
出版時間:2011-3  出版社:中國紡織出版社  作者:楊佳 編  頁數(shù):276  




Chapter 1 It Never Will Rain Roses  天上不會掉下玫瑰來  The Farmer and His Sons  The Carter and Hercules  Precious Hands  A Wealthy Man  The Hare and the Tortoise  The Two Gardeners  The Hunter and the Woodman  The Ant and the Grasshopper  The Shipwreck of Simonides  The Lark and Her Young Ones  Deep Spring  Zeus and SnakeChapter 2  Dare and Become Better  要敢于,更要善于  Clever Monkey  The Fawn and His Father  The river and the Rock  The Sparrow and the Elephant  The Load  Three Philosophers  The Goat and the Fox  A Silly Village Headman  The Monkeys and the Bell  The Crow and the Buffalo  The Dog and the Hare  The Bear and the Two Travelers  The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion  The Lazy Donkey  The Lion and the Mouse  The Dog in the MangerChapter 3 Be Careful, Don't Be Cheated  多種鮮花,少栽荊棘  The Fox and the Cicada  The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing  The Fox and the Crow  The Farmer and the Fox  The Cat and the Birds  The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf  The Thief and the Innkeeper  The Fox without a Tail  The Merchant and His Friend  The Horse and the Groom  Chapter  Each Sethack Is like a Hidden Gift from Above  An Optimist  Eagles in a Storm  ……


  Long, long ago, there was a farmer in a little village. He lived with his wife, ayoung son and his own old father. Every day, the farmer‘s wife wove cloth to makesome extra money for the family. As time passed, the farmer’s father became very old and weak. He could nothelp them in any work at all. The farmer and his wife felt that he was a burden tothem. They no longer took good care of him.  The old man was given only a little food to eat and old, torn clothes to wear.Sometimes, without his parents‘ knowledge, the farmer’s son would give the old mansome extra food. He loved his grandfather very much.  One day, the boy‘s parents found out about the extra food and they scolded theirson. The old man often mumbled unhappily to himself, and the farmer and his wifegrew more and more impatient with him. The farmer finally decided to put his fatherin a large basket, take him to a faraway place, and leave him there.  “What if the neighbors ask about him?” asked the farmer’s wife worriedly.  “We‘ll just say that he’s gone to spend his last days in a holy place,” answeredthe farmer. They did not know that their son had overheard their conversation.  The next day, when the farmer went out to buy the basket, the boy asked hismother, “Why do you want to chase grandfather away?”  ……





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