出版時間:2008-10 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:史威伯 頁數(shù):152
Its time to extend the benefits of Scrum greater agility, higher-quality products, and lower costs fromindividual teams to your entire enterprise. However, with Scrums lack of prescribed rules, the friction ofchange can be challenging as people struggle to break from old project management habits. In this book,agile-process revolution leader Ken Schwaber takes you through change management for organizationaland interpersonal processes explaining how to successfully adopt Scrum across your entire enterprise.A cofounder of Scrum, Ken draws from decades of experience, answering your questions through casestudies of proven practices and processes. With them, youll learn how to adopt and adapt Scrum inthe enterprise. And achieve profound levels of transparency in your development processes.Discover how to: Evaluate the benefits of adopting Scrum in any size organization Initiate an enterprise transition project Implement a single, prioritized Product Backlog Organize effective Scrum teams using a top-down approach Adapt and apply solutions for integrating engineering practices across multiple teams Shorten release times by managing high-value increments Refine your Scrum practices and help reduce the length of Sprints
史威伯,A 30-year veteran of the software development industry, Ken Schwaber is a leader of the agileprocess revolution and one of thedevelopers of the Scrum process.A signatoy of the Agile Manifestoin 2001, he subsequently foundedthe Agile Alliance and the ScrumAlliance. Ken authored AgileProject Management with Scrumand coauthored Agile SoftwareDevelopment with Scrum——andhas helped train more than 47,000cer tiffed Scrum Masters.
IntroductionPart Ⅰ Adopting Scrum1 What Do We Have to Do to Adopt Scrum?2 Scrum qua Scrum3 The First Year4 Against Muscle Memory——The Friction of Change5 Enterprises in TransitionPart Ⅱ Start Using Scrum for Enterprise Work6 Organizational Practices7 Engineering Practices8 People Practices9 The Relationship Between Product Management/Customer and the Development TeamPart Ⅲ AppendicesA Scrum 1, 2, 3B More About ScrumC Example Scrum Kickoff Meeting AgendaD Initial Enterprise Transition Product BacklogE Scrum Musings
Enterprises that see value in Scrum decide to move forward. This chapter presents cases of companies that have moved forward with Scrum. (Ihave changed the real names of the companies and people involved to fictitious names.) These were courageous enterprises, moti- vated by insight and need. No enterprise in its right mind would wholeheartedly start using Scrum otherwise. Adopting Scrum in an enterprise is like looking into the abyss, girding one- self for an epic journey, and then making the plunge. What.will be discovered and have to be conquered is different in each enterprise; what is common is the courage to start and then persist. Most enterprises that have a compelling need to change take the easy way out-they hire management consultants, buy another business to distract themselves, or reorganize. Scrum is soul-searching by examining failures and dysfunctions, not based on philosophical whim. It is a perilous journey, but probably the only one worth making, because it is the serious business of self-improvement. It is taking a hard look in the mirror every day, every month, and doing something about what one sees. Every enterprise that uses Scrum plots a different course. The people are different. The problems are different. The urgency of the problems is different. The only commonality is Scrum as a tool for change. Well look at enterprises Ive had experience with to illustrate some lessons that can help your enterprise effectively implement Scrum. In all of these examples, the companies saw value first and then plunged into Scrum adoption.toso Contoso builds value-added card products, such as gift cards issued in various dollar amounts. Customers include retailers, banks, insurance companies, and malls. It has a sophisticated core system, featuring a value-added card template that lets customers define the pecific features of their value-added card. The developers at Contoso customize the template to uniquely brand and sell the cards to consumers. Contosos ability in the past to rapidly create sophisticated products had made it a marketplace leader. For instance, if your company.