出版時間:2009-1 出版社:中國電力出版社 作者:蔡章兵 主編;趙吉存,蔡章兵 分冊主編 頁數(shù):104
選材新穎時效性強 多以最近半年國內(nèi)外發(fā)生的重大事件為選材依據(jù),內(nèi)容新穎,時效性強?! ∶麕熤鞴P權威預測 由多所國家級示范中學和省級示范中學的特高級教師聯(lián)合編寫,充分體現(xiàn)考試動態(tài),緊密追蹤命題趨勢。 課標話題題材廣泛 選材緊扣課標話題,題材涵蓋新聞時事、科普知識、人物故事、文化風俗、體育休閑等?! ≡O題合理題型多樣 試題設置緊密契合中高考要求,“閱讀選擇+完形填空+任務型閱讀”多方面、多角度提高閱讀技能。 活頁設計操作靈活 內(nèi)容按周次設計,活頁編排,既有利于教師課堂檢測,又適合學生課后自測,操作靈活方便,節(jié)時高效。
Week One 新聞與時事時文閱讀 A 神七飛天 B 商業(yè)品牌收購 閱讀技巧點撥 A 家庭寵物 B 奧運火炬 A 著名運動員菲爾普斯 B 網(wǎng)絡運動 A 大陸臺灣關系 B 震區(qū)學校復課 A 貓站長 B 京津鐵路Week Two 科普與小品時文閱讀 A 水回收利用 B 隱形眼鏡 閱讀技巧與點撥 A 袋裝茶葉 B 全球變暖 A 青春痘 B 太空行走 A 啤酒節(jié)吉祥物 B 暴風雪 A 中學生的發(fā)明 B 耕牛趣聞Week Three 人文與地理時文閱讀 A 國慶黃金周 B 世界名瀑布 A 國家 B 金門大橋 A 節(jié)日活動 B 諾貝爾獎 A 熱線電話 B 手機短信 A 國家 B 宇航員的食品Week Four 人物與故事時文閱讀 A 俄羅斯總統(tǒng)訪問與演講 B 人民的總理——溫家寶 A 農(nóng)民科學家 B 著名電影導演 A 無車日 B 諾貝爾獎得主 A 美國新總統(tǒng) B 神七宇航員 A 災區(qū)官員自殺 B 華南虎照片的造假者Week Five 文化與風俗時文閱讀Week Six 體育與休閑時文閱讀Week Seven 生活與哲理時文閱讀Week Eight 綜合類時文閱讀參考答案
Qian Yongjian, got theb Nobel Prize in Chemistrywith the other twoscientists. This good news made usvery excited because his grandfatheris a Chinese, and also his uncle Qian Xuesen is agreat scientist in China. Many people talked theirfamily proudly because there are many scientists amongtheir family members. His brother Qian Yongyou is alsoone of the famous scientists in the world. His father is anengineer. His uncle is a professor of a famous university inthe USA. He said, "I hope young people of every countrycan get encouragement, but I think the Chinese youngpeople will be more proud from it." His hometown is Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.He was very clever when he was a child. He gotmany prizes when he was in middle school. Helearned physics and chemistry at Harvard University.He graduated from this university when he wasonly twenty years old. Then he got a doctor degreeat Cambridge University. He invented the newtechnology of marking protein in many colors . And bring the improvement of theCryobiology and Neurobiology . So he is the Chinese scientist who got the NobelPrize after Li Zhengdao, Yang Zhenning, Ding Zhaozhong,Li Yuanzhe, Zhu Liwen and Cui Qi. "I am alwaysinterested in colors. They make my work more interesting.When I have problems in my work, it is the colors that make me go on with my work. I think if I were a blind in color, I could get such great achievement."
本套圖書以“練”為主,講練結合,并且按周次設計,非常符合課堂學習的需要;另外,題型多樣,體現(xiàn)了中高考的命題趨勢。 ——李俊和(北京四中英語組組長,特級教師) 洞悉中高考趨勢,優(yōu)選創(chuàng)新材料;練習層次高,針對性強;科學解析試題,點撥解題關鍵。 ——張石山(全國優(yōu)秀教師、特級教師) 本套圖書選材新穎,體現(xiàn)英語閱讀內(nèi)容生活化和原汁原味的特點,緊扣社會熱點話題,題材和體裁設置全面,文章長度和試題難度與中高考試題同步?! 斡廊A(湖北高級教師)