
出版時間:2012-6  出版社:中國紡織出版社  作者:北京服裝學(xué)院 編  頁數(shù):140  字?jǐn)?shù):100000  


  院長寄語  北京服裝學(xué)院服裝藝術(shù)設(shè)計專業(yè)2012屆優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)設(shè)計作品集和大家見面了!這里雖然只記錄了一部分學(xué)生的設(shè)計佳作,卻是北服服裝藝術(shù)設(shè)計學(xué)科不斷改革創(chuàng)新、不斷成長進(jìn)步的縮影。這些曾在今年春季中國國際時裝周“‘北京服裝學(xué)院 + 臺灣實踐大學(xué) + 法國MOD’ART’2012‘北服?SEVEN DAYS’優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)作品聯(lián)合展演”中亮相的作品,受到了服裝業(yè)和時尚界精英人士的高度認(rèn)可。他們驚艷于北服學(xué)生的創(chuàng)新能力和設(shè)計水平,感受到了北服的新氣息新風(fēng)貌,從而也看到了中國時裝業(yè)的美好未來。  This portfolio is 2012 BIFT graduation collection. These collections are designed by the students majored in Fashion Art and Design of BIFT. There are only a small part of graduation design in the portfolio, but it still can reflect how BIFT has been innovating and making constant progress. These designs titled by "BIFT?SEVEN DAYS Graduation Collection" were presented in a joint fashion show with Shih Chien University and MOD'ART International in 2012 China Spring Fashion Week. This show was highly appraised by the apparel industry and media, who were deeply impressed by the innovation and design quality of BIFT students, and commented these works provided them more expectations on the future of China's fashion industry.  作為北服的院長,我感到非常欣慰。雖然我們的教學(xué)還需要完善,學(xué)生的作品還有不小的提升空間,但是我們的老師、我們的學(xué)生一直很努力,他們?yōu)榱藢W(xué)校的榮譽,也為了自己的夢想。我由衷地祝賀大家也感謝你們——老師們、同學(xué)們,你們不愧為北服的優(yōu)秀代表,我為你們感到榮耀和自豪!  As the president, I am very proud of these students. Our teachers and students have been working very hard because they are always trying to improve and innovate. They are making great efforts to pursue their dreams and honors. I would like to congratulate them and show my respect to their work.  當(dāng)今設(shè)計界處在技術(shù)發(fā)展與觀念創(chuàng)新立體交叉的高速通道,中國服裝藝術(shù)設(shè)計教育也在傳承與革新中探索著符合中國產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展并具國際競爭力的人才培養(yǎng)戰(zhàn)略,校企聯(lián)合、產(chǎn)學(xué)研互動成為設(shè)計教育改革與創(chuàng)新的核心內(nèi)涵。近五年來,北服服裝學(xué)科建立的校外實習(xí)基地已近百家,提供贊助獎學(xué)金的企業(yè)超過10個,簽約十年以上的研究中心、實驗室、工作室有3家,為學(xué)生項目教學(xué)、創(chuàng)新實踐和產(chǎn)業(yè)實習(xí)奠定了良好基礎(chǔ)。每年的畢業(yè)設(shè)計,從物料、設(shè)備、技術(shù)和資金等各個方面,北服都受到了企業(yè)的鼎力支持,也讓學(xué)生受益匪淺。在此,我代表北京服裝學(xué)院向多年來給予我們諸多幫助和支持的企業(yè)、老總和設(shè)計師們,致以崇高的敬意和誠摯的感謝!  Design nowadays is in the high-speed channel of  technology development and the concept of innovation. Chinese art and design education is evolving new strategies to cultivate students so that they can adapt to the China apparel industry and the increasing international competition. The cooperation between  enterprises and universities, and the interaction between business community and academia are becoming the critical aspects of the education reform and innovation. In the recent five years, BIFT has established more than 100 internship bases with enterprises. Over ten scholarship have been sponsored. There are three research centers funded by a ten-year contract. Furthermore, many enterprises provide materials, equipments, technology and funding support for the graduation collection. Please allow me on behalf of BIFT to express high respect and sincere thanks to all the friends, enterprises, and designers.  面對21世紀(jì)全球經(jīng)濟、產(chǎn)業(yè)、市場的變革,面對“西方轉(zhuǎn)向東方”的時代機遇,起步晚、發(fā)展快的中國服裝與時尚產(chǎn)業(yè)必須面向世界、面向未來,國際視野的交流、借鑒、互聯(lián)、融合成為必然的選擇。今年春季的中國國際時裝周,北服邀請臺灣實踐大學(xué)、巴黎國際時裝藝術(shù)學(xué)院三校聯(lián)合發(fā)布優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)作品,同期承辦ITAA國際高端論壇。北服的時尚舞臺日益開放、交融,也彰顯了中國服裝設(shè)計教育的發(fā)展與創(chuàng)新,這些努力必將促進(jìn)中國服裝產(chǎn)業(yè)、創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)的進(jìn)一步成熟壯大,同時也將活躍北京作為文化之都、設(shè)計之都、時尚之都的世界都市氛圍,樹立北京作為中國時尚策源地與創(chuàng)新人才庫的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者地位。我有信心,在大家的持續(xù)努力下,北京服裝學(xué)院必將成為中國領(lǐng)先、國際知名的時尚設(shè)計大學(xué),希望每一位從北服走出去的畢業(yè)生,都能將大學(xué)給予你們的綜合的跨界的教育與訓(xùn)練,形成創(chuàng)造和創(chuàng)新的自我能力,為國家的時尚與創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)做出應(yīng)有的貢獻(xiàn)?! e are facing complex global economy, industry and market changes in the 21st century. China apparel industry has been making rapid progress though we just started a few decades ago. The focus is being transferred from west to east. Nevertheless, international communication, integration, and interconnection become a certain trend. In the China Spring Fashion Week, BIFT invited Shih Chien University and MOD'ART International to present a joint fashion show.  At the same time, we held  ITAA international academic conference. The development of BIFT to some extend represents the development and innovation of China fashion design education. All these efforts would definitely promote the apparel industry and creative industry in China. Moreover, this will further motivate Beijing to be a city of culture, creation, and fashion. I believe that BIFT will be China's leading and internationally renowned design university through our constant efforts. I hope that all the graduates will contribute to the fashion and apparel industry by what they have studied, experienced, and trained in BIFT.




