出版時間:2008-6 出版社:中國電力出版社 作者:童湘暉 編 頁數(shù):114
這套叢書最主要的特色是什么? 這套書最大的特點是屬于教學(xué)一線骨干教師的合力之作。由北京市海淀區(qū)教師進修學(xué)校教研員領(lǐng)銜、10余所中學(xué)骨干教師設(shè)計、編寫,系統(tǒng)地體現(xiàn)了。海淀區(qū)近年來初、高中階段英語學(xué)習與復(fù)習的最新思路。北京市海淀區(qū)從上個世紀80年代以來:基礎(chǔ)教育一直在國內(nèi)久負盛名,原因之一就是在海淀區(qū)教師進修學(xué)校的教研們的帶領(lǐng)下,以骨干教師為依托,系統(tǒng)地編寫了自己的學(xué)習與復(fù)習資料,形成了獨特、系統(tǒng)的“教”與“學(xué)”的模式,保證了多年來中、高考成績始終處于領(lǐng)先地位?! ≡鯓优袛嚅喿x理解〔完形填空〕練習的編寫水平? 在國內(nèi)目前的中、高考英語中,閱讀理解〔完形填空〕是考查閱讀能力常用的題型,同時也是分值最高的題型之一。為了保證測試成績,海淀區(qū)的老師們采取的方法是循序漸進、持之以恒地要求學(xué)生進行系統(tǒng)、有效的反復(fù)訓(xùn)練。好的閱讀理解〔完形填空〕首先要在材料的選擇上做到題材真實、語言地道、體裁多樣、難度適宜;其次,在試題設(shè)計上應(yīng)科學(xué)、合理、客觀,符合當今的考試趨勢?! ∵@套叢書選材有哪些特點? 這套叢書的選材主要來自三個方面:第一,海淀區(qū)教師進修學(xué)校教研員組織海淀區(qū)教師們原創(chuàng)的模擬試題;第二,近3——4年全國重點省〔區(qū)〕和市的中考,高考真題;第三,一些難度適當?shù)摹把芯可雽W(xué)英語考試”“大學(xué)四、六級考試”等真題。這些材料選材新穎、內(nèi)容翔實、題材豐富、難度適中、針對性強,既包括了國內(nèi)外時事,又包括經(jīng)典名篇、文化視角、逸聞趣事等。每天一篇,一周五篇,話題均衡、令面,難度編排精當,設(shè)題符合中、高考規(guī)律,融趣味性、知識性和系統(tǒng)性為一體,以期科學(xué)、有效地幫助學(xué)生提高應(yīng)試能力。
I came to study in the United States a year ago.Yet I did not know the real American society until I.was injured in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor and go to court. After the accident.my roommate called a doctor for me.1 was very grateful and determined to repay him one day.But the next day,he asked me to Pay him $ 200 for what he had done.1 was astonished.He had good reason to charge me.he said.And if 1 wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my injttry,Id have to have a good lawyer.And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer.Now that he had helped me find a good doctor,it was only fair that I should Pav him. But every time 1 went to see the doctor,I had to wait about 50 minutes.He would see two or three patients at the sametime,andoften stoptreatingone So asto seeanother.Yethecharged me $ 115 eachtime.,nlefinalexamination reportconsistedoftenlines,anditcostme$215. My lawyer was all smiles the.first time we met.But after that he avoided seeing me at a11.He knew very Well the other party was responsible for the accident。yet he hardly did anything.He simply waited to collect his money.He was So irresponsible that I decided to dismiss(解雇):him.And he made me pay him $ 770. Now I had to act as my own lawyer.Due to my inexpefience.I told the insurance company the date 1 was leaving America.Knowing that,they played for time,…and I left without getting a cent.
《快捷英語周周練 完形填空 高1年級上》是由中國電力出版社出版的?! ∶麕熤鞴P專家審稿:本套叢書由海淀教師進修學(xué)校教研員領(lǐng)銜,海淀十余所名校名師聯(lián)合編寫,由中外教育專家審定把關(guān)?! ≡O(shè)計新穎操作靈活:本套叢書內(nèi)容按周次設(shè)計,既有利于教師課堂定時檢測,又適合學(xué)生同步白測,操作靈活方便、節(jié)時高效。 同步性好適用性廣:本套叢書以新課標及最新考綱為依據(jù)編寫,適用于各種版本教材?! ∵x材新穎題材豐富:所收短文選材真實,題材豐富,內(nèi)容翔實,涵蓋面廣,符合學(xué)生的興趣愛好,融趣味性和知識性于一體?! ‰y度適中考點明確:全書試題難度循序漸進,包括當前中、高考的各種題型及創(chuàng)新型題型。