
出版時(shí)間:2009-3  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:查爾斯·狄更斯  頁數(shù):1401  字?jǐn)?shù):1257000  


Literature masterpieces usually mirror the culture of a country or areain a specific period of time. By reading these masterpieces, we canenjoy the authors' fluent writing styles, vivid and detailed description,which will place us in that specific period's history and culture. Forthis purpose we present the series of world literature classics to thereaders.The selection was made based on suggestions of many professionalliterature translators and literary scholars. And these selectedbooks were edited in accord with the original works. Making noabridgements or changes, we attempt to maintain the original style andflavor of these novels. By reading them, you will have a better understanding of westernhistory and culture, and your English level will be improved a lotbefore you realize it. This series of classics will lead you to the wonderful English world!


本書收錄了他的4部小說:《大衛(wèi)·科波菲爾》《艱難時(shí)刻》《雙城記》和《遠(yuǎn)大前程》?!峨p城記》描寫了1789年法國(guó)革命;《艱難時(shí)刻》描寫了勞資矛盾;《大衛(wèi)·科波菲爾》是半自傳體的小說;《遠(yuǎn)大前程》揭示了愛、忠誠(chéng)和良心比財(cái)富和社會(huì)地位要更為重要?!  兜腋菇?jīng)典作品集》收錄了《霧都孤兒》、《艱難時(shí)世》、《雙城記》和《遠(yuǎn)大前程》等四部作品?!兜腋菇?jīng)典作品集》為英文版。查爾斯•狄更斯是19世紀(jì)英國(guó)批判現(xiàn)實(shí)主義小說家。狄更斯特別注意描寫生活在英國(guó)社會(huì)底層的“小人物”的生活遭遇,深刻地反映了當(dāng)時(shí)英國(guó)復(fù)雜的社會(huì)現(xiàn)實(shí),為英國(guó)批判現(xiàn)實(shí)主義文學(xué)的開拓和發(fā)展做出了卓越的貢獻(xiàn)。 狄更斯一生中共創(chuàng)作了十余部長(zhǎng)篇小說,其中《老古玩店》、《董貝父子》、《艱難時(shí)世》、《雙城記》等為我國(guó)讀者所熟知。      查爾斯•狄更斯是19世紀(jì)英國(guó)批判現(xiàn)實(shí)主義小說家。狄更斯特別注意描寫生活在英國(guó)社會(huì)底層的“小人物”的生活遭遇,深刻地反映了當(dāng)時(shí)英國(guó)復(fù)雜的社會(huì)現(xiàn)實(shí),為英國(guó)批判現(xiàn)實(shí)主義文學(xué)的開拓和發(fā)展做出了卓越的貢獻(xiàn)。 狄更斯一生中共創(chuàng)作了十余部長(zhǎng)篇小說,其中《老古玩店》、《董貝父子》、《艱難時(shí)世》、《雙城記》等為我國(guó)讀者所熟知。本書收錄了《霧都孤兒》、《艱難時(shí)世》、《雙城記》和《遠(yuǎn)大前程》等四部作品。本書為英文版。




1 Oliver Twist2 Hard Times3 A Tale of Two Cities4 Great Expectations


插圖:"Think so?" said the undertaker in a tone which half admitted and halfdisputed the probability of the event. "The prices allowed by the boardare very small, Mr. Bumble.""So are the coffins," replied the beadle: with precisely as near anapproach to a laugh as a great official ought to indulge in.Mr. Sowerberry was much tickled at this: as of course he ought to be;and laughed a long time without cessation. "Well, well, Mr. Bumble," hesaid at length, "there's no denying that, since the new system of feedinghas come in, the coffins are something narrower and more shallow thanthey used to be; but we must have some profit, Mr. Bumble.Well-seasoned timber is an expensive article, sir; and all the iron handlescome, by canal, from Birmingham.""Well, well," said Mr. Bumble, "every trade has its drawbacks. A fairprofit is, of course, allowable.""Of course, of course," replied the undertaker; "and if I don't get aprofit upon this or that particular article, why, I make it up in thelong-run, you see - he! he! he!" "Just so," said Mr. Bumble. "Though I must say," continued the undertaker, resuming the currentof observations which the beadle had interrupted: "though I must say, Mr.Bumble, that I have to contend against one very great disadvantage:which is, that all the stout people go off the quickest. The people whohave been better off, and have paid rates for many years, are the first tosink when they come into the house; and let me tell you, Mr. Bumble,that three or four inches over one's calculation makes a great hole inone's profits; especially when one has a family to provide for, sir." As Mr. Sowerberry said this, with the becoming indignation of anill-used man, and as Mr. Bumble felt that it rather tended to convey areflection on the honour of the parish, the latter gentleman thought itadvisable to change the subject. Oliver Twist being uppermost in hismind, he made him his theme.






