出版時間:2009-11 出版社:中國福利會出版社 作者:姚歡遠 頁數(shù):70
喜鵲叫,客人到”,這是流行于我國的一句俗語。在中國的許多地方,喜鵲被視一為報喜的鳥。清晨,當(dāng)你打開門,在陽光下、在晨風(fēng)里,如果碰見喜鵲在樹梢、屋頂蹦跳、歡叫,心情就會變得格外愉快。古時候,人們看見喜鵲在枝頭嗚叫,就會認為當(dāng)天必定會有喜訊:或是貴客臨門,或是這一天出門辦事會很順利。這是因為以前交通不發(fā)達,傳遞信息費時,又沒有其他的通訊方式,遠方客人突然到來,常常使人喜出望外。這種說法,又漸漸擴展至各種喜事來臨的征兆,是一種民俗的體現(xiàn)?! ∧敲?,喜鵲到底為什么會受到老百姓的喜愛呢?一是因為它體形靈巧,姿態(tài)優(yōu)美,叫聲響亮,喜歡以昆蟲為食物。另外,喜鵲還有感應(yīng)氣象變化的能力。還有非常重要的一點,就是喜鵲的名字中帶有“喜”字,所以,喜鵲一直被人們看成是報“喜”的吉鳥。古人不僅認為喜鵲是吉祥的預(yù)兆,而且認為鵲巢也可以避邪。
MagpieBatGiant PandaPhoenixDogTortoise Crane"CarpChinese DragonLionRabbitSheepOxRatSnakeRoosterKylin
China is one of the countries which first developed fish industry, andthe history of raising fish can date back to thousands of years ago.As time goes by, the carp is endowed with rich cultural meanings. Thedesign that a carp jumps over the Dragon Gate is widely used.The word "li鯉(the carp)" has the same pronunciation with the word"li利 (profits)" in Chinese, so the carp is regarded as a symbol of theGod of Wealth who can bring wealth.The carp is prolific, so it is also an emblem of fertility. In someregions, when the bride walks out of the sedan chair, people will throwcopper coins. This custom is called "li yu sa zi (literally means thecarp lays eggs)".The carp symbolizes love and friendship. Ancient people used a fish-like board as an envelope. They called this kind of letter "yu shu(literally means fish letter)". The letter was also written on silk and wasput into the belly of a carp. This was called "yu chuan chi su (literallymeans the carp is used to convey letters)"In ancient times, the carp was seen as a sacred fish. People admiredit because it's able to swim against strong tides, so they believed thatthe carp had an ability to become a dragon and bring wind and water.