出版時間:2009-1 出版社:中國電力出版社 作者:蔡章兵 主編;高安柱,張如貴 分冊主編 頁數(shù):100
選材新穎時效性強(qiáng) 多以最近半年國內(nèi)外發(fā)生的重大事件為選材依據(jù),內(nèi)容新穎,時效性強(qiáng)。 名師主筆權(quán)威預(yù)測 由多所國家級示范中學(xué)和省級示范中學(xué)的特高級教師聯(lián)合編寫,充分體現(xiàn)考試動態(tài),緊密追蹤命題趨勢?! ≌n標(biāo)話題題材廣泛 選材緊扣課標(biāo)話題,題材涵蓋新聞時事、科普知識、人物故事、文化風(fēng)俗、體育休閑等?! ≡O(shè)題合理題型多樣 試題設(shè)置緊密契合中高考要求,“閱讀選擇+完形填空+任務(wù)型閱讀”多方面、多角度提高閱讀技能?! 』铐撛O(shè)計操作靈活 內(nèi)容按周次設(shè)計,活頁編排,既有利于教師課堂檢測,又適合學(xué)生課后自測,操作靈活方便,節(jié)時高效。
Week One新聞報道與時事文閱讀 Monday A 中國政府禁止免費(fèi)使用塑料袋 B 政府官員因安全題被免職 閱讀技巧點(diǎn)撥 Tuesday A 中國政府決定廢除食品免檢制度 B 神舟七號——中國人民的驕傲 Wednesday A 2008年北京奧運(yùn)會 B 黑色周末——九月第三個周末發(fā)生嚴(yán)重事故 Thursday A 四川地震中涌現(xiàn)出十佳小英雄 B 知名演員和電視廣告 Friday A 殘奧會報道 B 著名奧運(yùn)會冠軍Week Two媒體與廣告時文閱讀 Monday A 世界最平等的城市——北京 B iPhone的短處 閱讀技巧點(diǎn)撥 Tuesday A 跟蹤用戶上網(wǎng)信息的軟件 B 中巴合作 Wednesday A 新聞五則 B 特殊的博物館 Thursday A 金融風(fēng)暴與中國經(jīng)濟(jì)增長 B 喜馬拉雅山雪人 Friday A 航班延誤 B 香煙包裝警示語Week Three科普與小品時文閱讀 Monday A 肥胖新解 B 長壽老人 閱讀技巧點(diǎn)撥 Tuesday A 維他命C真的用嗎? B 西紅柿大戰(zhàn) Wednesday A 慎養(yǎng)洋寵物 B 清晨提神有妙招 Thursday A 西式飲食——心臟病的催化劑 B 休閑噪音——請關(guān)閉你的MP3 Friday A 網(wǎng)絡(luò)搜索能健腦 B 威兼·??思{Week Four人文與地理時文閱讀 Monday A 女警哺乳地震嬰兒 B 留守兒童 閱讀技巧點(diǎn)撥 Tuesday A 世界上最高的國家——萊索托 B 泰姬陵 Wednesday A 震中愛獻(xiàn)學(xué)生 B 溫總理聯(lián)合國講話 Friday A 科羅拉多大峽谷 B 阿根廷的葡萄酒節(jié)Week Five人物與故事時文閱讀Week Six文化與風(fēng)俗時文閱讀Week Seven體育與休閑的文閱讀Week Eight生活與哲理時文閱讀參考答案
Once there was an apple tree which a littleiboy used to climb it, pick the apples, take anap under the shadow... Time went by... thelittle boy grew up and he no longer played aroundthe tree. One day, the boy came back to the tree sadly."Come and play with me," the tree asked the boy. "Iam no longer a kid, I dont play with you anymore,"the boy replied. "I need money to buy toys." "Sorry,I dont have money.., but you can pick all my applesand sell them." The boy picked all the apples on thetree and left happily. The boy never came back afterhe picked the apples. One day, the boy returned and the tree was soexcited. "Come and play with me," the tree said. "Idont have time to play. We need a house." "Sorry, Idont have a house. But you can cut off my branchesto build your house." So the boy cut all the branchesoff the tree and left happily. One hot summer day, the boy returned and thetree was happy. "Come and play with me!" "Iam sadand getting, old. I want to go sailing to relax myself.""Use my trunk to build your boat." So the boy cutthe tree trunk to make a boat. The boy returned after he left for so many years."Sorry, my boy. I really cant give you anything ...the only thing left is my dying roots," the tree saidwith tears. "I dont need much now, just a place torest. I am tired after all these years," the boy replied."Good! My roots are the best place to lean on andrest. Sit down and have a rest." The boy sat downand the tree was glad and smiled with tears...
本套圖書以“練”為主,講練結(jié)合,并且按周次設(shè)計,非常符合課堂學(xué)習(xí)的需要;另外,題型多樣,體現(xiàn)了中高考的命題趨勢?! 羁『停ū本┧闹杏⒄Z組組長,特級教師) 洞悉中高考趨勢,優(yōu)選創(chuàng)新材料;練習(xí)層次高,針對性強(qiáng);科學(xué)解析試題,點(diǎn)撥解題關(guān)鍵。 ——張石山(全國優(yōu)秀教師、特級教師) 本套圖書選材新穎,體現(xiàn)英語閱讀內(nèi)容生活化和原汁原味的特點(diǎn),緊扣社會熱點(diǎn)話題,題材和體裁設(shè)置全面,文章長度和試題難度與中高考試題同步。 ——段永華(湖北高級教師)