
出版時間:1998-10  出版社:華夏出版社  作者:Wang Chuangui  


Chapter One Introduction to Acupuncture Therapy
l. Commonly Used Needle Instruments
1. Filiform Needles
1) The Structure of Filiform Needles
2) The Gauge of Filiform Needles
3) The Choice of Filiform Needles
4) The Check of Filiform Needles
2. Other Needle Apparatuses
Appendix:The Nine Kinds of Needles in Ancient China
1) Arrowhead-Like Needle
2) Ovoid-Tip Needle
3) Blunt Needle
4) Ensiform Needle
5) Sword-Like Needle
6) Round-Shape Needle
7) Filiform Needle
8) Long Needle
9) Large Needle
Ⅱ . Preparation Before Acupuncture
l. Position of the Patient
1) Lying Position
2) Sitting Position
2.Acupoint Location and Its Sterilization
1) Acupoint Location
2) Common Sterilization
Ⅲ M Angle, Direction and Depth of Needle Insertion
1. Angle of Needle Insertion
1) Perpendicular Puncture
2) Oblique Puncture
3) Horizontal Puncture
2. Direction of Needle Insertion
3. Depth of Needle insertion
1) Varying with the individuals
2) Varying with the Acupoint
3) Varying with the Meridian
4) Varying with the Disease
5) Varying with the Season
4. A upuncture Therapy as in the Yellow Emperor's internal Classic
1) Nine Type of Needlings
2)Twelve Methods of Needlings
3)Five Kind of Punctures
IV . Common Procedure of Acupuncture Therapy
V . Prevention and Management of Possible Accidents in
Acupuncture Therapy
l. Acupuncture Syncope
2. Sticking of the Needle
3. Bending of the Needle
4. Breaking of the Needle
5. Hematoma
6. Infection
7. Residual Sensation
8. Pricking injury of Zang-OrgansCViscera)
1) Traumatic Pneumothorax
2) Piercing injury of the Heart, Liver Spleen, Kidney and Other internal Organs
3) Piercing injury of Brain and Spinal Cord
4) Piercing injury of the Nerve Trunck
Vl. Precautions in Acupuncture Therapy
VII. Practicing Methods of Needling Skills
1. Practice of tl e Finger Force
2. Practice of the Common Manipulations
1) Practicing Quick Puncturing
2) Practicing Twirling-Rotating Puncturing
3) Practicing Lifting-Thrusting Puncturing
4) Practicing Repeated Lifting-Thrusting Puncturing
3. Self-Needling Test
Appendix: Supplementary Practicing Methods of Needling Skills
1) Other Praclicing Methods of the Finger Force
2) Palm-Moving and Qi-Training Methods
3) Sitting-Training Method
Vffl. Contraindications in Acupuncture Therapy
1. Contraindicated Regions
2. Contraindicated Acupoints
3. Contraindication According to the Patient's Condition
4. Provisional Contraindications
Chapter Two Manipulations of Filiform Needle in Acupuncture
Ⅰ. Methods of Controlling the Vitality
Ⅱ. Methods of Holding the Needle
1. Holding the Needle with Two Fingers
2. Holding the Needle with Three Fingers
3. Holding the Needle Shaft with Fingers
4. Holding the Needle with Both Hands
Ⅲ . Methods of inserting the Needle
1. insertion of the Needle with Single Hand
2. insertion of the Needle with Both Hands
1) inserting the Needle with Aid of the Finger of the Pressing Hand
2) Gripping and inserting the Needle
3) inserting the Needle by Pinching up the Skin
4) inserting the Needle by Stretching the Skin
Ⅳ. Methods of Manipulating the Needle
1. Lifting and Thrusting Manipulation
2. Twirling and Rotating Manipulation
V . Manipulations of Attaining, Awaiting and inducing Needling Sensation
1 Attaining of the Needling Sensation
2 Awaiting of the Needling Sensation
3. inducing of the Needling Sensation
1) Meridian-Massaging Method
2) Needle-Flicking Method
3) Needle-Scraping Method
4) Needle-Shaking Method
5) Wing-Spreadihg Method
6) Needle-Vibrating Method
