
出版時間:2012-9  出版社:中國國際廣播出版社  作者:夏洛蒂·勃朗特  頁數(shù):604  




  The moon was set, and it was very dark;Bessie car-ried a lantern,whose light glanced on wet steps and grav-el road sodden by a recent thaw. Raw and chill was thewinter morning: my teeth chattered as I hastened downthe drive. There was a light in the porter's lodge: whenwe reached it, we found the porter's wife just kindling herfire: my trunk, which had been carried down the eve-ning before, stood corded at the door. It wanted but afew minutes of six, and shortly after that hour hadstruck, the distant roll of wheels announced the comingcoach; I went to the door and watched its lamps approachrapidly through the gloom.  ‘Is she going by herself?' asked the porter's wife.  ‘And how far is it?'  ‘Fifty miles.'  What a long way ! I wonder Mrs Reed is not afraid totrust her so far alone.'  The coach drew up; there it was at the gates with itsfour horses and its top laden with passengers: the guardand coachman loudly urged haste; my trunk was hoistedup;I was taken from Bessie's neck, to which I clung withkisses.  ‘Be sure and take good care of her,' cried she to theguard, as he lifted me into the inside.  ‘Ay, ay!' was the answer: the door was slapped to,a voice exclaimed 'All right,' and on we drove. Thuswas I severed from Bessie and Gateshead; thus whirledaway to unknown, and, as I then deemed, remote andmysterious regions.  I remember but little of the journey; I only know thatthe day seemed to me of a preternatural length, and thatwe appeared to travel over hundreds of miles of road. Wepassed through several towns, and in one, a very largeone, the coach stopped; the horses were taken out, andthe passengers alighted to dine. I was carried into an inn,where the guard wanted me to have some dinner; but, asI had no appetite, he left me m an immense room with afireplace at each end, a chandelier pendent from the ceil-ing, and a little red gallery high up against the wall filled with musical instruments. Here I walked about for a longtime, feeling very strange and mortally apprehensive ofsome one coming in and kidnapping me; for I believed inkidnappers, their exploits having frequently figured inBessie's fireside chronicles. At last the guard returned;once more I was stowed away in the coach, my protectormounted his own seat, sounded his hollow horn, andaway we rattled over the ' stony street' of L -.  The afternoon came on wet and somewhat misty: as itwaned into dusk, I began to feel that we were gettingvery far indeed from Gateshead: we ceased to passthrough towns; the country changed; great grey hillsheaved up round the horizon: as twilight deepened, wedescended a valley, dark with wood, and long afternight had overclouded the prospect, I heard a wild windrushing amongst trees.  Lulled by the sound, I at last dropped asleep; I hadnot long slumbered when the sudden cessation of motionawoke me; the coach-door was open, and a person like aservant was standing at it: I saw her face and dress by thelight of the lamps.  ‘Is there a little girl calledjane Eyre here?' she asked.I answered ' Yes' , and was then lifted out; my trunk washanded down, and the coach instantly drove away.  I was stiff with long sitting, and bewildered with thenoise and motion of the coach: gathering my faculties, Ilooked about me. Rain, wind, and darkness filled theair; nevertheless, I dimly discerned a wall before me anda door open in it; through this door I passed with my newguide: she shut and locked it behind her. There was nowvisible a house or houses -for the building spread far-with many windows, and lights burning in some; wewent up a broad pebbly path, splashing wet, and wereadmitted at a door; then the servant led me through apassage into a room with a fire, where she left me alone.  I stood and warmed my numbed fingers over the blaze,then Ilooked round; there was no candle, but the uncer-tain light from the hearth showed, by intervals, paperedwalls, carpet, curtains, shining mahogany furniture: itwas a parlour, not so spaaous or splendid as thedrawing-room at Gateshead, but comfortable enough. Iwas puzzling to make out the subject of a picture on thewall, when the door opened, and an individual carryinga light entered; another followed close behind.  The first was a tall lady with dark hair, dark eyes,and a pale and large forehead; her figure was partly enve-loped in a shawl, her countenance was grave, her bear-ing erect.  ‘The child is very young to be sent alone,' said she,putting her candle down on the table. She considered meattentively for a minute or two, then further added.  ‘ She had better be put to bed soon; she looks tired: areyou tired?' she asked, placing her hand on my shoulder.  ‘A little, ma'am. '  ‘And hungry too, no doubt: let her have some sup-per before she goes to bed, Miss Miller. Is this the frrsttime you have left your parents to come to school, mylittle girl?'  I explained to her that I had no parents. She inquiredhow long they had been dead: then how old I was, whatwas my name, whether I could read, write, and sew alittle: then she touched my cheek gently with her forefin-ger, and saying, 'She hoped I should be a good child,'dismissed me along with Miss Miller.  The lady I had left might be about twenty-nine; theone who went with me appeared some years younger: thefirst impressed me by her voice, look, and air. MissMiller was more ordinary; ruddy in complexion, thoughof a careworn countenance; hurried in gait and action,like one who had always a multipliaty of tasks on hand:she looked, indeed, what I afterwards found she reallywas, an under-teacher. Led by her, I passed from com-partment to compartment, from passage to passage, of alarge and irregular building; till, emerging from the totaland somewhat dreary silence pervading that portion of thehouse we had traversed, we came upon the hum of manyvoices, and presendy entered a wide, long room, withgreat deal tables, two at each end, on each of whichburnt a pair of candles, and seated all round on benches,a congregation of girls of every age, from nine or ten totwenty. Seen by the dim light of the dips, their numberto me appeared countless, though not in reality exceedingeighty; they were uniformly dressed in brown stuff frocksof quaint fashion, and long holland pinafores. It was thehour of study; they were engaged in conning over theirtomorrow's task, and the hum I had heard was the com-bined result of their whispered repetitions.  ……



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