出版時間:1998-01 出版社:今日中國出版社 作者:楊茂宗
1. abandon, desert, forsake, discard
2. a bit. a bit of, do one's bit
3. ability, genius, gift, talent. aptitude, competence. capability. capacity
4. able, capable. competent
5. a many. many a
6. a moment, the moment
7. a (great) amount of, amounts of, a (great) deal of, a (great) lot of, (great)
number of, numders of, a great mass of, great masses of
8. accept, admlt, recelve
9. accident, incident, event, occurrence, happemngs
10. act, actlon, deed; act, act as, perform
11. acknowledge, admit, confess, own, recognize
12. acquaintance, assoclate, companion, friend
13. advantage, beneflt, interest, profit
14. advlce, counsel, opinion. view, proposal, suggestion, recommendation,
15. affair, matter, business
16. affect (vt. ), effect (n. ), influence (n.,.vt. )
17. agree, approve, assent, coincide. consent, concur, correspond, sanction,
18. aim at, aim to, be almed at
19. aim, goal, intention, purpose, design
20. alike. as, like, analogous. cognate, similar
21. all right, That's all right
22. alooe. lonely. lone. lonesome
23. allow, permit, promise, let
24. almost, nearly
25. anger, indignation, wrath, rage, fury, irritation
26. announce, assert, declare, proclaim, publish
27. answer, reply, respond
28. anxiety. care, concern, solicitude, worry, harassment, annoyance
29. argue, discuss, debate, dispute
30. area, region, district, quarter, county, township, zone
31. arise, rise, ascend, climb, mount. soar,
32. as to. as for, as regards. regarding, in regard to. with regard to, wjth
respect to, in respect to
33. ask, inquire, qusetion, interrogate
34. ask, beg, beseech, implore. entreat. solicit
35. assure. ensure, insure, guarantee, secure, promise
36. at will, with a will
37. attend, be present
38. attend to, be absurhed in
39. attend, accompany. escort
40. aware, conscious
41. base, basis. foundation
42. be afraid of, be fearful of, be frightened of, be scared of, be terrified of
43. bear. endure, put up with. stand, suffer, tolerate
44. be diasppointed at, be diasppointed of, be disappointed in (with)
45. (be) responsible for, (be) responsible to
46. beautiful, pretty, handsome. fair, lovely, good-looking
47. be about to. be to
48. be tired of, tire of; tired out, be tired with (from)
49. begin, commence, start
50. before long, long before
51. believe, believe in; confide, confide in trust, trust m; convince
52. belong to, belong in, belong on
53. below, beneath, under, underneath
54. beside, besides
55. besides. except. except for, in addition to
56. big, large, great
57. borrow. lend. loan
58. bother. disturb, trouble, annoy, irrttate
59. boat, ship. vessel, craft
60. broad, wide
61. build, construct, erect, establish, found. set up
62. busy with, busy in
63. but, but form, except for
64. by and by, by the by, by the bye, by the way, by way of
65. by comparison, in comparison, beyond comparison
66. by turns. in turn, out of turn. take one's (a) turn. take turns, turn and turn
(take turn) abou
67. buy, purchase, get, order
68. call a meeting (conference), call the meeting (cont'erence) to order, preside
at (over) a meeting (conference), be an observer at (of) meeting (conference),
adjourn. confer, summon (togetber), convene, convoke
69. call, summon. invite
70. can but, cannot but, cannot help, cannot...too...
