
出版時間:2000-9  出版社:中國電力出版社  作者:廣東抽水蓄能電站聯(lián)營公司 編  頁數(shù):138  字數(shù):216000  


《中國抽水蓄能電站建設(英文版)》主要內(nèi)容包括:Ⅰ COMPREHENSIVE REPORTS;Pumped Storage in China;Prospects for Developement of Pumpde Storage Power Stations;Ⅱ ENERAL SITUATION OF PUMPED STORAGE POWER STATIONS IN CHINA;Gangnan Pumped Storage Ptation;Miyun Pumped Storage Ptation;Panjiakou Pumped Storage Ptation;Guangzhou Pumped Storage Ptation;Shisanling Pumped Storage Ptation等等。


ForewordⅠ COMPREHENSIVE REPORTS  Pumped Storage in China  Prospects for Developement of Pumpde Storage Power StationsⅡ ENERAL SITUATION OF PUMPED STORAGE POWER STATIONS IN CHINA  Gangnan Pumped Storage Ptation  Miyun Pumped Storage Ptation  Panjiakou Pumped Storage Ptation  Guangzhou Pumped Storage Ptation  Shisanling Pumped Storage Ptation  Yanhu Pumped Storage Ptation  Xikou Pumped Storage Ptation  Tianhuangping Pumped Storage Ptation  Xianghongdian Pumped Storage Ptation  Shahe Pumped Storage Ptation  Tiantang Pumped Storage Ptation  Minghu and Mingtan Pumped Storage Ptation,Taiwan Province  Zhanghewan Pumped Storage Ptation  Tongbai Pumped Storage Ptation  Tai'an Pumped Storage Ptation  Baishan Pumped Storage PtationⅢ SUMMARIES OF TECHNICAL PAPERS  Gangnan:Chinqa'First Combied Pumped Storage Power Station  Design and Recognition of Panjiakou Combined Pumped Storage Power Station  Operation of Panjiakou Pumped Storage Power Station in North-China Power System……


版權(quán)頁:插圖:2.Construction ExperiencesAlthough modern pumped hydro is a new comer to the Chinese power sector, China has haddecades of experiences with building large-size conventional hydro projects. Our reform and open up policy coupled with foreign technical know how and management expertise have brought a newupsurge to pumped storage developments with modern features. True, there are currently only a few pumped hydros in China and their total installed capacity represents an insignificant proportion on the whole. The physical size of some of the projects, however, is remarkable, Take Guangzhou II pumped storage project for example. When its phase I is rounded off, it will become the biggest of the sort in our current world. The actual progress from power caverntop heading to initial commissioning normally ranges between 49 and 54 months, as is the case with Guangzhou I andll , Shisanling and Tianhuangping. Such an actual progress is certainly notpale before most similar foreign projects in the developed countries. The cost level per kw installed for Tianhuangping and Shisanling hovers around RMB 4,000 to 5,000 yuan, or US 500to 600 dollars equivalent, but only RMB 2,500 yuan or US 300 dollars equivalent for Guangzhou I and II , all apparently lower than that of their foreign counterparts.It is also noticed that theper kW cost level for Guangzhou I and II is not as much as what it should be for a coal-fired development with peaking duties. The construction experiences typical of fast progress and lower cost provide a helpful guidance for the system planners, also a catalyst to further pumped storage development.





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