
出版時間:2006-5  出版社:中國電力出版社  作者:華爾頓  頁數(shù):250  




Introduction簡介 Ethan Frome伊坦·弗洛美 I 第一章 II 第二章 III 第三章 IV 第四章 V 第五章 VI 第六章 VII 第七章 VIII 第八章 IX 第九章 X 第十章


  Ethan Frome  I had the story, bit by bit, from various people, and, as generally happens in such cases, each time it was a different story.  If you know Starkfield, Massachusetts, you know the post-office. If you know the post-office you must have seen Ethan Frome drive up to it, drop the reins on his hollow-backed bay and drag himself across the brick pavement to the white colonnade: and you must have asked who he was.  It was there that, several years ago, I saw him for the first time;and the sight pulled me up sharp. Even then he was the most striking figure in Starkfield, though he was but the ruin of a man. It was not so much his great height that marked him, for the “natives” were easily singled out by their lank longitude from the stockier foreign breed: it was the careless powerful look he had, in spite of a lameness checking each step like the jerk of a chain. There was something bleak and unapproachable in his face, and he was so stiffened and grizzled that I took him for an old man and was surprised to hear that he was not more than fifty-two.   I had this from Harmon Gow, who had driven the stage from Bettsbridge to Starkfield in pre-trolley days and knew the chronicle of all the families on his line.““He's looked that way ever since he had his smashup; and that's twenty-four years ago come next February,” Harmon threw out between reminiscent pauses.P2  伊坦·弗洛美  我獲悉了這個故事,那是一點一滴地經(jīng)由不同的人講述而拼湊起來的,這種情況通常都是人多嘴雜,每次聽到的故事都不相同?! ∪绻阒礼R薩諸塞州的斯塔克菲爾德鎮(zhèn),想必你還知道那個郵局。如果你熟悉那個郵局,想必你見過伊坦·弗洛美趕著車子上那兒去,把韁繩搭在他那匹骨瘦如柴的栗色馬的背上,讓自己慢吞吞地走過鋪磚的過道,去到白色的柱廊那兒:想必你會問過他是誰?! 啄昵埃揖褪窃谀莾旱谝淮慰匆娝?,他的樣子著實嚇得我一楞。雖然他成了個殘廢,但即使是在那時,他也仍是斯塔克菲爾德鎮(zhèn)上最打眼的人。  他突出的地方主要還不是他高高的個子,他們那些“當(dāng)?shù)厝恕倍加质萦指撸谳^墩實的外來人當(dāng)中都容易引人注意:惹眼的是他那種雖然像拽鐵鏈似的一跛一頓地走路,卻仍帶著一副不經(jīng)意中透著強(qiáng)大的神氣。他的臉容有些哀凄,讓人覺得不易接近;他的身軀是那么僵硬,頭發(fā)是那么灰白,我甚至都把他當(dāng)成了老者,而后來得知他不超過五十二歲時,我頓覺驚訝不已。這是  哈蒙·高告訴我的,哈蒙在開通電車之前在貝茨伯里奇和斯塔克菲爾德之間跑驛馬車,對沿途家家戶戶那些飛短流長的歷史淵源他都一清二楚?!  八詮淖矀缶鸵恢笔沁@副樣子;到明年二月份那次出事就有二十四年了,”哈蒙在回憶的間歇甩出了這么一句話?!  ?/pre>



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