Section 1 逆向Section 2 融化的冰山Section 3 綻放Section 4 凝聚Section 5 很正經(jīng)Section 6 不羈Section 7 苦旅Section 8 邊緣工作人員名單“北服.SEVENDAYS”優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)設(shè)計獎學(xué)金獲獎學(xué)生及作品名稱鳴謝模特


  開篇語  你現(xiàn)在翻開的這本作品集,便是我?! ∈俏业膲粝?,是我的熱愛,是我的理念,是我的技術(shù),是我的汗水,是我的欣慰。  是我未來的開始。  你教給我太多。  你的嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),你的創(chuàng)新,你的開放,你的鼓勵。  三百多名勤懇專業(yè)的老師,百余間設(shè)備齊全的教室,近百家實習(xí)試驗基地?! ∧闶俏易允贾两K的堅實后盾。  所以未來的路上  我要成為你的驕傲?! ∧愕臍v史,我的傳承;你的文化,我的創(chuàng)新;你的發(fā)展,我的努力。  前方或是成功、或是困難,我會執(zhí)著,我有信心,  因為無論紐約、巴黎、米蘭、倫敦、北京,我的夢想是要世界矚目東方升起的光?!  ?/pre>




    北京服裝學(xué)院服裝藝術(shù)與工程學(xué)院2012屆畢業(yè)設(shè)計作品集 PDF格式下載

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