
出版時間:2007-3  出版社:中國標準出版社  作者:魏兆群  頁數(shù):543  


  進出口商品鑒定業(yè)務是一項涉外性很強的檢驗業(yè)務。它對鑒定人員在英語聽、說、讀、寫、譯方面有較高的要求。為適應我國加入世貿(mào)組織、對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易迅速發(fā)展的新形勢,進一步提高鑒定人員的外語水平和專業(yè)技能,由國家質檢總局檢驗監(jiān)管司組織、國家質檢總局檢驗檢疫科技委包裝鑒定專業(yè)委具體落實編寫了《進出口商品鑒定專業(yè)英語》一書。 為保持英語的規(guī)范性,本教材的課文和閱讀材料基本上選自英語國家的學術專著、期刊以及相關國際組織的正式文獻和檢驗檢疫法規(guī)。本教材在結構上采用了高等院校統(tǒng)編外語教材的體例,每課的內(nèi)容包括課文、生詞與詞組、課文注釋、練習、閱讀材料,課后附有與課文內(nèi)容相關的閱讀材料,旨在擴大讀者的閱讀量和知識面,課后配有大量多種不同層次的練習和問答,并配有參考譯文和練習答案。


Unit 1 Import&Export Conunoaity Inspection&Surveying Services in ChinaSupplementary ReadingsText A Pre—shipment InspectionText B IS0/IEC 17020:1998(Extracts)Text C Main Inspection and Quarantine OperationsUnit 2 Principal DimensionsSupplementary ReadingsText A A Tonne Is Not a Ton if It Is GRT NRT or DWTText B Maritime Transport of GrainsText C Chemical Tankers——The Liquid LinersUnit 3 Draft surveySupplementary ReadingsText A Determining the Known-—weight in Draft SurveyText B Trim Correction for DisplacementText C Harbour Density and ConstantUnit 4 Unloading Black Petroleum ProductsSupplementary ReadingsText A Petroleum RefiningText B Standard Guide for Petroleum Measurement TablesText C The Usage of ASTM Table 6A/6B/6CUnit 5 Measurement Surveys on Shore TankSupplementary ReadingsText A Shoreline and TanksText B A Brief Introduction tO Tank GaugingText C SamplingUnit 6 Sampling Bituminuous SubstancesSupplementary ReadingsText A Continuous SamplingText B Borings SamplingText C Grab Sampling。Unit 7 Liquefied Gas Cargo Measurement and CalculationSupplementary ReadingsText A Gas Carrier TypesText B Apparent Relative Density(Apparent Specific Gravity)Text C Liquefied Natural GasUnit 8 Weighing ApplicationsSupplementary ReadingsText A Vehicle WeighingText B Belt WeighingText C Load Cell DesignUnit 9 The Factors and Accuracy Concerning Measurement of Bulk CargoesSupplementary ReadingsText A The Measurement of UllagingText B The Shore InstallationText C The General Requirements of Survey ReportUnit 10 Causes of DamageSupplementary ReadingsText A Price Terms in Foreign TradeText B Bill of LadingText C 0ther Shipping DocumentsUnit 11 maritime Code of the People s Repulic of chinaUnit 12 Refrigerated CargoesUnit 13 Preparation of cargo HoldsUnit 14 Hatch Cleanliness SurveysUnit 15 Containerization參考譯文和練習答案




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