出版時間:1970-1 出版社:東華大學組織 中國紡織出版社 (2010-09出版) 作者:東華大學組織 編
The 12th International Wool Research Conference (IWRC 2010) is organized by the NationalEngineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles, Donghua University, and is held on 19th- 22nd October, 2010, in Shanghai, China. The International Wool Research Conference has gonethrough a glorious history for 55 years. In 1955, the first conference was held in Melbourne, Australia.There have been held 11 conferences up to now at 5 yearly intervals, which were hosted inMelbourne-Australia (1955), Harrogate-UK (1960), Paris-France (1965), Berkeley-California, USA(1970), Achen-Germany (1975), Pretoria-South Africa (1980), Tokyo-Japan (1985), Christchurch-NZ(1990), Biella-Italy (1995), Aachen-Germany (2000) and Leeds-UK (2005). It is clearly that theconference has fulfilled all the ideals and expectations of its founders. It is a first class forum for thedissemination of latest research results both in terms of the presentation materials and in terms ot~informal interactions and it has become a wool textile international event with an enduring traditionand profound effect worldwide. Scholarships have been continued to be made available to encouragethe participation of young scientists from around the world who focus on the research of wool textilefield.
《第十二屆國際羊毛會議論文集(英文版)(套裝共2冊)》內(nèi)容簡介:National Engineering Research Center for Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile (Ministry of Education)。College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Donghua University, China。
Volume I目錄:Section A: Wool Structure, Raw Wool ProcessingDevelopment and Utilization of Animal Wool FibersYAO Mu, CHEN Meiyu, SUN Runjun, LAI Kan, YAO HuaDeveloping "Eco-wool" Compliant Supply Chains for Australian WoolCAI Jackie, RUSSELL Ian, PIERLOT AnthonyAdvances in Wool Carpet TechnologyINGHAM Peter, MEADE Warren, McNEIL StevenWool Production, Processing and Use - Environmental Aspects RUSSELL IanPreserving Wool Fibre Quality - Principle for Processing Australian Superfine Wool]rANG ShourenIdentification of Marker Peptides in Fine Animal Hair for Discrimination with Regard to Species and BreedKOERNER Andrea, SAREIAN Shiva, ELBERS Gereon, HENKEL Corinna, MOELLER MartinImprovements on Bleaching Process of Human Hair Produced by Stretching-Setting TreatmentLIN Lin, LI RongEffect of Stretching-Setting Treatment on Dyeing Behavior of WoolLIN Lin, LI RongEffect of Fiber Morphology and Dimensions on Fuzzing and Pilling of Wool Knitted FabricsWAN Ailan, YU WeidongEffect of the Stretching Speed on Slenderized Wool by StretchingYAO Jiangwei, YU WeidongThermal Denaturation Behavior of IFs/IFAP Structures in Merino Wool in a HPDSC under Conditions of IntermediateKYOHEI JokoDigitization Reformation of Control System of Wool Carding MachineWANG ShuaL MA ChongqL LIU RongxingStudy on the Antibacterial Properties of Superfine Wool Powder Part I: ExperimentZHANG Hongjie, ZHONG Zhili, FENG Lili, WANG XungaiImpact of the Morphological Characteristics of Fibre on Pilling of Wool FabricsWANG Ting, YU WeidongResearch on Slenderizing Wool Fiber by NaOH/Glycol SolutionGUO Jing, LI JiaxuanStudy on Wool Refining with AgentsZttANG Wei, YU HongqinCuticle Modifications and Dyeing Property of Ultrasonically Scoured WoolLI Qing, HURREN Christopher J.., WANG XungaiMierostructures of Tibetan Yak Hair Using SEM and AFMZUO Qiu, CHEN Wuyong, ZHANG TaoPreparation of Sheep Fur Treated with Silver NanoparticlesWANG Xuan, YANG Weite, LI hui, CHEN Wuyong……Section BSection CVolume II目錄:Section C: Textile Chemistry / Dyeing and Finishing TechnologyColoring Matching of Natural Food Pigment Wool Dyeing ResearchZHU Xia, MENG QingtaoPreparation