
出版時(shí)間:1998-1  出版社:華夏出版社  作者:石學(xué)敏 張孟辰  頁(yè)數(shù):81  字?jǐn)?shù):1640000  譯者:李力/等  


本書是天津中醫(yī)學(xué)院權(quán)威專家總結(jié)多年留學(xué)生培訓(xùn)經(jīng)驗(yàn)編成的國(guó)內(nèi)外第一部漢英雙解針灸工具書。收針灸名詞術(shù)語(yǔ)4千余條,包括經(jīng)絡(luò)、腧穴、診法、治則、取穴法、刺灸法、各種病癥的針灸治法等,釋義準(zhǔn)確地道、通俗簡(jiǎn)煉,譯文信達(dá)有證,圖文并茂,并附中、英文索引,穴位、插圖附錄等。   本辭典收入有關(guān)中國(guó)針灸主要名詞、術(shù)語(yǔ)4000余條,力求涵蓋針灸學(xué)各主要領(lǐng)域的知識(shí)和操作要點(diǎn),釋文通俗、準(zhǔn)確。   漢語(yǔ)條目按漢語(yǔ)拼音字母順序排列。同音異聲的,按四聲順序排列;同音同聲的,按筆畫多少排列。多字條目如第一個(gè)字相同,則按第二個(gè)字的漢語(yǔ)拼音字母順序、四聲以及筆畫多少排列;第二個(gè)字相同,按第三個(gè)字排列,依此類推。


