
出版時間:2004-3  出版社:中國水利水電出版社  作者:杭州(亞太地區(qū))小水電研究培訓中心  頁數:163  字數:362000  


全書為英文,共分9個部分。分別為:Chapter1 A Survey of SHP Development in China;Chapter2 Main Features of the SHP Sector in China;Chapter3 Small Hydropower Resources in China;Chapter4 SHP-based Rural Electrification;Chapter5 Strategic Measures and Incentive Policies;Chapter6 SHP Technical Level;Chapter7 Current Barriers to Further Development and Measures for Overcoming Them;Chapter8 Outlook for SHP Development;Chapter9 International Cooperation。


AcronymsPrefaceForewordChapter1  A Survey of SHP Development in China  1.1 The three phases of development  1.2 The Ecological Protection Programme to Replace Firewood with SHP  1.3 Facing new challengesChapter2  Main Features of the SHP Sector in China  2.1 An important sector in the hydropower industry  2.2 An important energy source for rural electrification  2.3 Salient social and economic benefits  2.4 ositive environmental benefit  2.5 SHP-based local grids  2.6 Unique management mechanism  2.7 Various channels for raising fundsChapter3  Small Hydropower Resources in China  3.1 China s topographical features  3.2 Precipitation and runoff  3.3 Small Hydropower Resources in ChinaChapter4  SHP-based Rural Electrification  4.1 Progress of rural electrification  4.2 Principles and policies of rural electrification  4.3 Impact of rural electrification  4.4 Experience of rural elecrificationChapter5  Strategic Measures and Incentive Policies  5.1 Corresponding development of equipment manufacture  5.2 Training of professioals  5.3 Basic stimulating and protection policies  5.4 Other preferential policiesChapter6  SHP Technical Level  6.1 Planning approaches and standards for SHP-based rural hydro electrification  6.2 SHP developments in combination with medium and small river treatment including cascade development technology  6.3 SHP exploration surveying and design technology and procedures  6.4 Various flexible modes of exploitation based on actual site conditions  6.5 Local materials widely adopted for dam construction  6.6 Equipment and technical renovation of old hydropower stations  6.7 Studying and popularizing applicable SHP new technology  6.8 Gradually improving the automation capability and rationally selecting the automation standardChapter7  Current Barriers to Further Development and Measures for Overcoming Them  7.1 Present status of the policy environment for SHP  7.2 Barriers to further development of SHP under market operation  7.3 Measures for overcoming the barriersChapter8  Outlook for SHP Development  8.1 Favourable conditions for further development of SHP  ……Chapter9  International CooperationCase Studies



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