    狄更斯經(jīng)典作品集 PDF格式下載

用戶評(píng)論 (總計(jì)30條)


  •   查爾斯狄更斯是英國(guó)僅次于莎士比亞的文學(xué)大師。紙質(zhì)很好,拿在手里非常有分量,是一本需要耐心去認(rèn)真讀的好書!
  •   在學(xué)校時(shí), 只讀過譯文版的狄更斯的作品, 一直很期待看原版。 收到書, 質(zhì)量還不錯(cuò)!關(guān)于內(nèi)容我就不說什么了, 經(jīng)典作品!
  •   紙質(zhì)很好,清晰,涵蓋了狄更斯小說,非常值得購(gòu)買。
  •   打算暑假向狄更斯進(jìn)發(fā)與君共勉
  •   喜歡批判現(xiàn)實(shí)主義的。咋還送個(gè)小國(guó)旗呀,因?yàn)獒烎~島的事嗎?
  •   原以為是全譯本,結(jié)果是全英文的,就當(dāng)練習(xí)英語用吧。書本身很好。
  •   書本好厚,里面的內(nèi)容很豐富,但是對(duì)于一個(gè)英語不是很好的人來說,看起來可能還是有點(diǎn)難度。書本的質(zhì)量不錯(cuò),支持支持,假如外包裝再弄好點(diǎn)的話,那檔次就更高了。
  •   內(nèi)容不錯(cuò),印刷難得的好,紙張質(zhì)量也很好
  •   這個(gè)是一時(shí)興起想看買的,書本很厚。
  •   屯起來慢慢看,價(jià)格便宜量又足
  •   期望太高,書到手后有些遺憾??赡芗垙埐惶?。
  •   剛開始看,整體來說難度適中,但是仔細(xì)認(rèn)真的讀還是沒有多大問題的
  •   老舍說好看,我也覺得可以。
  •   智慧之書!
  •   適合收藏,很喜歡
  •   書厚了
  •   女兒買的,還不錯(cuò)
  •   書的紙質(zhì)挺不錯(cuò) 粗略的翻了一下 暫時(shí)沒看到錯(cuò)別單詞 挺喜歡的
  •   書有20多頁的印刷問題,雖然不太影響內(nèi)容
  •   好 很厚包裝漂亮,是再生紙
  •   一本好書受益終生
  •   書看得很舒服 選集也很好
  •   這個(gè)商品太舊了,我想送人的,現(xiàn)在都不好意思了,雖然紙質(zhì)還可以,但是很臟,唉,現(xiàn)在還在糾結(jié)要不要送給她呢。
  •   什么嘛,書又臟又破,包裝都沒有,而且好像是舊書,而且而且還變形了,給個(gè)極差的評(píng)論
  •   書很厚,都是英語原文版的,讀起來可能有些吃力,不過經(jīng)過一段時(shí)間的適應(yīng),也就沒撒子問題了??傊?,學(xué)好英語,閱讀很關(guān)鍵。
  •   硬皮像字典一樣,字體間距比我見過的所有外文書都大,不過沒有不舒服。感覺比我買的莎士比亞字體和間距一共大了一半了。有插圖,我還沒看完但是上面寫的經(jīng)典作品集而不是全集應(yīng)該就是有的沒有收錄進(jìn)去??傮w非常滿意~~
  •   很厚一本書啊,喜歡,可以慢慢讀了。
  •   就英文字體來說,字號(hào)確實(shí)大了點(diǎn),看上去不怎么舒服;其他都還行。
  •   比簡(jiǎn)奧斯丁的那本合集字大
  •   封面和紙張還算可以,但是字體的排版過大,行距過小,一致整個(gè)頁面讓人有種凌亂的感覺。是不是盜版還有待考證,不過這是我第一次網(wǎng)購(gòu)書,希望能買到正版。 可是看著這本書的排版,不得不懷疑自己是不是受騙了!



250萬本中文圖書簡(jiǎn)介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
