
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:喬萬尼·薄伽丘 (Boccaccio.G)、孫英梅、 于偉 中國書籍出版社 (2009-01出版)  作者:(意) 薄伽丘 著 于偉  頁數(shù):277  






作者:(意大利)喬萬尼·薄伽丘 (Boccaccio.G) 編譯:孫英梅 于偉喬萬尼·薄伽丘(Giovanni Boccaccio,1313-1375)是意大利藝文復(fù)興時期主要代表作家。人文主義者。代表作《十日談》批判宗教守舊思想,主張“幸福在人間”,被視為文藝復(fù)興的宣言。




But Filomena, who was known for her extreme discretion, spoke up:"Ladies, I admit that Pampinea has put her arguments extraordinarily well. But that does not mean we should rush to follow her advice, as it seems you intend to do, Remember that we are all females, and even if some of us are young and inexperienced, we all know how females tend to use their intelligence when they are by themselves——I mean how very bad we are at controlling our own destinies without some man to guide us. we are fickle, quarrelsome, suspicious, faint-hearted and cowardly. For all of these reasons I very much fear, unless we take some guidance other than our own, that our company will very soon break up, and more dishonourably than we might wish. So I suggest that we should equip ourselves with such guidance before we begin our journey."Elisa then spoke:"It is certainly true that a woman's head is a man, and without men to lead us we seldom bring any undertaking to a good end. But how can we find these men? Each of us knows that most of her male relatives are dead, and those who remain alive have all run away from the same plague that we hope to escape. They have split into various companies of friends, some here and some there, and we don't even know where they are. It would not be proper to invite strangers to join us. And so, if we want to ensure our welfare, we really have to find a method of ordering our expedition so that, wherever we go for diversion and repose, no trouble or scandal will ensue."As this conversation was going on between the ladies,three young men happened to come into the church. They were young, but not so young that the youngest of them was less than twenty-five years of age. In these young men neither the perversity of the time nor the loss of friends and.






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