7) Needle-Deepening Method
8) Needle-Swinging Method
9) Needle-Thrusting-Drawing Method
Vl. Manipulations of Directing the Transmission of Needling Sensation
1. Needle-Tip-Pointing Method
2. Pressing Method
3. Needle-Down Method
4. Needle-Bending Method
5. Needle-Tapping Method
6. Needle-Twisting Method
7 Acupoint-Supplementing Method
8. Needle-Circling Method
VII. Reinforcing and Reducing Manipulations
1. Reinforcing and Reducing by Lifting and Thrusting the Needle
2. Reinforcing and Reducing by Twirling and Rotating the Needle
3. Reinforcing and Reducing by Rapid and Slow insertion and Withdrawal of the Needle
4. Reinforcing and Reducing by Puncturing along and against the Direction of the Meridian
5. Reinforcing and Reducing by Manipulating the Needle in Cooperation with the Patient's Res-
6. Reinforcing and Reducing by Keeping the Needling Hole Open or Close
7. Heat-lnducing Needling(Reinforcing Needling)
8. Cool-lnducing Needling(Reducing Needling)
9. Yin Occluding in Yang(The Reinforcing Containing the Reducing)
10. Yang Occluding in Yin(The Reducing Containing the Reinforcing)
11. Dragon-Tiger Fighting
12. Midnight-Noon Lifting and Thrusting of the Needle
Appendix l Uniform Reinforcing and Reducing Method and Qi-lnducing Method
Appendix 2 The Strong and Weak Stimulation
Appendix 3 The Other Reinforcing and Reducing Methods
VIII. Manipulations of Retaining and Withdrawing the Needle
1. Retaining the Needle
2. Withdrawing the Needle
IX Acupoint-Penetrating Manipulation
Chapter Three Other Needle Instruments and Their Manipulations
in Acupuncture Therapy
Ⅰ Acupuncture with the Three-Edged Needle
1. The Needle Apparatuses
2. Manipulation and Procedure
3. Indications
4. Precautions
Ⅱ Acupuncture with the Cutaneous Needle
1. Needle Apparatuses and Preparation before Operation
2. Manipulation and Procedure
3. Location of the Tapping
1) Tapping along the Meridian Course
2) Tapping the Corresponding Acupoints
3) Tapping the Affected Area
4. Indications
5. Precautions
III Acupuncture with the Intradermal Needle
1. Needle Apparatuses
2. Manipulation and Procedure
1)DManipulation with the Granular(Wheat-Granule-Shaped) Interdermal Needle
2)Manipulation with the Thumb-Tack(Thumb-Pin-Shaped) Interdermal Needle
3. Indications
4. Precautions
IV Acupuncture with the Electric Needle Apparatuses
1. The Selection of the Needle instruments, Electric Current and Wave Forms
1) The Types of Electric Stimulators
2) The Property and Selection of Electric Current
3) The Selection of the Undulate Wave Forms of the Pulse Electro-Stimulator and Their
2. Manipulation and Procedure
1) Selection and Prescription of the Acupoints
2) Operation of the Electric Stimulation
3. indications
4. Precautions
V Acupuncture with the Cauterized Needle
1. The Needle Apparatuses
2. Manipulation and Procedure
1) Selection and Sterilization of Needling Area
2) Burning of the Needle
3) Puncturing and its Depth
3. indications
4. Precautions
Vl. Pricking, Cutting, Point-Threading, Point-Catgut-Embedding and Point-Liga-
tion Therapies
l. The Pricking Therapy
2. The Cutting Therapy
3. The Point-Threading, Point-Catgut-Embedding and Point-Ligation Therapies
1) The Point-Threading Therapy
2) The Point-Catgut-Embedding Therapy
3) The Point-Ligation Therapy
4. The Acupoint Strong Stimulation Therapy
5. Precautions
Ⅶ. Hydro-AcupunctureCPoint-lnjection) Therapy
1. Manipulations and Procedure
2. indications
3. Precautions
Appendix Air AcupunctureCPoint-lnjection) Therapy
Chapter Four General introduction to Moxibustion Therapy