71. care, care about, care for, care to, mind
72. caricature, burlesque, parody, travesty
73. carry, bring, fetch, get, take, convey, transport
74. carry on, carry on with, carry out, carry through
75. catch, capture, seize, grasp, clutch, arrest
76. cause, occasion, reason, motive
77. center, middle
78. cease, halt, pause, stop
79. certain, sure, confident. self-confident, assured, self-assured
80. chance, opportunity
81. change, alter, vary, transform, transmute, convert
82. cheat. decelve, trick, delude, impose, defraund, swindle
83. check, arrest, stop, restrain, curb
84. cheerful, cheery, cheering, glad, happy, joyful, joyous
85. choose, select, elect, pick
86. circumstance(s), environment, surroundings
87. claim, demand, request, require
88. clear. apparent, evident, obvious, distince, plain
89. clothing, clothes. costume, dress, garment, attire, garb, habit, robe
90. combine, connect, join, unite, associate
91. comfort, console, relieve. solace
92. common, general, mutual, ordinary, popular, universal
93. compare, compare to, compare with, can't compare with (to) , be not to be
compared with, comtrast
94. complex, complicated, intricate, knotty, involved
95. complete, finish, conclude. accomplish, fulfil, end, achieve
96. continual, continuous, constant, ceaseless, incessant
97. contrive. devise, invent, frame, concoct
98. count, calculate. work out
99. conter, consult, consult wjth, talk over with
100. crime, offense. sin. vice, transgression
101. cry, bellow, exclaim, shout, scream, shriek, screech, yell
l02. couple, a couple of, in couples, coupled with; pair, in pairs, make a pair
l03. cure, heal, remedy
104. damage, detriment, harm, hurt, injury, loss, mischief, wound
105. dark, dim, gloomy, obscure, vague
106. decide, decide on (upon); determine, be determined i resolve, be resolved
on(upon); make up one's mind
107. decorate, adorn. deck, embellish, garnish, ornament
108. dead, deceased, lifeless, inanimate
109. deadly, deathly, mortal, fatal
110. dear, costly, expensive
lll. defeat, conquer. overcome, surmount, vanquish
112. defend, guard, protect, safeguard
113. desire, wish, hope, want, care, long. expect. look forward to
l14. differ from, differ in, differ from...in..., differ with (from), differ with
...in..., differ about (on, over)
115. different, varlous, divers, diverse, several, sundry
116. divide, separate, part
117. good for (sb. ), be good for, be good of one to v. , do (one) good, do
good to one
118. dodge. parry, sidestep, duck, shirk, fence, malinger
119. draw, drag, haul. pull, tug, tow
120. dozen, dozen of, dozens of
121. duty, obligation, responsibility
122. each, every
123. easy, facile, simple, light, effortless, smooth
124. effective, efficient, effectual, efficactous
125. effort, endeavor. application, exertion, striving
126. empty, vacant, void, blank
127. enemy, foe
128. excuse, pardon, forgive
129. excuse, apology, pretence (pretense), pretext
130. exercise, practice, drlll
131. famous. celebrated. renowned, well known, noted. notorious, illustrious
132. tace, fly in the face of, in one's face, in (the) face of, look in the face,
stare in the face
133. fail, fail in, fail to v, without fail
134. familiar, familiar to, familiar with
135. familiar, intimate. confidetial
136. far. by far. far and away; so far, so far so good
137. tar, distant, remote
138. farther, further
139.. feeling, feel, sensation, sentiment, sense, sensibility, perception,
140. fight for, fight over, fight with, fight against, fight with... against
141. fit, apt, fitting, befitting, adapted, proper, suitable, appropriate,
142. fix, establish, settle, fasten
143. flash, glitter, sparkle. glare, glimmer, gleam. glisten. glow, light,
shine, twinkle
144. flat. even, level, plane, plain. smooth
145. follow, succeed. ensue
146. food, provisions. rations, diet, table
147. foolish, silly, stupid, dull, fatuous
148. forbid, prohibit, interdict
149. form, shape, figure
150. forward, onward
151. foretell, predict, prophesy, forebode, presage. prognosticate
l52. freedom, liberty, independence
153. further, promote
154. futile, vain
155. gather, collect, assemble, muster, congregate
156. get, acquire, obtain, procure, secure, gain, win, earn
157. get along, get on
158 give, present, confer
159. grand, stately, noble
160. guess, conjecture, surmise
161. hand in hand, hand to hand, in hand, on hand, at hand
162. had better, had rather, would rather...-than
163. happen, occur, take place, chance, befall, come off, come to pass
164. harbor, port, haven
165. hard, difficult, arduous
166. hate, detest, abhor
167. have, hold. own, possess, havegot, occupy
168. healthy, healthful, wholesome, salubrious, salutary, sound
169. hear, listen to, listen for, listen in
170. help, aid, assist, relieve, succuur
l71. hesitate, falter, waver
172. hide, conceal, dissemble
173. high, tall, lofty
174. hint, intimate. insinuate
175. hold, contain, accommodate
176. honesty, integrity
177. honor (honour), homage, deference
178. hopelessness, despair, desperation
179. idea, notion. thought
180. ignorant, illiterate, uneducated
181. imagine, conceive
182. immediately, instantly, presently
183. impart, communicate
184. implement, instrument, tool
185. improve, better
186. inall, alltold. all in all
187. in charge (of), in the charge of (sb's charge), leave in charge of, put
sb. in charge of
188. in front of, in the front of
189. in point of, (be) on the point of, at the point of
l90. in case, in case of, in the case of ??
