. 一位優(yōu)秀的銷售人員17. 數碼產品18. 手機服務19. 博客與RSS廣告20. 專利第三篇 職場管理21. 商務短會22. 公司管理23. 反對24. 討論25. 財政狀況26. 未來職業(yè)規(guī)劃27. 領導才能28. 簡報29. 談判30. 銷售——如何讓我們在競爭激烈的市場中保持領先地位31. 名片32. 項目的意見或建議33. 會議34. 客戶關系35. 銷售第四篇 禮儀規(guī)范36. 著裝規(guī)范37. 暢談健康飲食38. 如何有效地使用電話39. 商務午餐40. 商務會議禮儀41. 辦公室禮儀42. 如何禮貌而職業(yè)地與別人打交道43. 地理位置表達法第五篇 商務雜談44. 商務旅行45. 商務簽證46. 跨文化交流47. 文化沖擊48. 投資49. 要求加薪50. 公司閑話51. 新產品發(fā)布52. 勞資關系53. 貿易54. 發(fā)薪日55. 如何詢問產品信息和價格第六篇 進修學習56. 在國外工作57. 繼續(xù)教育58. 職員培訓59. 研討會60. 海外培訓
C:Hey dad.can I ask you for some advice? B:Sure.what Can I help you with? C:Well,you know I’m starting my real job next week,right?I just went in to finish the registration process with them and had several meetings with my new boss.I’m a little worried I might not get along with him. B:Ahh,the employee—boss relationship,that’S always a tough one.What is he like? C:HeS not very friendly and seems like heS going to be really difficult.Im afraid Im not going to like him. B:Well.dont let your personal feelings get in the way of your relationship with him. You need to stay professional and ensure that you get along at least on a workrelated basis. C:That might be hard to do.I just dont understand why people are so unfriendly. B:Well.the first thing you Can do is to try to understand where heS coming from. Try to understand his manner of working and then adjust accordingly. C:What do you mean? B:For starters.you could find out what aspects of work he is particular about and then 時to pay particular attention to those.If you take advantage of the situation,you Can learn a lot from your boss and gain from his experience.This could help you immensely in the future. C:What if he doesnt like anything I do?