出版時間:2008-2 出版社:中國電力 作者:黃艷慧 頁數(shù):83
聽力訓練是英語教學的重要組成部分。相應(yīng)地,英語聽力測試也在升學測試中占有很大比例。然而,目前初中學生聽力理解能力偏低,在中考英語聽力測試中失分較多,甚至嚴重影響了升學。這種現(xiàn)象的主要原因之一是缺少優(yōu)質(zhì)的適合初中生使用的聽力訓練用書,學生缺乏科學、規(guī)范的聽能訓練及相應(yīng)的測試訓練素材。 為滿足師生對優(yōu)質(zhì)中考英語聽力測試備考用書的需求,我們特組織經(jīng)驗豐富、精通測試學的特、高級教師和教研員編寫了本書。本書是依據(jù)《九年義務(wù)教育全日制初級中學英語教學大綱(試用修訂版)》和《(全日制義務(wù)教育普通高級中學)英語課程標準(實驗稿)》編寫而成,旨在幫助學生全面了解中考題型和命題趨勢、深入體會中考英語聽力的命題和應(yīng)試規(guī)律。通過本書的全真模擬訓練考生必將大幅度提高中考英語聽力測試的應(yīng)試能力。本書有如下特點: 1.權(quán)威性 本書主編是全國知名教師,數(shù)十年致力于研究中考測試,教研成果豐富,熟悉中考試題的改革方向和命題趨勢。編者皆為重點學校的一線知名教師,備考輔導(dǎo)經(jīng)驗豐富,且具有多年中考試題的命制工作經(jīng)驗。 2.科學性 本書選材新穎、原汁原味、時代感強,試題命制緊密遵循中考真題命題規(guī)則,科學嚴謹。 3.豐富性 全書共有20套題,選材豐富,趣味性強。話題囊括了歷年中考真題中高頻常見話題,如:問路、購物、詢問時間、問候、約會、打電話等等。 4.預(yù)測性 中考聽力雖難,但亦有其自身變化發(fā)展的規(guī)律。本書作者在充分研究歷年中考真題的基礎(chǔ)上,對命題趨勢作了準確預(yù)測,且將此預(yù)測融于本書試題命制的全過程,讓同學們在不知不覺中體驗中考,熟悉中考,進而在中考英語聽力測試中獲得高分。 由于編寫時間倉促,書中難免有錯誤和不妥之處,敬請廣大師生不吝指正。
M: Oh, you know, hamburgers, sandwiches. Sometimes I like a pizza. W: And how often do you eat fast food7 M: Er, Monday to Friday when Im working. W: And what time7 M: At work as I said, you know at lunchtime. W: Thats all. Thank you very much. M: Helen, I wonder if you could help me. W: Id be glad to. M: Could you go to the nearest convenience store and buy me some sugar and rice? W: OK. M: Can you go now? W: Im sorry I cant. Henry told me to meet him in ten minutes. M: But you see, I need the things to make dinner. W: Id like to, but what can I do about Henry? Well, I have an idea, Ill meet Henry first,and then go togetherwith him to buy the things for you. M: OK, but be quick. By the way, does Henry like chicken? W: Im afraid not. Dad, could you make some beef for him? He loves beef. M: OK, buy some beef then. W: OK. Here is something important for everyone going to London next month. As you know, you are going tostay with a family for two weeks. Now, the most important thing is money. You should take about ~530with you. I think that will be enough for everyone. Then, when you arrive, youll be met by your newfamily. You must remember to wear a red shirt, so the family will fmd you easily. Theyve been told you allwear red shirts. Youll also need to take with you four photos of yourself and, of course, its very importantthat you take the school letter. While youre there, if you have any problems, you can call Leech SchoolOffice. Ill give you the office phone number now. Its 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs.Backer ... Thats B-A-C-K-E-R. Shes in the office from nine oclock in the morning until five in theafternoon every day. OK. Thats everything. Have a good journey!
強大陣容:由多年致力于研究中考測試的專家和高級教師傾力打造。 逼真測試:選材錄制,布局設(shè)置,步步緊靠中考真題?! ?quán)威預(yù)測:潛心研究,充分體現(xiàn)考試動態(tài),全面反映命題趨勢。