and Application of Polymer Microemulsion as Binder for Pigment Printing on FabricsMlN.lie, LI JianliDyeing Properties of Prodigiosin PigmentPANHong, ZHAO Tao, ZHONG MianguoPreparation of Chitosan and Its Application on Silk Fabric Dyeing with Mugwort ExtractionJid YanmeiDyeability of Cotton Treated with Silk Peptide Dyed With Black Tea DyestuffJIA Yanmei, JI Yaohao, Meng XiaoStudy on Hydrophobie-Modified Poly(ethylene terephthalate) by Copolymerization and BlendsJIN Jian, WANG Xue, XIAO ChangfaRecent Advances in Biotechnology and Wool ResearchCHENG Wenhong, ZHOU QichengResearch on Improving the Wet Fastness of Reactive Dyes for Wool DyeingZHANG Qingfu, YANG Wenfang, NIU JiarongOganic-lnorganic Coagulant for Treatment of Desizing WastewaterDU Juan, DING Liying, LUOYan, ZHONG lq, WANG Jiaoning, LUOZhijieApplication of Rare Earth Complexes in the Dyeing of Cotton/Wool BlendsCHEN Zhixiang, QIAN Junnan, YAN KeluSurface Characterization of Polytetrafluoroethylene Films Treated with Atmospheric Pressure PlasmaCHEN Kui, GAO ,ling, YU Jianyong, DIdO Ying, XU JinzhouSurface Gratting Polymerization and Modification on Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) Films by Means of Plasma TreatmentCHEN Kui, GAO Jing, YU Jianyong, XU Tiangui, MA FtziThe Deodorant and Antimicrobial Activities of Wool Fabrics Treated with 13-cyclodextrin and ChitosanHU Chunyan, LIU Dongliang, WANG Li, YAN KeluInfluence of IOB Value on Release and Dyeing Properties of Microencapsulated Disperse DyesLUO Yah, QI Yi, ZttONG Yi, DU JuanKey Factors for Blended Polysulfone / Wool YarnWEI Yiwen, WANG Yongming, ZttANG ZhenhuSection D: Environmental Treatment and the Reclamation of Wastes, Hair Cosmetic Chemistry and Fine Chemicals, Leather Science and EngineeringCu2+ Uptake Mechanism of Feather Fibre Based on SpectroscopyLU Lu, WANG Hong, KE Qinfei, JIN Xiangyu……Section ESection F
插圖:Native proteases tend to hydrolyse the inner part of wool through cell membrane complex (CMC) [1-3],so wool anti-felting researchers focused on the problem ofprotease non-surface hydrolysis in recent years.In 2005, W. H. Cheng [4] first proposed a genetic modification method in PhD thesis: there were twokinds of bonds in wool cuticle, peptide bonds and disulfide bonds. It was the rich disulfide bonds thatprevented native protease to hydrolyse wool cuticle. Cheng's opinion was to combine protease andprotein disulfide isomerase or thioredoxin together genetically to get a chimeric multifunctional enzyme,this chimeric enzyme was expected to eatalyse the hydrolysis of peptide bonds and disulfide bonds both.It was a pity that there was no soluble and active recombinant enzyme (fusion of DNA sequence coding_for papain and thioredoxin) in Cheng's post Ph.D. work (data not published). In 2008, Amujo R. et al [5]genetically modified subtilisin E, they increased its molecular weight to be 3-5 fold as the native protease.The results were not promising either. Forttmately, in 2009, Araujo R. et al [6] successfully constructed anovel high molecular weight subtilisin, based on the fusion of the DNA sequences coding for Bacillussubtilis prosubtilisin E and for an elastin-like polymer. The resulting fusion protein was biologicallyproduced in Escherichia coli, purified and used for wool finishing assays. When compared to thecommercial protease Esperase, the recombinant subtilisinE-VPAVG(220) activity was restricted to thecuticle of wool, allowing a significant reduction of pilling, weight loss and tensile strength loss of woolfibers. That was, for the first time, the microbial production of a funetionalized high molecular weightvrotease for controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of wool surface.