DL/T 5193-2004 環(huán)氧樹脂砂漿技術(shù)規(guī)程 (英文版)

出版時(shí)間:2009-3  出版社:中國(guó)電力出版社  作者:中華人民共和國(guó)國(guó)家發(fā)展和改革委員會(huì)發(fā)布  頁(yè)數(shù):88  字?jǐn)?shù):73000  


  This Specification IS revised on the demands of the Document No.22[2000]entitled"Notice about approving the scheme on formulatingor revising the sector standards of the electric power industry in1999"issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission. This Specification specifies the quality requirements andperformance test methods of raw materials for epoxy resin mortar,performance tests and construction technologies of epoxy resinmortar.  Due to its characteristics of high strength and excellentcomprehensive performance,epoxy resin mortar has been used asanti-scouting and anti-abrasion protective cover of flow surface ofhydraulic concrete and as a mending and consolidation material forthe locations damaged by scouring,abrasion and cavitation erosion inthe past 40 years.It has also been used as a mending andconsolidation material for industrial and civil buildings,highways,bridges and airport runways,etc..The quantity and application scope of epoxy resin mortar have been increased continuously with development of epoxy resin material and improvement of constructiontechnologies in recent years.However,there is no related technical specification for a long time,which has hindered the application andtechnology development of epoxy resin mortar as no technical requirement is available for epoxy material processing,performancetest and on-site construction.So it is very necessary to develop a specification for epoxy resin mortar that is suitable for our country,in order to standardize the research and application of epoxy resin.


  本書為DL/T 5193《環(huán)氧樹脂砂漿技術(shù)規(guī)程》的英文版,規(guī)定了環(huán)氧樹脂是將原材料的基本性能要求及其檢測(cè)方法、質(zhì)量控制等內(nèi)容。


Foreword1  Scope2  Normative References3  Terms and Symbols 3.1  Terms and Definitions 3.2  Symbols4  Quality Requirements and Methods of Performance Tests for Raw Materials of Epoxy Resin Mortar 4.1  Quality Requirements for Raw Materials 4.2  Performance Tests for Raw Materials5  Performance Tests of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.1  Preparation of the Mixture 5.2  Molding Method of Test Specimen 5.3  Consistency Test of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.4  Tests of Pot Life and Curing Age of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.5  Apparent Density Test of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.6  Test and Classification of Exothermic Peak Temperature of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.7  Linear Shrinkage Test of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.8  Thermal Compatibility between Epoxy Resin Mortar Coating and Concrete 5.9  Compressive Strength Test of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.10  Tensile Strength Test of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.11  Flexural Strength Test of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.12  Test Method for Bond Tensile Strength of Epoxy Resin Mortar to Cement Mortar 5.13  Test Method for Bond Tensile Strength of Epoxy Resin Mortar to Concrete 5.14  Test Method for Compressive Elastic Modulus of Epoxy Resin  Mortar 5.15  Test of Linear Expansion Coefficient of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.16  Test of Medium-resistance Performance of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.17  Aging Test of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.18  Test Method of Impact-resistant Performance of Epoxy Resin Mortar 5.19  Test Method of Abrasion Resistant Performance of Epoxy Resin Mortar Against Silt Laden Water 5.20  Testing Method of Anti-seepage Performance of Epoxy Resin Mortar6  Construction Technologies 6.1  Construction Preparation 6.2  Construction Procedure 6.3  Treatment of Substrate Concrete 6.4  Mixing Techniques and Requirements 6.5  Brushing Techniques and Technical Requirements 6.6  Quality Check, Control and Test 6.7  Curing of Epoxy Mortar Coat 6.8  Construction Safety and Labor ProtectionAnnex A (Normative) Testing and Classification of Exothermic Peak TemperatureAnnex B (Normative) Test Method of Bonding Tension Strength


  5.1.1 ScopeIt is applicable to preparation of epoxy resin mortar mixture.  5.1.2 Requirements  1 The test matedal or mixtures shah be remained at thetemperatureof23℃±2℃ for at least 24 h.2 It is recommended to dir zectly use half-ready epoxy resinmortar packaged in proportion and provided by suppliers.When usebulk materials,the components shall not be less than 10 g,to thenearest±0.05 g.3 The sequences of adding the materials shall follow supplierSindication.Mix until the color of the mixture becomes uniform(orfollow supplierS indication),and avoid exotherm reaction caused byover-mixing.4 Protective clothes and latex (or plastic) gloves shall be Woredunng the process to avoid direct contact with chemicals.In case thatthe mixture gets on the skin,wipe it off with dry cloth or tissueimmediately,and then wash the affected skin with soap and water.Donot wipe the affected part with solvent fluids because it accelerateshazardous substances permeating into skin.  5.1.3 Instruments.1 Bench Scale:its capacity is 5 kg,and sensitivity is 1 g.2 Balance:its capacity is 500 g.a(chǎn)nd sensitivity is 0.01 g.3 Mixing equipments:from small-size mixer to low-speed.



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