191. in the east of, to the east of, on the east of; east of, out East, back East
192. include. comprise, comprehend
l93. infer. conclude, deduce
194. inevitable, inescapable. necessary, unavoidable
195. joy, pleasure. delight
196. jump, leap. spring
197. just. fair, impartial
198. keen, eager, anxious
199. kind. sort
200. knowledge, information
201. last, final. ultimate
202. lead, guide, conduct, direct
203. lengthen, extend. prolong
204. like, be fond of, love, prefer
205. list. catalogue, roll
206. living, livelihood, support
207. load, burden
208. look, see
209. magnificent, splendid, superb
210. make. construct. fashion
211. mean, intend
212. mceting. rally, conference, coogress, assembly. gathering
213. motion. movement
214. muveon. advance, proceed
215. neat, tidy, trim
216. necessary, indispensable, essential
217. neglect. negligence
218. obstacle, obstruction, hindrace
219. obedient, docile, tractable, amenable, biddable, compliant
220. occupation, business. employment. profession
221. offend, affront, insult, outrage
222. opposite, contrary, contradictory
223. order, command. direct
224. outdo, excel, surpass, exceed
225. out of question, out of the question
226. penetrate, pierce
227. perform, execute, discharge
228. persist. persevere. insist
229. persuade, convince, prevail on (upon)/with
230. plan. design, project, scheme, program
231. pleasant, pleasing. pleased, agreeable, delightful, comfortable
232. pleasure, delight, joy, gladness ?
233. power, force, strength, might
234. practice, custom, habit, manners
235. praise. approve, commend
236. pretend, affect, assume. feign
237. prevlous, precedlng, prior
238. price, cost, charge, expense, fee, value, worth
239. prlde, conceit
240. product, produce, production
241. put, place. set, lay, lie
242. quality, property
243. qulck, fast, rapld, swlft
244. quiet, calm, stlll, composed, collected, silent
245. quote, cite
246. rase, lirt, elevte, exalt, beave, holst
247. rare, scarce
248. rash, reckless
249. raw, crude
250. ready, prompt
251. real, actual, true, posltive
252. reason, cause, ground(s)
253. reasonable, ratlonal
254. recover, reclaim, retrleve, restore. recuperate
255. refuse, reject, decline, repel
256. release, free, set free, liberate
257. reliable, trustworthy, trusty, trustful, credible, credulous
258. rely, depend
259. remember, recall, recollect, remlnd, put in mind of
260. repeat, repeatagain, reinterate
261. rescue, dellver from, save, salvage
262. result, effect. consequence
263. revere, reverence, respect, regard, honour, esteem, venerate, adore
264. rich, wealthy
265. ripe, mature
266. ruin, destruction
267. rule, govern, control, reign
268. safe, secure
269. salary, wages, pay. allowance
270. same, identical
271. satisfy. be satisfied wlth, content, content oneself with, be contented
272. satisfied, satisfactory, cootented, content, gratified
273. scarcely, hardly. barely ?
