
出版時間:2004-10  出版社:凱瑟琳、郭平建、 等 中國紡織出版社 (2005-04出版)  




簡介  流程圖設計提要分析創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)新能力訓練培養(yǎng)設計能力-快速啟運訓練靈感研究流行趨勢研究  流行預測  流行循環(huán)  時裝與藝術  亞文化/街頭風格設計過程  簡介  設計拓展  色彩  廓型  比例  了解織物  結構  基本裙型  基本上衣型  裙子/裙片  裙子/裙裥  連衣裙  基本褲型  基本袖型  原型  裝飾為細分市場設計系列服裝設計決策電腦設計促銷/圖形設計促銷/造型設計求職作品集時裝界的職位  新聞助理  公共關系  買家助理  高街商店助理設計師  助理設計師  視覺營銷  舞臺服裝設計師  期刊編輯  流行預測師  產品開發(fā)  紡織品代理  招聘顧問  新興媒體促銷  供貨商案例研究  簡介  靈感研究  流行趨勢研究  面料開發(fā)  設計拓展  設計拓展-全套服裝  全套童裝-童裝  印花開發(fā)-童裝  效果圖  原型  促銷/平面設計  促銷/促銷設計參考書目索引






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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   這本書是一個相當于概論的東西,各方面都有涉及,英文版送光盤,里面有pdf文件格式的電子書,基本上是書的原版翻錄,我同學買了中文版,配合使用,還挺不錯的~~~
  •   我正準備買這本書,看了內容簡介,好象只有英文沒有中文,道底是不是雙語教材,沒弄清楚前還不能買。
  •   原版,正品,快遞也好給力,總之我很滿意,第一次亞馬遜購物,很喜歡!
  •   有沒有誰知道,請告知
  •     fashion design:process,innovation&practice
      the desire to make a difference in the fashion world drives me to read the book.
      this is a fashion text book for the fashion design marjor student.although i'm not a student major in fashion,i can also learn a lot about fashion world in this book.
      innovation is the very important part of the book.and how to be smart?
      1 brainstorming
      2 review and reflection
      3 enquiry exercise and motivation
      4 alternative uses
      5 association and scenarios
      6 twenty questions
      7 lateral thinking puzzles
      8 how things work
      9 why things don't work
      10 natural phenomena
      11 a day in the life of.....
      12 have a go
      13 doing things differently
      14 magic tricks
      15 analogies
      16 knowledge transfer
      17 diary or log-book
      18 summary
      and how to develop designs?
      1 personal inspiration concepts:look at films,exhibitions,galleries,museums,books,magzines,architecture,photography,theatre,travel,the internet
      2 research direction:look at textile view,view on colour,interior view,worth global style network(WGSN),international textiles,the collezioni series,prediction companies,if you have access,the internet
      3 research:look at trade fairs,trade exhibitions,directional retail report,comparative retail report if you have a product to begin with,mintel and keynote statistics,
      graphics,promotional styling
      4 design development on paper:look at shape\silhouette,volume,proportion,scale,exagerration,cut\construction,colour combinations
      5 textiles:look at colour,print,pattern,surface decoration,texture,weaves,hand painting,combinations of two or more of the above
      6 technical development in 3 dimensions:look at colour combinations,samples of finishes,samples of details,fabric finishes,pattern cutting,working on the stand with faric-draping,pleating,sculpting
      fashion and art:wearable art&conceptual clothing
      sub-culture\street style
      design process:colour silhouette construction fabrication prototypes embellishment
      understanding faric:handling
      faahion careers
      1 press assistant
      2public relations
      3 assistant buyer
      4 assistant designer high street
      5 assistant designer
      6 visual merchandising:retail experience\window display
      7 the costune designer
      8 working for a magzine
      9 fashion predictor
      10 product development
      11 textile agent
      12 recruit consultant
      13 new media promotion
      14 supplier

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