出版時間:2009-5-1 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:(英)伯恩斯 著 頁數(shù):374
世界文學(xué)名著表現(xiàn)了作者描述的特定時代的文化。閱讀這些名著可以領(lǐng)略著者流暢的文筆、逼真的描述、詳細(xì)的刻畫,讓讀者如同置身當(dāng)時的歷史文化之中。為此,我們將這套精心編輯的“名著典藏”奉獻(xiàn)給廣大讀者。 本書找來了專門研究西方歷史、西方文化的專家學(xué)者,請教了專業(yè)的翻譯人員,精心挑選了可以代表西方文學(xué)的著作匯編成《古希臘羅馬神話傳說》,并聽取了一些國外專門研究文學(xué)的朋友的建議,不刪節(jié)、不做任何人為改動,嚴(yán)格按照原著的風(fēng)格,提供原汁原味的西方名著,讓讀者能享受純正的英文名著。
作者:(英國) 伯恩斯 (Berens.E.M.)
PREFACEPART Ⅰ MYTHS INTRODUCTION First Dynasty Origin of the World Uranus and Gaea Second Dynasty Cronus (Saturn) Rhea Division of the World Theories as to the Origin of Man Third Dynasty Olympian Divinities Zeus (Jupiter) Hera (Juno) Pallas-Athene (Minerva) Themis Hestia (Vesta) Demeter (Ceres) Aphrodite (Venus) Helios (Sol) Eos (Aurora) Phoebus-Apollo Roman Apollo Hecate Selene (Luna) Artemis (Diana) Hephaestus (Vulcan) Poseidon (Neptune) Sea Divinities Oceanus Nereus Proteus Triton and the Tritons Glaucus Thetis Thaumas, Phorcys, and Ceto Leucothea The Sirens Ares (Mars) Mars Nike (Victoria) Hermes (Mercury) Dionysus (Bacchus) Aides (Pluto) Plutus Minor Divinities The Harpies Erinyes, Eumenides (Furiae, Dirge) Moirae or Fates (Parcae) Nemesis Night and Her Children. Death, Sleep, and Dreams Nyx (Nox) Thanatos (Mors) and Hypnus (Somnus) Morpheus The Gorgons Graeae Sphinx Tyche (Fortuna) and Ananke (Necessitas) Kero Ate Momus Eros (Cupid, Amor) and Psyche Hymen Iris (The Rainbow) Hebe (Juventas) Ganymedes The Muses Pegasus The Hesperides Charites (Gratiae) Graces Horae (Seasons) The Nymphs The Winds Pan (Faunus) The Satyrs Priapus Asclepias (Aesculapius) Roman Divinities Janus Flora Robigus Pomona Vertumnus Pales Picus Picumnus and Pilumnus Silvanus Terminus Consus Libitina Laverna Comus The Camenae Genii Manes Lemures (Larwe) and Lares Penates Public Worship of the Ancient Greeks and Romans Temples Statues Altars Priests Sacrifices Oracles Soothsayers (Augurs) Festivals Greek Festivals Eleusinian Mysteries Thesmophoria Dionysia Panathenaea Daphnephoria Roman Festivals Saturnalia Cerealia VestaliaPART Ⅱ LEGENDS Cadmus Perseus Ion Daedalus and Icarus The Argonauts Pelops Heracles (Hercules) Bellerophon Theseus Edipus The Seven against Thebes The Epigoni Alcmaeon and the Necklace The Heraclidae The Siege of Troy Return of the Greeks from Troy
插圖:The sea-god was the father of two giant sons called Otusand Ephialtes. When only nine years old they were said to betwenty-seven cubits in height and nine in breadth. Theseyouthful giants were as rebellious as they were powerful,even presuming to threaten the gods themselves withhostilities. During the war of the Gigantomachia, theyendeavoured to scale heaven by piling mighty mountains oneupon another. Already had they succeeded in placing MountOssa on Olympus and Pelion on Ossa, when this impiousproject was frustrated by Apollo, who destroyed them withhis arrows. It was supposed that had not their lives been thuscut off before reaching maturity, their sacrilegious designswould have been carried into effect.Pelias and Neleus were also sons of Poseidon. Theirmother Tyro was attached to the river-god Enipeus, whoseform Poseidon assumed, and thus won her love. Peliasbecame afterwards famous in the story of the Argonauts, andNeleus was the father of Nestor, who was distinguished inthe Trojan War.The Greeks believed that it was to Poseidon they wereindebted for the existence of the horse, which he is said tohave produced in the following manner: Athene andPoseidon both claiming the right to name Cecropia (theancient name of Athens), a violent dispute arose, which wasfinally settled by an assembly of the Olympian gods, whodecided that whichever of the contending parties presentedmankind with the most useful gift, should obtain theprivilege of naming the city. Upon this Poseidon struck theground with his trident, and the horse sprang forth in all hisuntamed strength and graceful beauty.