出版時間:2008 出版社:世界圖書出版公司(北京公司) 作者:V. Mukhanov 頁數(shù):421
This book is meant to be neither encyclopedic nor a sourcebook for the most recent observational data. In fact, I avoid altogether the presentation of data; after all the data change very quickly and are easily accessible from numerous available monographs as well as on the Intemet. Furthermore, I have intentionally restricted the discussion in this book to results that have a solid basis. I believe it is premature to present detailed mathematical consideration of controversial topics in a book on the foundations of cosmology and, therefore, such topics are covered only at a very elementary level.
作者:(德國)馬克翰維 (Mukhanov.v.)
Foreword by Professor Andrei LindePrefaceAcknowledgementsUnits and conventionsPart I Homogeneous isotropic universe 1 Kinematics and dynamics of an expanding universe 1.1 Hubble law 1.2 Dynamics of dust in Newtonian cosmology 1.3 From Newtonian to relativistic cosmology 2 Propagation of light and horizons 2.1 Light geodesics 2.2 Horizons 2.3 Conformal diagrams 2.4 Redshift 2.5 Kinematic tests 3 The hot universe 3.1 The composition of the universe 3.2 Brief thermal history 3.3 Rudiments of thermodynamics 3.4 Lepton era 3.5 Nucleosynthesis 3.6 Recombination 4 The very early universe 4.1 Basics 4.2 Quantum chromodynamics.and quark-gluon plasma 4.3 Electroweak theory 4.4 "Symmetry restoration" and phase transitions 4.5 Instantons, sphalerons and the early universe 4.6 Beyond the Standard Model 5 Inflation I: homogeneous limitPart lI Inhomogeneous universe 6 Gravitational instability in Newtonian theory 7 Gravitational instability in General Relativity 8 Inflation II:origin of the primordial inhomogeneities 9 Cosmic microwave background anisotropiesBibliographyExpanding universe (Chapters 1 and 2)Hot universe and nucleosynthesis (Chapter 3)Particle physics and early universe (Chapter 4)Inflation (Chapters 5 and 8)Gravitational instability (Chapters 6 and 7)CMB fluctuations (Chapter 9)Index