
出版時間:2007-8  出版社:華夏出版社  作者:陳世丹,盧愛枝,魏臻,全國五年制高等職業(yè)教育公共課開發(fā)指導(dǎo)委  頁數(shù):370  


  2004年4-8月,教育部職成司對五年制高職教材重新進行了整體規(guī)劃,在全面總結(jié)吸收“面向21世紀(jì)職業(yè)教育課程改革和教材建設(shè)規(guī)劃”經(jīng)驗成果的基礎(chǔ)上,動員全國各地申報職業(yè)教育教材兩千余種,經(jīng)組織專家評審后,制定了《2004-2007年職業(yè)教育教材開發(fā)編寫計劃》,這套五年制高職公共課教材,就是按照這個計劃編寫的?! ≡诰帉懼埃覀儗δ壳拔迥曛聘呗毠舱n的教學(xué)情況進行了大量的調(diào)查研究,對現(xiàn)行的教材做了深入的分析比較,提出了嚴(yán)縝細(xì)密的編寫題綱,并上報教育部職成司。在得到職成司有關(guān)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和專家充分肯定后,開始著手這套教材的編寫工作?! ”咎捉滩牡淖髡咭徊糠质莵碜晕迥曛聘呗氃盒=虒W(xué)一線的教師,一部分是各學(xué)科領(lǐng)域的專家學(xué)者,他們既具有豐富的教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,又都參加過教材的編寫工作,具有豐富的教材編寫經(jīng)驗。擔(dān)任各門課程第一主審人的均是該學(xué)科領(lǐng)域里的專家,第二主審人則是來自五年制高職教學(xué)一線的優(yōu)秀教師。  針對五年制高職學(xué)生目前的生源水平現(xiàn)狀,本套教材適當(dāng)降低了起點和難度,本著“少而精”的原則,使教材的難度深淺適中,既符合學(xué)生的實際水平,又加強了教學(xué)的針對性,并注意吸收新知識、新觀念,強調(diào)基礎(chǔ):陸,突出實用性,體系設(shè)計合理,循序漸進,符合學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)特征和認(rèn)知規(guī)律,結(jié)構(gòu)體例新穎,便于教師和學(xué)生使用。




Unit 1 Hero Is a Four-Letter Word1.1 Reciting Text/31.2 Listening Practice/51.3 Read and Explore/81.4 Write and Produce/13Unit 2 Chocolate Lovers Rejoice!2.1 Reciting Text/232.2 Listening Practice/242.3 Read and Explore/292.4 Write and Produce/362.5 Songs and Poems/43Unit 3 Ah! Beautiful Paris3.1 Reciting Text/473.2 Listening Practice/483.3 Read and Explore/523.4 Write and Produce/583.5 Songs and Poems/65Unit 4 Sports & Olympic Games4.1 Reciting Text/694.2 Listening Practice/714.3 Read and Explore/754.4 Write and Produce/80Review 1 (Unitl~Unit4)Part 1 Listening Comprehension/91Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure/93Part 3 Reading Comprehension/95Part 4 Translation/100Part 5 Writing/102Unit 5 Man & Nature5.1 Reciting Text/1055.2 Listening Practice/1065.3 Read and Explore/1105.4 Write and Produce/115Unit 6 Do You Know How to "Power Nap"6.1 Reciting Text/1256.2 Listening Practice/1266.3 Read and Explore/1296.4 Write and Produce/133Unit 7 Eye-controlled Computer7.1 Reciting Text/1437.2 Listening Practice/1457.3 Read and Explore/1487.4 Write and Produce/152Unit 8 Rescue at Sea8.1 Reciting Text/1618.2 Listening Practice/1628.3 Read and Explore/1658.4 Write and Produce/170Review 2 (Unit5~Unit8)Part 1 Listening Comprehension/179Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure/181Part 3 Reading Comprehension/183Part 4 Translation/188Part 5 Writing/189Unit 9 Fashion & Style9.1 Reciting Text/1939.2 Listening Practice/1949.3 Read and Explore/1979.4 Write and Produce/203Unit 10 World Peace10.1 Reciting Text/21310.2 Listening Practice/21410.3 Read and Explore/21710.4 Write and Produce/22210.5 Music Appreciation/231Unit 11 Finished Labors Are Pleasant11.1 Reciting Text/23511.2 Listening Practice/23711.3 Read and Explore/23911.4 Write and Produce/344Unit 12 Science & TechnologymThe First Productivity12.1 Reciting Text/25312.2 Listening Practice/25512.3 Read and Explore/25812.4 Write and Produce/264Review 3 (Unit9~Unit12)Part 1 Listening Comprehension/275Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure/277Part 3 Reading Comprehension/279Part 4 Translation/284Part 5 Writing/286Unit 13 Burning Your Living, Enjoying Your Life13.1 Reciting Text/28913.2 Listening Practice/29013.3 Read and Explore/29313.4 Write and Produce/298Unit 14 Charity14.1 Reciting Text/30714.2 Listening Practice/30814.3 Read and Explore/31114.4 Write and Produce/315Unit 15 Pay Attention to Your Manners15.1 Reciting Text/32315.2 Listening Practice/32415.3 Read and Explore/32615.4 Write and Produce/330Unit 16 Communication16.1 Reciting Text/33916.2 Listening Practice/34016.3 Read and Explore/34416.4 Write and Produce/350Review 4 (Unit13~Unit161Part 1 Listening Comprehension/359Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure/361Part 3 Reading Comprehension/362Part 4 Translation/368Part 5 Writing/370


  beginning. Your roommate may become a close friend or you may not spend much time together.It all depends on you and your roommate. Respect your roommates possessions and privacy andask your roommate to do the same for you. Some roommates are very trustworthy and some arenot. A good rule to follow is "if you value something, keep it out of sight and under lock. " Thiswill keep your roommate from being tempted to take something that belongs to you. If you discover that your schedule and your roommates schedule are very different and youhave little time to study, you will find that the library is a nice and quiet place. Some dormitoriesare not very quiet and if you need a quiet place to study, you may need to go there.



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