
出版時間:2007-1  出版社:中國電力  作者:馬淑英  頁數:210  


  在使用人民教育出版社出版的初中英語教材“Go for it”時,我們遇到了一個很大的困難:缺少真正與教材配套使用的同步閱讀練習。為此,我們組織海淀區(qū)十余名任課教師編寫了這套“初中英語同步閱讀”叢書?! ”緟矔鴩栏衽c教材配套,共5冊,是按照單元編寫的。初三階段,為了幫助學生準備“中考”,還設計了10套“模擬閱讀試題”。  每個單元設計了4個閱讀篇章,內容與教材單元話題相關,并且難度適當,盡量使用單元中出現的詞匯、語法,幫助學生鞏固學習重點;在體裁上,每個單元都盡量包括了“新課標”重點要求初中階段學生需要掌握的對記敘文、說明文、應用文、議論文。閱讀材料語言地道、信息量大、具有時代氣息,符合這個年齡段學生們的興趣?! ≡诰帉戇^程中,我們注重學生閱讀學習過程。每個單元的四篇文章難度逐漸遞增,有利于不同層次的學生閱讀能力的發(fā)展。另外。為了便于學生閱讀,每篇文章標明了生詞的中文釋義,并用注釋的形式標注出短語、句型及語法?! ≡诨顒釉O計方面,我們注意與各地“中考”的發(fā)展趨勢相結合,既有常用的“正誤判斷”、“多項選擇”,也有“任務型”閱讀練習。如根據文章內容填寫表格。另外,我們還采用了“讀、寫”結合的題型,如根據文章內容回答問題等。我們的設計意圖是:體現用語言做事的理念。啟發(fā)學生積極思維,調動學生學習的積極性,使學生在知識、能力等方面都能得到提高和發(fā)展。


  在使用人民教育出版社出版的初中英語教材“Go for it”時,我們遇到了一個很大的困難:缺少真正與教材配套使用的同步閱讀練習。為此,我們組織海淀區(qū)十余名任課教師編寫了這套“初中英語同步閱讀”叢書?! ”緟矔鴩栏衽c教材配套,共5冊,是按照單元編寫的。初三階段,為了幫助學生準備“中考”,還設計了10套“模擬閱讀試題”?! ∶總€單元設計了4個閱讀篇章,內容與教材單元話題相關,并且難度適當,盡量使用單元中出現的詞匯、語法,幫助學生鞏固學習重點;在體裁上,每個單元都盡量包括了“新課標”重點要求初中階段學生需要掌握的對記敘文、說明文、應用文、議論文。閱讀材料語言地道、信息量大、具有時代氣息,符合這個年齡段學生們的興趣?! ≡诰帉戇^程中,我們注重學生閱讀學習過程。每個單元的四篇文章難度逐漸遞增,有利于不同層次的學生閱讀能力的發(fā)展。另外。為了便于學生閱讀,每篇文章標明了生詞的中文釋義,并用注釋的形式標注出短語、句型及語法。


Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Unit 2 I used to be afraid 0f the dark.Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothesUnit 4 What would you do?Unit 5 It must belong to CarlaUnit 6 I like music that I can dance to.Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?Unit 8 I'll help clean up the city parksUnit 9 When was it invented?Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already leftUnit 11 Could you please telI me where the restrooms are?Unit 12 You’re supposed to shake handsUnit 13 Rainy days make me sadUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Unit 15 We're trying to save the manatees!中考模擬套題1中考模擬套題2中考模擬套題3中考模擬套題4中考模擬套題5中考模擬套題6中考模擬套題7中考模擬套題8中考模擬套題9中考模擬套題10參考答案


  This year, Sichuan schools decide to start morningclasses an hour later. This will help student feel lesstired. And most junior high schools will begin the firstclass at about 8:30 am The students are happy about the change.  Liu Ming told us that his'class were excited by thenews on the first day of school.  "Great! From now on we students at Chengdu No. 4Middle School don't have to get Up so early!" Liu saidthat he used to get up at 6:40 am Now he can get up at7:40 am because class doesn't start until 8:40 am  Wu Hongli feels the same. She said the new timeta-ble was good for her health. "I used to get upat 6:30 am I hod to drink coffee every night, or Iwould feel too sleepy to finish my homework," said Wu,"Now I can finish it without coffee. Because I cansleep a little longer."  Many teachers say the change will help studentslearn better. "Students used to doze for thefirst two classed in the morning," said Huang Shan, anEnglish teacher at Chengdu No. 12 Middle School. "Butnow they are active in class and learn much better thanbefore."   ……





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