Ⅰ Moxibustion Classification and its Commonly Used Materials
1. Moxibustion Classification
2. Commonly Used Materials for Moxibustion
Ⅱ Functions of Moxibustion
1. Warming and Dispersing the Cold Evil
2. Warming and Dredging the Meridians and Promoting Blood Circulation to Remove
Blood Stasis
3. Recuparating the Depleted Yang and Rescuing Collapsed Patients
4. Relieving Stagnation and Dispersing Accumulated Evils
5. Preventing Diseases and Promoting Health
Ⅲ Precautions for Moxibustion
1. Body Position for Moxibustion
2. General Procedure of Moxibustion
3. Quantity of Moxibustion
4. Management of the Moxibustion Scar
5. Contraindication for Moxibustion
Chapter Five Special introduction to Moxibustion Therapy
Ⅰ Moxibustion with Moxa Cone
1. Direct Moxibustion
1) Pustula-Forming Moxibustion
2) Non-Pustula-Forming Moxibustion
2. indirect Moxibustion
1) Ginger-Partition Moxibustion
2) Garlic-Partition Moxibustion
3) Salt-Partition Moxibustion
4) Herbal-Cake-Partition Moxibustion
Ⅱ . Moxibustion with Moxa Stick
1. Mild-Warming Moxibustion
2. Sparrow-Pecking and Rounding Moxibustions
Ⅲ . Moxibustion with Moxa on Needle
1 Apparatuses
1) Filiform Needle
2) Moxa Section
3) Temperature-Controlling Partition
4) Heated-Needle Fork
2. Manipulations and Procedure
1) Direct Heated Needle Moxibustion
2) indirect Heated Needle Moxibustion
3) Indications
Ⅳ . Moxibustion with instruments
l Apparatus
2. Manipulation and Procedure
V . Other Types of Moxibustions
1. Taiyi Moxa-Cigar and Thunder-Fire Miraculous Moxibustion
1) Taiyi Moxa-Cigar Moxibustion
2) Thunder-Fire Miraculous Moxibustion
2. Crude Herb Moxibustion
3. Burning Rush Moxibustion
Appendix l Moxibustions with Other Materials and Their Functions and indications
Appendix 2 Cupping
1) DThe Classification of Cups
2)Cupp'mg Manipulation
3)Applications of Various Cuppings
4)Indications and Precautions of Cupping
Chapter Six Micro-Acupuncture Therapy(Local Acupuncture
Ⅰ Auricular Acupuncture
l. The Auricule and Auricular Points
1)The Relationship of the Ear with the Zang-Fu Organs and Meridian-Collateral System
2) Anatomical Structure of the Auricule
3) Distribution of the Auricular Points
4) Location and Indications of Commonly Used Ear Points
5) Diagnostic Methods of Auricular Points
2. Clinical Applications of Auricular Acupuncture
1) Clinical indications of Auricular Acupuncture
2) Principles for Selecting Auricular Points
3) Manipulations and Procedure
Ⅲ . Scalp Acupuncture
1. The Relationship of the Head with the Zang-Fu Organs and
Meridian-Collateral System
2. Location and indications of Stimulation Areas on the Scalp
3. Location and Indications of the Standard Nomenclature of Scalp Acupuncture Lines
4. Manipulations and Procedure
5. Precautions
Ⅲ . Facial and Nosal Acupuncture
1. The Theoretic Basis of the Facial and Nosal Acupuncture and Their
Point Distribution Areas
2. Location and indications of the Acupoints of Facial Acupuncture
3. Location and indications of the Acupoints of Nosal Acupuncture
4. Manipulations of the Facial and Nosal A ?puncture
5. Precautions
Ⅳ. Occular Acupuncture
1. Occular Distribution Areas
2. Manipulation and Procedure
3. Acupoints Selection
V . Wrist and Ankle Acupuncture
Vl. Hand and Foot Acupuncture
VB Acupuncture on the Radial Aspect of the Second Metacarpal Bone
1. Location and indications of the Acupoints of Radio
Aspect of the Second Metacarpal Bone
2. Manipulations of the Acupuncture of the Radio Aspect of the Second Metacarpal Bone



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