使用說明漢語(yǔ)拼音檢字表漢語(yǔ)拼音索引正文附錄 一、中外針灸醫(yī)家 二、穴名索引 三、插圖索引英文索引


變所在的肌肉或肌群處選取穴位。常用于肌肉癱瘓、萎縮等癥。如股直肌麻痹取伏兔,脛前肌麻痹取足三里等。 Selection of Points According to Muscle Groups A method of point-selection. Select the point on the muscle or muscle group where the disease lies. It is often used for my- oparalysis and muscular atrophy, etc. , e. g. Futu (ST 32) for paralysis of musculus rectus femoris.and Zusanli(ST 36)for paralysis of musculus tibialis anterior,etc. 按神經(jīng)取穴[ào shén jīng qǚ xué]取穴法之一?指按照神經(jīng)的分布選取有關(guān)的穴位,多數(shù)選用與脊神經(jīng)相應(yīng)的夾脊穴和某些分布在神經(jīng)叢或神經(jīng)干通路上的穴位。如手指麻木,取正中神經(jīng)上的內(nèi)關(guān)、橈神經(jīng)上的曲池。小腿疼痛,取腓神經(jīng)上的陽(yáng)陵泉、脛神經(jīng)上的委中。 Selection of Points According to the Distribu- tion of Nerves A method of point-selection referring to selecting points according to the distribution of nerves. In most of the cases Jia- ji (EX - B2) points related to the spinal nerves, and the points distributed on the neu- ro-plexus or nerve-trunk are selected, e. g. , select Neiguan (PC 6) at the nervus medianus and Quchi (LI 11 ) at the nervus radialis to treat numbness of fingers; select Yan- glingquan(GB 34)at the nervus peroneus and Weizhong(BL 40)at the tibial nerve to treat leg pain,etc. 按診[àn zhěn] 診法之一。又稱觸診。用手對(duì)病人體表進(jìn)行觸摸按壓,以獲得診斷印象的一種診察方法。包括按肌表、按手足、按胸腹、按頸部、按經(jīng)脈按喻穴等。參見“壓診”條。 Pressing for Diagnosis One of the diagnostic methods.also called palpation. A way of get- ting a diagnostic impression of the disease by palpating the body surface of the patient with the hand. It includes palpation of the muscle and skiri, hands and feet, chest and abdomen, neck, meridians, acupoints,etc. →壓診(p. 532) B 八沖[bā chōng] 經(jīng)外穴別名。出《千金要方》。即八風(fēng)。詳見該條。 Bachong Another name for Bafeng (EX-LE 10) ,a. set of eight extra points, originally fromQianjin Yaofang ( Essential Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold). →八風(fēng)(P.4) 八法[bā fǎ] ①配穴法,出《針炙大全》。指八脈交會(huì)八穴的用法,主要指靈龜八法及飛騰八法。詳見該條。②針刺手法。為下手八法的別稱。詳見該條。 Eight Methods ① Methods for point pre- scription originally from Zhenjiu Daquan (A Complete Work of Acupuncture and Moxibus- tion) treferring to the applications of the eightconfluent points, mainly the application of Eight Methods of Intelligent Turtle and Eight Methods of Soaring. →靈龜八法(p. 248)、飛騰八法(p. 105) ㎞eedling techniques, another name for the eight methods for needling ma- nipulations. →下手八法(p. 490) 八風(fēng)[bā fēng] ①經(jīng)外穴名.出《奇效良方》。又名八沖、陰獨(dú)八穴。(定位)在足背側(cè)第一至五趾?jiǎn)?,趾蹼緣后方赤白肉際處,一足四穴,左右共八穴(圖 3)。路趾與第二趾之間的八風(fēng)穴,層次解剖同行間穴(足厥陰肝經(jīng))。第二趾與第三趾之間者, 層次解剖同內(nèi)庭穴(足陽(yáng)明胃經(jīng))。第四趾與小趾之間者,層次解剖同俠溪穴(足少陽(yáng)膽經(jīng))。第三趾與第四趾之間的八風(fēng)穴的層次解剖是:皮膚→皮下組織 →第三與第四趾的趾長(zhǎng)、短伸肌腱之間→第三、四跖骨頭之間。淺層布有足背中間皮神經(jīng)的趾背神經(jīng)和足背淺靜脈網(wǎng)。深層有跖背動(dòng)脈的分支趾背動(dòng)脈,跖背靜脈的屬支趾背靜脈。頭痛、牙痛、毒蛇咬傷、腳背紅腫、足趾麻木等。向上斜刺0.5-1寸。或點(diǎn)刺出血。②出《靈樞·九宮八風(fēng)》。指八主的來風(fēng)。 1. Bafeng (EX-LE 10) A set of extra points, originally from Qixiao Liangfang(Pre- scriptimis of Wonderful Efficacy ), also named Bachong, Yindubaxue. (Location) eight points on the instep of both feet, at the junc- tion of the red and white skin proximal to the margin of the webs between each two neigh- boring toes. (Fig. 3.) ( Regional anatomy) The layer anatomy of Bafeng (EX-LE 10) be- tween the great and 2nd toes is the same as that in Xingjian(LR 2). The layer anatomy of Bafeng(EX-LE 10) between the 2nd and 3rd toes is the same as that in Neiting(ST 44). The layer anatomy of Bafeng(EX-LE 10) be- tween the 4th and little toes is the same as that in Xiaxi (GB 43). The layer anatomy of Bafeng (EX-LE 10) between the 3rd and 4th toes is: skin —— subcutaneous tissue —— between tendons of long and short extensor muscles of 3rd and 4th toes——between heads of 3rd and 4th metatarsal bones. In the superficial layer, there are the dorsal digital nerve of the inter- mediate dorsal cutaneous nerve of the foot and the superficial venous network of the foot. In the deep layer, there are the dorsal digital artery from the dorsal metatarsal artery, and the dorsal digital vein to the dorsal metatarsal vein. < Indications > headache, toothache, snakebite, redness and swelling at the dorsum of foot, numbness of toes, etc. (Method) Punc- ture 1 cun obliquely upwards or prick to cause bleeding. 2. Eight Winds Oringnally from Lingshu: Jiu Gong Ba Feng (Miraculous Pivot: Nine Palaces and Eight Winds) , referring to the winds from the eight directions. 八關(guān)[bā guān] 經(jīng)外穴別名。即八邪。詳見該條。 Baguan Another name for the extra point Baxie(EX-UE 9). →八邪(p. 8) 八關(guān)大刺 [ba guan da ci ] 針刺方法,出《素問病機(jī)氣宜保命集》卷下。指針刺八邪出血的方法。用于治療煩熱甚者,或用于目疾睛痛欲出者。 Big Puncture at Baguan A needling tech- nique originally from Suwen: Bingji Qiyi Baoming Ji ( Plain Questions: Collection of Pathology, Five Motwns, Six Climatic changes and Health Preserving ), referring to the method of bleeding Baxie(EX-UE 9) by punc- turing it, used for treating severe dysphoria with a smothering sensation or eye pain with a prolapsing feeling. 八華[ba hua] 經(jīng)外穴名。見《經(jīng)外奇穴治療訣》。位于背部,以兩乳頭間距離的1/4為邊長(zhǎng),作一等邊三角形,一角頂置大椎穴上,底邊呈水平,下端兩角是穴。再以此三角形之一角頂置于上兩角之中點(diǎn),其下端兩角亦是穴。如此再量?jī)纱危驳冒搜?,稱八華。上六穴稱六華。炙治虛弱贏瘦、骨節(jié)疼痛、盜汗咳嗽等。 Bahua(EX-B) A set of extra pointSiseen in Jingwai Qixue Zhiluio Jue (Pithy Formulas for Treatment with Extra Points). (Location) on the back, take 1/4 of the distance between the two nipples as the side of an equilateral triangle, place the vertex angle on Dazhui(DU 14) point, and the base is horizontal. Two points are at the tips of the two basal angles. Move the triangle down and place the vertex angle on the midpoint between the above two points, another two points are at the basal an- gles of this triangle. Move the triangle down- ward another two times, and you will get four。






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