
出版時間:2004-1  出版社:中國電力出版社  作者:孫石  頁數(shù):325  字?jǐn)?shù):266000  


為滿足電力國際交流和對外合作的需要,特組織專家編寫了《實用電力英語叢書》,分為《發(fā)電分冊》、《輪配電分冊》、《供用電分冊》、《電力經(jīng)濟與管理分冊》四冊。本叢書內(nèi)容簡潔實用,旨在從讀、寫、譯等三方面提高在職技術(shù)人員和工人的英語閱讀、翻譯和日常電力應(yīng)用文的寫作能力。本叢書特點為:①根據(jù)電力實際需要進行分冊,便于相關(guān)專業(yè)人員按需選擇,針對性較強;②收錄的文章均選自英語原文資料,文后附有譯文、離譯技巧、注釋和應(yīng)用練習(xí);③為了增強實用性,還專門設(shè)計了求職信、(商業(yè))信函、產(chǎn)品說明、標(biāo)書、合同等一系列應(yīng)用極廣的實用文寫作實例和練習(xí)。  《發(fā)電分冊》是本叢書之一,它主要包括國外文獻中與發(fā)電方面有關(guān)的文章,如燃煤電廠、水電站、核電站與電站設(shè)計、電廠建設(shè)與運行、鍋爐、汽輪機、燃?xì)廨啓C、發(fā)電機、鍋爐和汽機控制、電廠化學(xué)和環(huán)境保護等內(nèi)容?! ”緟矔晒╇娏ο到y(tǒng)從事發(fā)電、輸配電、用電及電力經(jīng)濟的技術(shù)人員及管理人員的在職培訓(xùn)和繼續(xù)教育之用,也可作為他們?nèi)粘W詫W(xué)教材,并可作為各大中專院校的專業(yè)教材。


前言Unit one Coal-Fired Power Plants  Part I Reading Comprehension  Part II Translation Skills 詞義的選擇  Part III Practical Writing Letters of Job Application 求職信Key to Unit OneUnit two Hydropower Plants  Part I Reading Comprehension  Part II Translation Skills 詞義的引申  Part III Practical Writing Letters of Job Application 簡歷Key to Unit TwoUnit three Nucleear Power Plants and Power Plant Designs  Part I Reading Comprehension  Part II Translation Skills 詞類轉(zhuǎn)換譯法  Part III Practical Writing Letters of Job Application 如何寫商業(yè)信函Key to Unit ThreeUnit four Power Plant Construction and Operation  Part I Reading Comprehension  Part II Translation Skills 增詞譯法  Part III Practical Writing Letters of Job Application  廣告Key to Unit FourUnit five Boilers  Part I Reading Comprehension  Part II Translation Skills 省詞譯法  Part III Practical Writing Letters of Job Application 產(chǎn)品說明Key to Unit FiveUnit six Boilers and Steam Turbines  Part I Reading Comprehension  Part II Translation Skills 被動語態(tài)的譯法  Part III Practical Writing Letters of Job Application 簡介Key to Unit SixUnit seven Steam Turbines and Gas Turbines  Part I Reading Comprehension  Part II Translation Skills 倍數(shù)、分?jǐn)?shù)和百分?jǐn)?shù)的譯法  Part III Practical Writing Letters of Job Application 論文摘要Key to Unit SevenUnit eight Generators  Part I Reading Comprehension  Part II Translation Skills 定語從句的譯法  Part III Practical Writing Letters of Job Application 招標(biāo)公告Key to Unit EightUnit nine Boiler and Turbine Control  Part I Reading Comprehension  Part II Translation Skills 長句的譯法(一)  Part III Practical Writing Letters of Job Application 合同Key to Unit NineUnit ten Chemistry in the Power Plant and Environment ProtectionKey to Unit Ten詞匯表




    實用電力英語叢書。發(fā)電分冊 PDF格式下載

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  •   非常好,本人郵購該系列的書,感覺不錯,既學(xué)到了不少專業(yè)知識,也增加了不少專業(yè)術(shù)語。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