274. scope, rar.ge, compass
275. search. explore, rummage
276. search for, seek for, look for, feel for (after)
277. see, pereeive, observe
278. send, dispatch, forward, transmit, remit, route, ship '
279. separate. divide, part
280. series. sequence, succession
281. shake, tremble. quiver
282. sleep, go to sleep. drop (fall) asleep, be asleep, go to bed
283. slight. overlook, neglect, ignore. disregard
284. small. little. diminutive, tiny
285. smash, shatter. break, crush, crack, burst
286. social, sociable
287. sole, single, only, unique
288. solid. hard. firm
289. somebody. someone. some one
290. sometime. sometimes, some time
291. speak, talk. say. tell. state, address
292. special, particular, speciflc, especial, peculiar, individual
293. spend, expend. disburse, cost. take
294. siandard. criterion
295. stare. gaze. glare, gape. peer, gloat
296. stay. remain, linger. tarry, abide
297. stern, severe
298. stiff, rigid
299. stimulate. enliven, excite. galvanize, pique, quicken
300. strange. odd, peculiar, queer
301. street, avenue. road, way, path. lane
302. substance, matter, material
303. suffering, distress. mlsery
304. sufficent, enough, adequate
305. summary, digest
306. support, maintain. uphold, sustain
307. survive, outlast, outlive
308. surprise. astonish. amaze
309. suspect. distrust. doubt
310. sweat, perspiration
311. swing. sway, rock
312. tantamount. equal. equivalent
313. teach, instruct, educate, train, coach, tutor
314. think. reflect, meditate
315. threaten, menace
3l6. tired, weary, exhausted
317. tiresome, tedious
318. topic, burden, theme, subject, subject matter, tittle. headlng
319. toss, throw, cast, sling, pitch, hurl, fling
320. trade, commerce132. transfigure, metamorphose, transmogrify
322. trial, test, experiment
323. trip, journey, voyage, tour, travel
324. true, real, actual, positive
325. try, attempt, endeavor
326. turn, revolve, rotate, orbit, circle, move round, spin
327. upright, erect
328. upset, overtum
329. used to, would
330. useless, futile, fruitless, ineffectual
331. usual, customary, habitual, wonted, accustomed
332. valid, sound, cogent
333. valuable, precious
334. value, appreciate, esteem, treasure, cherisb
335. vanish, disappear. fade, evanesce, evaporate
336. variety, dlversity
337. very, quite, much, so
338. victory, conquest, trlumpb
339. view, scene
340. vlsitor, guest, caller, visitant
341. visit, pay a visit, call on, call at, go to see, call to see, drop in
342. vivify, quicken, animate, enliven
343. wait, await, expect
344. wake, awake, awaken, waken, wake up, rouse, arouse
345. walk, stride, plod, amble
346. wander, stray, ramble. range, roam
347. warn. caution, forewarn
348. wary, careful, caution, punctilious, scrupulous, meticulous, conscientious
349. watchtul, vigilant, alert
350. wave, breaker, ripple, roller, comber, surge, billow
351. way, method, manner
352. way, route. course. passage, pass, artery
353. weak, feeble, decrepit
354. weaken, undermine, debilitate, enfeeble
355. wear, dress. put on, have on
356. weapon. arms
357. weighty, heavy, burdensome
358. weird, eerie(eery), uncanny
359. wet, damp. moist
360. what time, when
361. when. while, as
362. whether, if
363. whole, total, entire, complete, perfect, gross, all
364. wise, bright, brllliant, clever, inlelligeni. sage. smart
365. with. through, by, because of. due to, owing to, on account of, thanks to
366. withstand, bear, endure, put up with, stand
367. withstand. oppose, reslst
368. wonderful, marvelous
369. wood, forest, grove, jungle
370. word, term. vocabulary
371. work, job. task
372. work, labour. toil
373. world, earth, globe
374. worry. annoy, harass
375. worth, worthy, worthwhile
376. wound, injure, hurt
377. wretched, miserable
378. wrong, mistake, error. sllp, fault
379. yield, submit
380. young, youthful, juvenile
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